Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

I will try it. I just ordered some new seeds to replace my ACDC CBD seeds so I'll give it a go with those.

I'm going to guess that the extra time is because the peat doesn’t hold onto enough water to soak the seed as fast as other approaches.

I'm thinking about covering the cup with a dome and the put it on a heat mat since misting 5x a day is a bit inconvenient.

And I'm assuming we don't want to use bare hands when handling it to keep other bacteria at bay?
And I'm assuming we don't want to use bare hands when handling it to keep other bacteria at bay?

I use bare hands washed.. my soil and pots already have my hands in it, the plants are going to be handled by my hands, and they’re going to be growing in my environment. The way I look at it is, I’m introducing my geographical and personal bacteria, if it’s beneficial it can jump in, if it’s not, it will get outcompeted by the plants bennys.
Quick observation post.. First here’s an image of one of my pots.. you can see I just drop the leaves right on to the surface. Oftentimes I will crumble the leaves once they’ve dried a bit. The roots will come up and drag the leaves down ensuring the resources stay in the system.

The observation I’ve noted is water consumption. Since I’m watering daily I have a good idea how much water the plant is going through daily. During stretch the water consumption increased quite a bit however, I’ve noticed as we get to the end of stretch, water consumption has slowed slightly. This is an indicator the plant is shifting out of stretch and root growth and moving into full on bud, and resin production. Once this shift is complete I expect water consumption to increase dramatically signaling its in full blown flower production.

Here’s an image of the plant cannibalizing for P and a little bit of K.

By this point last grow the plant was already in a bad way. K deficiency was all over the plant eating its way from the bottom up. The plant was lime in color overall. P deficiency was spreading throughout as well. Currently in this grow it is only these bottom leaves showing these signs. These are the leaves that were damaged earlier in the grow. I’ve found that plant will cannibalize leaves that were damaged once they’re too shaded to provide photosynthesis.
I will try it. I just ordered some new seeds to replace my ACDC CBD seeds so I'll give it a go with those.

I'm going to guess that the extra time is because the peat doesn’t hold onto enough water to soak the seed as fast as other approaches.

I'm thinking about covering the cup with a dome and the put it on a heat mat since misting 5x a day is a bit inconvenient.

And I'm assuming we don't want to use bare hands when handling it to keep other bacteria at bay?
I try not to touch them and I do use a heat mat. I don't dome them though. I also place a bit of myco on the soil underneath the peat.
I try not to touch them and I do use a heat mat. I don't dome them though. I also place a bit of myco on the soil underneath the peat.
I've got a bottle of Great White I've never used, so I think I may give that a go as well.

Wouldn't a dome eliminate the 5x a day watering?
So the smell is already ridiculously strong. Interestingly though I don’t smell cannabis. I smell a swampy smell like damp vegetation. This is the same smell I was smelling last grow that I thought was due to watering but it turns out it’s actually the cannabis itself. I find this intriguing because my wife can smell the cannabis scent perfectly fine, just like last time. This isn’t the first thing that I’ve had trouble smelling accurately. I think it’s my medication messing with my sense of smell.

Anyway.. Everyone is glorious.. We did have a problem show itself. One of the plants showed true herm. It was growing both male and female parts at almost every node. It’s apical bud was also looking very suspicious, almost like a male.. here’s some images


I caught it before they had a chance to begin pollinating so there should be no issues. This also made it so I could open up the space a bit for the two taller plants and give them a decent amount of room to grow. They’re growing like sativas but they’re budding like indicas.. hybrids are such silly gooses

I top dressed again and saw some really cool stuff.. these roots are growing like animals and you can see them hunting down the bands of nutrients.. you can also see myco coming from the roots.. mulching the top of my pots is something I will always do from now on after seeing this

It’s incredibly really.. This grow has been ridiculously easy.. and I’m in a 3 gallon pushing these plants hard. This bodes extremely well for going forward in larger pots. The plants started cannibalizing their lower leaves looking for P and K so I gave them a little extra in the top dress. I’m not concerned with left over NPK or any of the micronutrients. With this grow style the plant is only taking what it needs. I could top dress all the way until harvest and have a bunch of N leftover in the pot and that would still be fine. There will be no residual or lingering effects as the plant has made the food choices as opposed to me shoving it down their throats.

