Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Welp I got in trouble for the same thing I always get in trouble for. Crossing the line with the bosses. One day I’ll figure out the stove is hot without having to touch it, maybe 😂

Alright so back to growing. I supercropped both tall plants main stems. This was my first time doing this to the main stem but it was required.. The tallest one was under 12 inches from the light and the second tallest one reached the same a few days later. I screwed up the first super crop by being too aggressive. I broke the outer shell of the stem causing it to split open. Interestingly though, this didn’t shock the plant nor did it slow its growth at all. I super cropped near lights out and by lights on the plant was facing skyward again.. here’s some images


The next morning


Here’s an image of the aftermath where I split the first one


The split didn’t slow the plant at all. I’m impressed. I expected a much more pronounced reaction from the plant after doing this and it just shrugged it off.

Here’s the second plant done correctly


And here it is this morning at lights on


Right back up.. so I’m definitely comfortable with the idea of supercropping my plants from veg all the way until about 18 days after flip.. I wouldn’t go much further than that because the plants will soon be done growing and will be solely budding.

I’m near my picture limit so I’ll follow up this post with an overview
So the smell is already ridiculously strong. Interestingly though I don’t smell cannabis. I smell a swampy smell like damp vegetation. This is the same smell I was smelling last grow that I thought was due to watering but it turns out it’s actually the cannabis itself. I find this intriguing because my wife can smell the cannabis scent perfectly fine, just like last time. This isn’t the first thing that I’ve had trouble smelling accurately. I think it’s my medication messing with my sense of smell.

Anyway.. Everyone is glorious.. We did have a problem show itself. One of the plants showed true herm. It was growing both male and female parts at almost every node. It’s apical bud was also looking very suspicious, almost like a male.. here’s some images


I caught it before they had a chance to begin pollinating so there should be no issues. This also made it so I could open up the space a bit for the two taller plants and give them a decent amount of room to grow. They’re growing like sativas but they’re budding like indicas.. hybrids are such silly gooses

I top dressed again and saw some really cool stuff.. these roots are growing like animals and you can see them hunting down the bands of nutrients.. you can also see myco coming from the roots.. mulching the top of my pots is something I will always do from now on after seeing this

It’s incredibly really.. This grow has been ridiculously easy.. and I’m in a 3 gallon pushing these plants hard. This bodes extremely well for going forward in larger pots. The plants started cannibalizing their lower leaves looking for P and K so I gave them a little extra in the top dress. I’m not concerned with left over NPK or any of the micronutrients. With this grow style the plant is only taking what it needs. I could top dress all the way until harvest and have a bunch of N leftover in the pot and that would still be fine. There will be no residual or lingering effects as the plant has made the food choices as opposed to me shoving it down their throats.

I am extremely pleased with what I’ve seen during this grow and can’t wait to watch these bad ladies start strutting their stuff.
This grow should fill the stash jars nicely!😊😎

That’s the plan.. then I’ll be able to really get into experimenting and tinkering which is really what it’s all about for me. Maximizing efficiency creatively is something I find pleasurable.

Young me wouldn’t even recognize old me.. “maximizing efficiency creatively”? What a nerd!! 🤣
Flip +16

A few closeups of the buds getting ready for bed.. they’ve had a rough couple days in the lights department.. last night I forgot to cover the heater lights back up so a blue and red light were glowing all night, we’ll see if that hurts them. The power surged and tripped the breaker a couple hours ago and I didn’t realize the fixture went out for an hour and 15 minutes. Flipped the lights back on to finish off the day.

It shouldn’t devastate the grow since it was only a blackout during lights on once for an hour, and the LEDs shouldn’t be a problem as long as it doesn’t happen again. With how strong and resilient these plants have been I’m fairly confident they’ll shrug it off.








My heater, the weather, and I are all going to fight. It’s march.. it’s not supposed to be snowing and raining ice. My heater has been working fine until the last couple nights. It won’t stay at the temperature I set it at. It’s acting like it’s having a shorting problem, and the lights are flashing in a way that keeps illuminating my tent slightly. The light is less than that of a full moon though so I believe it should be okay, however it’s a pain in the butt to be woken up at midnight to my thermometer alarm going off because the temps dropped below 62F. It’s even more of a pain in the butt to have to get into the tent in the pitch black and try to get the heater back on.

I’m gonna pull it out today, break it down, and take a look to see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it. I have a white fuel heater I can setup if I have to but I’d rather not since I can’t dial in the temperature.
My heater, the weather, and I are all going to fight. It’s march.. it’s not supposed to be snowing and raining ice. My heater has been working fine until the last couple nights. It won’t stay at the temperature I set it at. It’s acting like it’s having a shorting problem, and the lights are flashing in a way that keeps illuminating my tent slightly. The light is less than that of a full moon though so I believe it should be okay, however it’s a pain in the butt to be woken up at midnight to my thermometer alarm going off because the temps dropped below 62F. It’s even more of a pain in the butt to have to get into the tent in the pitch black and try to get the heater back on.

