Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

The nice thing about seedlings so young is you can tell when you’ve nailed your water timing.. You’ll notice explosive growth within 24 hours if you’re cycling correctly.

The more I look at these solo cups the less happy I am with them as germ/seedling pots. I believe next time I will follow @Azimuth recommendation for soldering multiple holes up and down the cup.. the lack of airflow in the middle is a real concern despite the additional perlite.

I am considering doing the same to my 1 gallons as well.. This will allow for more air flow, which is always one of my biggest priorities.
The nice thing about seedlings so young is you can tell when you’ve nailed your water timing.. You’ll notice explosive growth within 24 hours if you’re cycling correctly.

The more I look at these solo cups the less happy I am with them as germ/seedling pots. I believe next time I will follow @Azimuth recommendation for soldering multiple holes up and down the cup.. the lack of airflow in the middle is a real concern despite the additional perlite.

I am considering doing the same to my 1 gallons as well.. This will allow for more air flow, which is always one of my biggest priorities.
Hey Keffka I was wondering why you didn’t use clear solos covered by the colored? I found them great for knowing when to uppot although I never used them yet but I plan to from now on. CL🍀
Hey Keffka I was wondering why you didn’t use clear solos covered by the colored? I found them great for knowing when to uppot although I never used them yet but I plan to from now on. CL🍀

You can tell how large your roots are and whether you’re ready for transplant by your above ground growth. The roots grow, the shoots follow. Once they’ve reached over the side of the cup at 3-5 nodes I know they’re almost ready to go.

I also have a schedule I sprout on. If my plants aren’t ready for transplant at 2 weeks then they’re probably not going to be plants I want to deal with. I will cull the weak out.

Also, before I learned the soldering iron tip, an extra cup would’ve been an extra layer between the air and my soil. I also don’t like the idea of there being a pocket where moisture can build isolated from the soil, seemed like a breeding ground for issues. To top it all off, that would’ve been a lot of holes for me to pop into cups the old by hand way I was doing it 😂
You can tell how large your roots are and whether you’re ready for transplant by your above ground growth. The roots grow, the shoots follow. Once they’ve reached over the side of the cup at 3-5 nodes I know they’re almost ready to go.

I also have a schedule I sprout on. If my plants aren’t ready for transplant at 2 weeks then they’re probably not going to be plants I want to deal with. I will cull the weak out.

Also, before I learned the soldering iron tip, an extra cup would’ve been an extra layer between the air and my soil. I also don’t like the idea of there being a pocket where moisture can build isolated from the soil, seemed like a breeding ground for issues. To top it all off, that would’ve been a lot of holes for me to pop into cups the old by hand way I was doing it 😂
Sounds like you got your method down, cool. I’m not sure if it’s for me but that’s what life is all about. Variety is the spice of life they say. CL🍀
Sounds like you got your method down, cool. I’m not sure if it’s for me but that’s what life is all about. Variety is the spice of life they say. CL🍀
I’m of the opinion no one way is correct. Life is the standard, not the exception. It wants to happen. Whatever method you can get down that makes you confident in what you’re doing is the perfect method. I’ve taken bits and pieces of all kinds of styles and methods from different journals, books, and personal experience. When you’re confident in what you’re doing you’re less likely to overreact and overcompensate.
I’ve purchased a second humidifier.. this one is 3x the tank of my original. With having to supplement heat to the room my current setup is struggling to keep the RH up to an acceptable level without make shift wind breaks and lighter than I like airflow. This isn’t sustainable especially as they explode in growth so I’ll be running both humidifiers and kicking up the airflow as soon as it gets here. (They say 2-6)
I’m of the opinion no one way is correct. Life is the standard, not the exception. It wants to happen. Whatever method you can get down that makes you confident in what you’re doing is the perfect method. I’ve taken bits and pieces of all kinds of styles and methods from different journals, books, and personal experience. When you’re confident in what you’re doing you’re less likely to overreact and overcompensate.
I’ve seen you’ve been into Rev’s books if I’m not mistaken and was wondering if you ever checked out Ed R.s books? Dude been growing forever and very knowledgeable about weed. CL🍀
I’ve seen you’ve been into Rev’s books if I’m not mistaken and was wondering if you ever checked out Ed R.s books? Dude been growing forever and very knowledgeable about weed. CL🍀
I’ve read The Cannabis Growers Handbook.. Ed has some good videos as well, however I’m more of a reader, videos annoy me, a lot of times they deliver information too slow for me to be able to stay engaged. There’s probably 5-6 books I’d always recommend for growers and The growers handbook is one of them.
I’ve read The Cannabis Growers Handbook.. Ed has some good videos as well, however I’m more of a reader, videos annoy me, a lot of times they deliver information too slow for me to be able to stay engaged. There’s probably 5-6 books I’d always recommend for growers and The growers handbook is one of them.
Indoors growing is a good one to but a little outdated. CL🍀
Indoors growing is a good one to but a little outdated. CL🍀

Yep but like with most things, you’ll find some old school gems buried in the pages. A lot of that little stuff can get lost to time with people thinking they shouldn’t bother with the older books.
So we’re showing some light avoidance still, across 6/8 plants.. This makes sense.. I walked into the tent yesterday and the temp was 84F and RH was 28.. basically just slammed on the gas pedal for plant growth lol. If you look you can see the leaves attempting to contort themselves into odd shapes to reduce the light exposure and slow down photosynthesis. You can also see the extremely bright new growth, the coloring is off, this is most likely a magnesium issue easily mistaken for nitrogen, however with the plants current size, mobile and immobile nutrients are hard to distinguish.

