There is a little clawing occurring throughout.. I suspect the watering has to do with it.. I think I may let her go a little further this time with drying out and see what she does.. I’ve got 10ish days until she switches gears


You know what they never mention or talk about when it comes to raising boys? The urine.. my god the urine.. it’s everywhere, all the time.. I’ve even found it just on my washing machine.. just some pee sitting on a washing machine.. I swear it’s like they go to pee and are like “look no hands!” and go wherever the flow takes them smh.
Here she is today.. acting like she wants water but has it.. pot has weight, soils damp just below the surface still.. I’m gonna leave her be.. possibly even let her go dry tomorrow too since I should be adding my next fertilizer round around the 12th. Her growth areas are still pretty vibrant.. last time she was thirsty she had a dull color and appearance and now she still looks bright.. her leaves just don’t have that healthy vigor where they’re clearly trying to absorb as much light as possible.



I swear every time I look at her she’s grown a bit.. Tallest cola was 27 inches.. I had to pull both of them back a bit and secure them to be more level with the rest.. Im gonna have to do some thinking about how to take pictures.. the reflective background and super bright light make it so only specific angles really reveal everything



Yep, now she has the feed me coloring.. she’s a bit pale, the growth spots aren’t as vibrant and the pot is lighter. Tomorrow is the start of week 3 and I need to fertilize so im just gonna hold off and water her tomorrow morning. She’s not full on wilted so I’m not too worried



I wonder if allowing my plant to become so mature that she was throwing off pistils all over for a couple weeks before I moved her to flower is having an impact on her water demands.. Although I’m not sure because she was obviously still growing, she put on over half a foot since initiating flower so root growth was still occurring.

I’m at the beginning of week 3 tomorrow.. I believe the plant may be finishing up its stretch.. We’ll see what happens after I water her but today was the first day she didn’t look noticeably bigger. This could be due to her not getting water and throwing a fit or she could be gassing out her stretch.
Reading this from Emilya.. it sounds like my plant.. acting like it wants water even though it still has some down below.. but it started acting like that a few days after flower initiation which is what makes me think about how mature she was when I went flower. Either way.. it’s almost time to start keeping her moist for budding.

I was reading a thread about droughting your plants in week 7 for 11 days and am intrigued.. I’m not sure it’s something I want to attempt yet though.. I feel almost like I’m hobbling across the finish line battered, and bruised with this plant already 😂

Dang that girl has long legs😍😍😍😍😍😍
She’s definitely the perfect strain for manifold/mainline. I can see calyxes all over the bud sites.. I can’t wait to see her really start filling out.. she doesn’t smell yet unless I touch her or move her branches, then she throws off a powerful scent.

She really appreciated the feeding today.. she’s got her hands in the air now




Removing the larf isn’t going to be easy.. this things a damn bush now and a lot of the side branches are growing criss crossing each other.. it’s going to be hard to access deep enough to get at it.
When the time comes get comfortable and get right in there one cola at a time. Before you know it she'll be all trimmed up!
Flower Day 15. She really loved the feeding.. I’m still very wary about the potassium situation.. I just realized my calmag is 4-0-0 so I may need to look into replacing that since my fertilizers are already providing nitrogen, and I obviously won’t need that much nitrogen much longer





I don’t like the color I’m seeing on these leaves.. and the sort of circular shape (lensing effect) of the color.. reminds me of the light burn earlier.. I dropped her 2 inches.. she’s still right on my DLI target.. taking 32 across the canopy.. I want 35 by the end of the week so hopefully this is more my imagination than a problem lol


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