Hey @Keffka ,Hey @Keffka , just read through this journal, and must say I'm blown away for what you accomplished, especially for a first grow!? Wow. Impressive from a knowledge acquired perspective, as well as your results. Will only get better from here but you're starting at an already high level.
I saw some discussion with @Gee64 about using fish fertilizer to support the fungal growth in your pots and wanted to suggest that's an easy one to make yourself. Takes time though.
I make the KNF (Korean Natural Farming) version of FAA (Fish Amino Acid) basically equal parts of fish (guts, whole fish, heads, tails, whatever) and brown sugar with some microbes. Somewhat usable after a few months but gets better with age. Make it yourself and you know what's in it and, maybe at least as importantly, what's not.
Something to consider as you ramp up for your next grow.
Wanted to be sure you saw this post.