I’m gonna pull it out today, break it down, and take a look to see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it. I have a white fuel heater I can setup if I have to but I’d rather not since I can’t dial in the temperature.
Any chance it has a fall over safety switch in it? I have had 2 heaters fail in this lifetime, both at that switch.
Any chance it has a fall over safety switch in it? I have had 2 heaters fail in this lifetime, both at that switch.

There’s not one on the bottom, perhaps it’s internal. It gets pretty dusty up there so I’m hoping it’s gonna be a dust collecting issue.
I received a whole box of these nutrients today,

I forgot about the nutrient line prize. These @Prescription Blend nutrients look really cool. I’ll give the whole line a try in my next grow as a comparison, but the Kelp-ful and Bio-si will probably get put into my normal rotation of feeds with Kelp-ful acting as a rescue (it’s got fulvic acid so it’s a rescue tool) and Bio-Si as an addition.

It’s humorous to me. About a week ago I said I hadn’t received any of the contest prizes yet except for the stickers, magnet, and lighter, then bam, every day a package has shown up lol. So far I’ve gotten everything except for the @GeoFlora Nutrients the Geo pot, and the seeds from @Herbies Seeds

The toasted hemp seeds were actually really tasty, never thought I’d enjoy eating cannabis seeds. The heating mat from @VIVOSUN looks cool and will be an awesome replacement for the heating pad I currently use, my wife will like having the good heating pad back too lol.

The @Mile HIGH Cleaner kit is really awesome. The cleaner works really, really well on everything resin and it came with this awesome little magnet and pen. You drop the magnet into the smaller harder to access areas and grooves and use the pen to guide it and scrub those hard to reach spots.

I’ve also got a package of Spider Mite treatment from @Sierra Natural Science which I’ll keep on the shelf in case of emergency.
Here’s the gang this morning.. everyone is waking up. I’ll begin my next round of pruning today. I will be removing every bud growth that is below the third node from the cola tip. I’ll leave a few in a couple spots just so I can see what the difference is. A lot of the buds I originally was going to remove have quite a bit of light exposure so I’ll decide on the fly what I want to do

This time when I go to “defoliate” I will actually just cut off the tip of the branches cola. I will then remove each of the growth spots on the branch. This will leave me with a branch full of leaves that have no growths on it allowing the plant to cannibalize if it needs to and use those leaves to power the rest of the buds.
@Gee64 @Azimuth @Melville Hobbes @StoneOtter

I’m about to blow a bunch of minds.. want better quality, and better tasting cannabis? Stop sterilizing your seeds. Just throw them in the dirt. Here’s why:




That's what I do. Straight into a jiffy pod. I soak older seeds, but I remove them from the water after 18 hours. They've only popped open in there once or twice. Last winter after a seed had failed in the pod I used the paper towel technique to try to eliminate grower error as a factor, and got a 50% success rate with the purchased seeds, and 100% with some seeds from outdoor plants.
This is the exact reason I don't soak my seeds, I plant straight into a dab of presoaked peat moss on top of the soil.

It lets the seeds microbiome innoculate the peat moss to establish immunities for the tap root before it enters soil.

Its Mother's Milk for plants, for real. Thats what it actually is.

It protects the dna, adding a layer of health for the plants entire life.

I have popped many seeds in paper towel and by soaking overnight and then into soil, but the dab of pete moss gives a better plant consistently.

I'm glad you are presenting this. I have tried and for whatever reason people seem afraid of doing it natures way.

You will love the results.

It makes way better mother plants that produce clones that root way better as well.

It also works really well with sub irrigation.

Its just a pain in the ass is all, but you only do it once for a 5 month run so really, its not a pain. Just extra attention to detail.
And why peat and not coco?
I find coco has a less success rate, at least for me, but a blob of coco on top of the soil works too.

The peat is definitely airier, you need to very gently spray it, or use an eye dropper right over the seed 4 or 5 times a day.

My pump sprayer has drip mode so I use that.

I read an article once long ago that stated peat was more sterile than coco and the author considered it the best choice of all incubation substrates for organic growing, so I tried it.

I find it makes a big enough difference that you notice it. And then you notice it again if you cut clones.

You don't use much. 3/8" under and 1/4 inch above. Just enough to cover the seed.

All the plants are just better all round. The grow feels easier.

Try it. Grind it in a blender to coco-like dust and presoak it. Then just smear it out, poke the seed in half way deep on the seed, crown up, and blob a bit more on top.

Go at least an inch wide as peat seems to move a bit when you wet it.

Then keep your spray bottle in the tent so its room temp, and keep it moist.

Check it often, you will see, thats the pain in the ass part, and without presoaking, its gonna be 3-5 days, sometimes 6.

If the seed pops and pushes itself up out of the peat instead of down into the soil just poke a little hole in the peat and feed the tap down.

It's more work for sure but you only have to sprout once so...

Then Keff's findings kick in. DNA has been protected and you get a better run at Maximum Genetic Potential.
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