I am extremely pleased with what I’ve seen during this grow and can’t wait to watch these bad ladies start strutting their stuff.
Whew! Good catch!
@StoneOtter has an electrical tape fetish. Maybe he's an electrician. Thoughts Stone?
Hehe, I've done a fair amount of that work and have studied for my license but life diverted that plan.
It's a liquid fuel wick type heater? I had one but never got into it. Wait, lights flashing sounds electric, baybe an oil heated? Anyway, the circuit should be a thermostat, an over temperature

device maybe, and the tip switch in line with the hot power leg. For my 2 cents if you cant blow/wipe it clean get a new one if you can as it's pretty much a fire haz.
I received a whole box of these nutrients today,

I forgot about the nutrient line prize. These @Prescription Blend nutrients look really cool. I’ll give the whole line a try in my next grow as a comparison, but the Kelp-ful and Bio-si will probably get put into my normal rotation of feeds with Kelp-ful acting as a rescue (it’s got fulvic acid so it’s a rescue tool) and Bio-Si as an addition.

It’s humorous to me. About a week ago I said I hadn’t received any of the contest prizes yet except for the stickers, magnet, and lighter, then bam, every day a package has shown up lol. So far I’ve gotten everything except for the @GeoFlora Nutrients the Geo pot, and the seeds from @Herbies Seeds

The toasted hemp seeds were actually really tasty, never thought I’d enjoy eating cannabis seeds. The heating mat from @VIVOSUN looks cool and will be an awesome replacement for the heating pad I currently use, my wife will like having the good heating pad back too lol.

The @Mile HIGH Cleaner kit is really awesome. The cleaner works really, really well on everything resin and it came with this awesome little magnet and pen. You drop the magnet into the smaller harder to access areas and grooves and use the pen to guide it and scrub those hard to reach spots.

I’ve also got a package of Spider Mite treatment from @Sierra Natural Science which I’ll keep on the shelf in case of emergency.
The Booty be real Arrrrr!🏴‍☠️

Great read on seed bacteria and germing!:thanks:
Whew! Good catch!

Hehe, I've done a fair amount of that work and have studied for my license but life diverted that plan.
It's a liquid fuel wick type heater? I had one but never got into it. Wait, lights flashing sounds electric, baybe an oil heated? Anyway, the circuit should be a thermostat, an over temperature

device maybe, and the tip switch in line with the hot power leg. For my 2 cents if you cant blow/wipe it clean get a new one if you can as it's pretty much a fire haz.

The Booty be real Arrrrr!🏴‍☠️

Great read on seed bacteria and germing!:thanks:

The current heater giving me trouble is an electric one. I agree if it’s not a simple fix then it’s not worth the hassle. I’ve had other electric heaters die in violent ways. One even caused a fire at the outlet itself, it was wild, although that may have been crappy condo wiring more than a crappy heater. Regardless I grabbed a second smoke detector and placed it right next to the heater just in case.

My backup heater is a Coleman catalytic heater. We’re right on the edge of spring/summer so I’m just trying to eke out these last few weeks. Heat will quickly become an issue of too much instead of too little once it warms up.
I've got a bottle of Great White I've never used, so I think I may give that a go as well.

Wouldn't a dome eliminate the 5x a day watering?
I add new myco at every opportunity. Especially in seedling stage. I have heard Great White is good stuff.

A dome may help but I'm not a fan of still air unless its nescessary.

I find seedlings from under domes tend to be leggier than those that aren't.

I also turn the humidity up to 65% for seedling germination. I like repeated sprayings to simulate spring weather.

The dome could very well cut down on sprayings though.

I spent a lot of time years back, struggling to get better seedlings and better success rates, and studied my way to this.

