Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Pt 2







Boy I strongly dislike dreaming, I have for years now. I was never a fan of it when I was younger, but after the Army, almost all dreams are bad. Last night was a wild compilation of things that anger/annoy me, infused with a bit of vivid adultery I had no part in, again, not a fan at all.

This lead to me waking up abruptly, feeling like something was wrong, looking at my phone and realizing I had 12 grow room alerts during the night, the last one at 2:45 am saying “44.2”. This snapped me up instantly and I took off upstairs convinced I was going to walk into a freezing cold grow. I can come back from anything above 32F (I don’t like going below 54F however stuff happens) but I was positive the room was below that, and I knew I was screwed because I just watered before lights out.

Lights are still out at this point but I’ve gotten good at moving around my room in the dark. As I’m moving toward the room I’m trying to determine how cold it is by the air outside the tent. It doesn’t feel as cold as it should based on my alerts. “If it said 44.2 it should be much colder right here” I think, but I had just been sleeping 15 seconds prior so I wasn’t thinking clearly.

I bust into tent and stand there for a minute trying to determine how boned I am just by sense. At this point my heart is beating hard, my breathing is messed up and I’m struggling to focus, which makes sense, I’ve been awake for maybe 60 seconds max.

As I’m standing there I realize my heater is going just fine and it’s a perfect 68-70 inside the room. Now I’m really struggling to figure out what happened and think “heater must’ve shut off then turned back on once it got so cold, damn I may be screwed anyway because 44.2 at 2:30 AM means it dropped even further since then”.

Now that I know it’s not freezing and I’ve been awake longer than a minute my brain starts working a bit better. I step out of the tent and go grab my phone to check my hygrometer log. I pull it up and it flashes red across the top “Warning! Relative humidity is at 46%!” Calm washes over me.. “my god.. it was RH alerts I was getting, NOT temperature!!” 🤣

I double check the log from the night and sure enough, the room sat right at 68-70 all night long and it was my RH that had dropped. I didn’t turn the humidifier up high enough for lights out. It got cold last night so the heater worked double time and when it does that I have to turn my humidifier up since it’s forced air.

Moral of the story is.. I dislike dreams 🤣
+21 “Defol” complete. All buds have exposure to the light. I’m cycling between 50 and 75 on the light intensity. I’m gonna look into a controller so I can change at lower increments and get dialed in closer since the light doesn’t move.

Trichomes are spilling out and the color is lightening up slightly. Damaged leaves have been cannibalized and everyone looks strong and ready to fill out. Buds are increasing in size visibly every day. I looked back through my images and the buds are currently twice as large (almost triple in some spots) as they were at this time last grow. I expect a considerable yield.

@Gee64 in regard to burnt tips from too much calmag. Where does the burning hit first? Top, bottom, middle?
It usually hits the tips of all the leaves in the light that are photosynthesizing. Adding calmag corrects things and a rush of pent up food blows thru. If it goes thru faster than it can be photosynthesized, the solid matters get pushed into the tips and clog. As they build they become like tartar in the tip. The tip is the end of the line so it packs in there. That tartar becomes dry inside and pulls moisture from the tip and burns it. Dries it dead actually.
It usually hits the tips of all the leaves in the light that are photosynthesizing. Adding calmag corrects things and a rush of pent up food blows thru. If it goes thru faster than it can be photosynthesized, the solid matters get pushed into the tips and clog. As they build they become like tartar in the tip. The tip is the end of the line so it packs in there. That tartar becomes dry inside and pulls moisture from the tip and burns it. Dries it dead actually.

That’s what I was thinking (without knowing the reasoning). I do believe I was witnessing a slight claw from lighting the N up but it’s already eased off. She looks happier with it. I’ll hold at 70 ppm for a few days
That’s what I was thinking (without knowing the reasoning). I do believe I was witnessing a slight claw from lighting the N up but it’s already eased off. She looks happier with it. I’ll hold at 70 ppm for a few days
If you see a nitro rush you opened a governor up for sure. Slight clawing is typical when you open up strong soil. Usually the whole plant on 1 level gets a clawed leaf like a line straight across it lol.
Theres that long hair😍😍😍

The two tall ones have the long thick hairs all over.. The shorter one seems to have fewer hairs but looks like it’s gonna produce sugar rails.

I’ve gotta figure out the settings on my camera.. got this newfangled IPhone 13 with this fancy camera that I haven’t messed with a lot. It can snap real clear images but it’s catching too much of the white light from the fixture and washing out my closeups.
The two tall ones have the long thick hairs all over.. The shorter one seems to have fewer hairs but looks like it’s gonna produce sugar rails.