You can do it all with well rinsed pre-hydrated coco too tho, or peat pucks, and coco holds the moisture better if the peat thing is too much.

I think peat breathes better myself, but thats just an observation.

Try 1 seed just to see if its worth your effort. Actually, try germinating in your leaf mold😎

Now that is truly natures way👊

If you just plant your seed, take it to harvest, then plant another, without ever cloning, then a plant achieving its genetic potential is far less detrimental, as it will never pass its genes to the next generation.

I start every plant with the intention that it will be my favorite mother plant ever. I have had 2 very stellar phenos slip past me because I never cloned them, and stellar phenos are very very rare, so I put in the effort.

I also had low cloning success so studied up on that, and found that a successful cloning rate starts the day the mother plant pops from seed, so even tho I don't like the sprouting process, I love the sprouts, so I put in the effort.

But its a pain in the ass, did I mention that part?

Plants are very adaptable. Soil and stress have the ability to shape a plants dna very quickly, from generation to generation. Thats natures way too.

Its why you plant something, and a few seasons later it has spread and become very robust. It genetically adapted to its regular environment over only a few generations.

I don't want to mess with a seeds immune system as thats what actually oversee's its genetic future and shape. So again, I put in the effort.

I can't say with proof that peat is better, but I can say it greatly upped my sproutlings quality of life for their entire life, and cloning got way easier.
Ok, then a  vented dome. And only until the seedling breaks the surface. That's the way i have done them with good success, but then again I also come from the paper towel crowd.

I'm going to try it (mostly) as you suggest for the next seed which I'm hoping to have in the next week or so. I'm going with a hemp style cbd plant (15% cbd, 0.2% thc) that I intend to clone into oblivion (or at least one new plant every few months :laughtwo: ).

I'll do the pulverized CSPM nest, a dusting of Great White below and my castings above to keep away damping off disease, and then my usual soil mix below in my mini 9oz SIP on a heat mat and see how it does.

I haven't been this excited about a new plant since I started out!
I don’t use domes. Oxygen, and airflow are so vital in my opinion it’s worth the trade off. Like @Gee64 though, I crank my RH. I’ll take 95 if I can get it. You can do this using a box if you need to. Just pop some holes in it, empty the humidifier in it, and put a fan on it if needed to keep air flow up. I keep the box open cuz I like the light to hit my germs

I also use a heating pad to keep temps up while waiting for sprout, and depending on the temperature I may use it for the first 14 days.

I’m thinking about using pods/pucks/4 inch containers in comparison to solos next time though. I think if I can sprout in that a day or two faster this will allow me to establish a few things quicker and get the plant going in a stronger larger container faster. At my current rate it takes about 17 days to reach a 1 gallon from planting. I think I can get there in 14
Ok, then a  vented dome. And only until the seedling breaks the surface. That's the way i have done them with good success, but then again I also come from the paper towel crowd.

I'm going to try it (mostly) as you suggest for the next seed which I'm hoping to have in the next week or so. I'm going with a hemp style cbd plant (15% cbd, 0.2% thc) that I intend to clone into oblivion (or at least one new plant every few months :laughtwo: ).

I'll do the pulverized CSPM nest, a dusting of Great White below and my castings above to keep away damping off disease, and then my usual soil mix below in my mini 9oz SIP on a heat mat and see how it does.

I haven't been this excited about a new plant since I started out!
The most important part is presoaking the peat. I'm sure a dome will make it easier, but you may lose a seedling here or there and they will likely be a bit leggy.

Nature makes soil wet, then waits for a nice warm sunny day with full uv to pop her seeds.

A dome diffuses light and legs grow longer. But I'm a nit-picker. Try both.

Like I said, if its only to grow and harvest, not be cloned or seeded, its not that important to protect the dna. Make life easy on yourself.

The main thing is find a consistent way that works for you. Then when you make a change you notice the differences.

Then see if its repeatable or a fluke.
At my current rate it takes about 17 days to reach a 1 gallon from planting. I think I can get there in 14
I made it to a 10gal in 13 days on that mother plant I grew for the clones I now have.

12 days later roots are out the bottom, so by day 25 I was established in a 10gal.

Bypass that veg pot, its 10 days of stress every uppot.

When I grow Durban for harvest I sprout in 10gals if the flower tent is empty, as 10gals are pretty heavy to move from tent to tent.

I sprout in 7gal cube pots all the time. They fit in milk crates and are easy to move.

The only real benefit to sprouting in solos is space saving, and it slows growth for the 1st 56 days. In a 10gal a plant will veg huge.

If you don't have perpetual myco tho, more uppottings are better, as it allows more myco dustings of the rootball. Whatever your path, you need strong abundant myco.

Myco should be your most worried about nutrient. Its your foreman in the soil. Works directly for the owner, no middlemen.
The current heater giving me trouble is an electric one. I agree if it’s not a simple fix then it’s not worth the hassle. I’ve had other electric heaters die in violent ways. One even caused a fire at the outlet itself, it was wild, although that may have been crappy condo wiring more than a crappy heater. Regardless I grabbed a second smoke detector and placed it right next to the heater just in case.

My backup heater is a Coleman catalytic heater. We’re right on the edge of spring/summer so I’m just trying to eke out these last few weeks. Heat will quickly become an issue of too much instead of too little once it warms up.
So close!
Cleaning out the heater seems to have restored it for the time being. Dust and humidifier deposits likely caked up its sensors. I’m usually on it with maintaining the equipment but forgot I missed my monthly on the heater and removed the air purifier for the winter run.

I’ve been playing with the temperature a bit.. I’ve kept it at 85ish during stretch this time. The plants seemed to be pretty appreciative of this. I’ll begin lowering the temps once budding fully takes over.
I wasn’t going to do another tea since the plants are doing just fine, however, since there’s such little to do but wait, I think I’ll brew up 2 more teas just for funsies. It’ll be interesting to see the enhancement the teas give when they’re not being used to rescue the plant.
Flip +18

Trichomes have begun appearing. It’s hard to choose which spots to remove. The super crop opened the plants up in a way that many many more spots are getting blasted with light.







NIce placement!
Cleaning out the heater seems to have restored it for the time being. Dust and humidifier deposits likely caked up its sensors. I’m usually on it with maintaining the equipment but forgot I missed my monthly on the heater and removed the air purifier for the winter run.

I’ve been playing with the temperature a bit.. I’ve kept it at 85ish during stretch this time. The plants seemed to be pretty appreciative of this. I’ll begin lowering the temps once budding fully takes over.
Good news on the heater Keefka. I lowered the temp on the SIP pot seedling pads taped on today from 76 to 70F. Next week again. Maybe unplug it. My lows appear to be hitting 64 lately in the tent. Hoping to encourage some purple highlights!
Hey Keffka,

Got room for 1 more? I’m looking for spot in back corner and promise I won’t fart much. I really appreciate your deep dive here, it won’t happen all at once but I can dig my teeth in here to help improve my own poor patch of garden

I noticed a few pages in you mentioned sustainability of peat and how you maybe looking for a replacement. Recently I snagged a 50# bale of rice hulls at my local grow shop for $55 bones, from what I’ve read- hulls can be used as grow media same as coco but I guess they need buffering too. I’m using them instead of perlite in my soil mix, also as mulch layer and for the wick foot in one of my SIPs. But from what I’ve experienced using rice hulls is that mine appears to spawn the shite out of hypoapsis miles soil mites, but good news is- they don’t attack the plant.

As you know hulls are chocked with silica… since you are feeding the soil I’m sure with your knowledge you can easily figure out how to make it fly… if it fits within your other parameters of course. Enough yakking from me but wanted to say keep up the great work.

Thank You Sir for serving the United Sates of America, that goes for you, Bode and any others!!! Our military is the bedrock of our nation and freedoms, we would not be here without you all.

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