I’ve gotta figure out the settings on my camera.. got this newfangled IPhone 13 with this fancy camera that I haven’t messed with a lot. It can snap real clear images but it’s catching too much of the white light from the fixture and washing out my closeups.
Well then just post tons of pictures and we will rate your photogrsphy skills until you dial it in🤣
I’m already worn out from trying to spread the message of seed germination and why using paper towels or water glasses is wrong. It’s gotta be super frustrating to be a doctor or scientist and watch people continuously believe or operate on false beliefs or misguided information.

I think I’m done trying to spread the word and will just stand on the hill by myself. If people want to believe, that’s fine, my results speak for themselves, and I’m content. I’ll do like I do with everything else. I’ll just make sure my sons have the correct information, they’ve got the energy of youth to have this battle.
I’m already worn out from trying to spread the message of seed germination and why using paper towels or water glasses is wrong. It’s gotta be super frustrating to be a doctor or scientist and watch people continuously believe or operate on false beliefs or misguided information.

I think I’m done trying to spread the word and will just stand on the hill by myself. If people want to believe, that’s fine, my results speak for themselves, and I’m content. I’ll do like I do with everything else. I’ll just make sure my sons have the correct information, they’ve got the energy of youth to have this battle.
You aren't alone. I start in soil. I once met a cool old lady who grows everything really well. She does it direct-sow in the dirt. I believe she calls herself Mother Nature.

Most go with paper towel and glasses of water because most seed companies promote it, and it works fairly well.

A lesser germinated seed is still better than a non-germinated seed.

But a properly germinated seed raised on mothers milk is best, and if you are going to perpetuate that plant thru seeds or cloning, the lesser health of a poorly started seed will follow you, as will the better health and vigor of a healthily started seed.

This I know 1st hand.

Starting in spagnum sucks. A lot. But I get better plants and better clones from those plants, and better seeds too. It takes 3-5 days of my life having to spray the seed lightly every 3 or 4 hours, it sucks! but its still worth it....
You aren't alone. I start in soil. I once met a cool old lady who grows everything really well. She does it direct-sow in the dirt. I believe she calls herself Mother Nature.

Most go with paper towel and glasses of water because most seed companies promote it, and it works fairly well.

A lesser germinated seed is still better than a non-germinated seed.

But a properly germinated seed raised on mothers milk is best, and if you are going to perpetuate that plant thru seeds or cloning, the lesser health of a poorly started seed will follow you, as will the better health and vigor of a healthily started seed.

This I know 1st hand.

Starting in spagnum sucks. A lot. But I get better plants and better clones from those plants, and better seeds too. It takes 3-5 days of my life having to spray the seed lightly every 3 or 4 hours, it sucks! but its still worth it....

unrelated but do you have an image of burnt tips from excessive calmag I can see? I can’t tell if I’m looking at burnt tips or possible K calls
@Gee64 here’s a few shots of the tips I’m talking about.. I’m trying to get a clearer shot but it’s difficult





Thats definitely a form of "nute burn" if you will.

Its very typical after a tea or a calcium dosage.

If your tea is nutrient heavy and/or your soil is very nutrient dense, and you overfeed, as in suddenly move more nutrients thru the plant than it can process, the solids in its "blood" get driven into the tips and plaque up. The plaque dries and then starts to suck moisture from the plant cells, resulting in brown dried tips.

If you have great soil nutrition but calcium is low it will be really sluggish, so opening soil up with a calcium can immediately, as in that day, cause a rush of nutrients too.

That one usually shows as excess nitro tho, this looks more like a tea.

I get it too. You can't avoid it in small pots. Sooner or later you gotta feed them.

If you know that going in and feed constant watered down teas you can avoid it.

Slow and steady.

Keep light amounts of ewc going in up top.

Its the rush that does it.
Flip +24

The buds are big already. I’m very impressed with their size. We’re not even in the super building phase either so these buds are about to be demonstrably larger than the previous grow which is perfect. As long as I’m learning and have quantifiable increases it’s a success.

In 5 days they will get their final top dress. Fish bone meal plus Stonington plant food along with some compost and EWC to keep things firing well. I’ll probably hit them with a tea Sunday or Monday, depends on when I get around to making it. The two tall plants are taking above a quart of water a day now, and the shorter one is at a quart per day. I tried to go lower than that but the plants drain their entire container within 24 hours if they’re not given at least a quart each.

+21 “Defol” complete. All buds have exposure to the light. I’m cycling between 50 and 75 on the light intensity. I’m gonna look into a controller so I can change at lower increments and get dialed in closer since the light doesn’t move.

Trichomes are spilling out and the color is lightening up slightly. Damaged leaves have been cannibalized and everyone looks strong and ready to fill out. Buds are increasing in size visibly every day. I looked back through my images and the buds are currently twice as large (almost triple in some spots) as they were at this time last grow. I expect a considerable yield.

Like the tent. . Room for plants. Like like that. You will notice good nugs from that. I have grow many to get a lot. . I'm to impatient to wait for months or so for veg. Two months seems like forever
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