Easy remedy.. I put in a second humidifier, lowered the plants another 2-3 inches and brought my VPD down to .7 just to let the plants get a breather for the rest of the day.






Alright so today our youngest plants are one week old and our oldest are 9 days.. They’re right on track with the oldest one pushing out it’s 3rd node right now..

I will begin prepping containers tonight and will break the process down as I go along.


Had a good growth spurt across the board today with dialing in the VPD in on 78F

After tonight’s post I’m gonna work on trying to upload images to the gallery from here on out.. That way I can tag and catalog them instead of just being buried in each journal.

I prepped the soil mix tonight to fill my pots.

Here is the mix with 4 gallons Stonington blend, 4 gallons perlite.

I severely underestimated how far my EWC would go which is a good thing.. I used the rest of this bag

I estimated it had 2 gallons in it, it actually had 4, here’s the 4 in a mix bin

I grabbed my 4-4-4 all purpose which is made of this:

I went with 1 tbsp per 1 gallon of soil, 4 tbsp tossed into the mix bin as well

I mixed the EWC and all purpose up then tossed it in my soil mix half a bin at a time

I got it all mixed in together fairly well, it took a while since it’s raining and I had to mix in the bin. I usually use my driveway with a tarp down to mix but you do what you can.


I only have half a gallon of distilled water on hand and I wanted to wait a day before firing things up big time. I’ll pickup another gallon.. 1.5 gallons of distilled water should get things moving decent.. I’ll wet it down again once it’s layered into the pots so everyone is getting friendly when we drop our solos in.

I’ve been reading the TLO book I got for Christmas and should be done tonight or tomorrow so I can get back to posting about aspects of plant growth. That’s all the update for tonight.
I could’ve used a little extra nitrogen in the cup layered at the bottom and a dash up top. I’ll remember this going forward but it will be low on the list of priorities. I don’t want to roll too many changes before I have a chance to really assess the ones I’ve already made.
This is the moment trouble begins for a lot of new growers.. Here’s an image from last night and it’s side view

That seedling is working hard and looking good.. I walked in this morning to see this:

At this moment lots of new growers freeze.. They think “it’s been a few days since I’ve watered, it’s probably time for a little bit”. STOP! DO NOT PASS GO! When you walk in and see this you need to pause before making any decisions. You need to check your temps and rh, see what they’ve been up to that point. If you haven’t been nice and warm for long enough the soils too cold and is currently warming up.

Check the soil, how does it look? Still dark it’s good.. I don’t like putting my fingers into seedling soil, the roots are still smaller and delicate plus myco strands are running through the pot, I’m not trying to damage them while they’re establishing. I’ll use a moisture meter if I’m not sure (smaller hole than my finger, rounded tip to prevent tearing, more accurate deeper) but this is why the lift method is handy. I know by the weights they’re not ready, I can still feel a little weight to it inside the soil halfway to the bottom, it’s not ready for a full water. You can spritz the top if you like and have been running hot and dry, but it’s only been a couple days since last full water.

Now, if you’re positive it’s ready for water, @Emilya Green had an amazing quote in her watering thread that I cannot remember the original contributor nor the verbatim quote so I suggest everyone reads the whole thread honestly. However it was along the lines of: “When I think my plant needs something, I wait a bit and try to move at the speed my plant would move”. This means if I think it needs water, I move slowly. When the plant needs something it sends out hormones/chemical signals to its respective areas and begins producing either exudates for the microbes and fungi to send what it needs, or moves toward the meristematic cells and begins assigning them the task of moving toward water. These processes take time and so should we.

In this particular instance, my room had been 68F until about 9:15 until I turned it up to 78F. It’s warm now but will still take a bit to warm up. I’m fairly positive it will raise up in a few hours. If not, I’ll think about watering it in the next day or two, but still won’t commit to it until I’m sure. Thirsty droop looks different than this and begins on the lower leaves first, this just looks like the tips are heavy.

Here’s the link to the how to water thread that will really improve your container grows:

And there it is.. you can already see it’s raised up noticeably further..

Now if I would’ve immediately grabbed my water and watered this thing it would’ve still raised up and would’ve probably looked real good, but that would’ve been the moment overwatering began. I would’ve associated that look with needing water and it would’ve been pretty much locked in until I realized I needed to ask for help, or read some journals, like the one I linked about watering properly.

Overwatering doesn’t happen from watering one time too much. It happens from watering multiple times too many. It occurs over a period.

The plant can handle massive volumes of water thrown at it at once if you’ve got aeration and somewhere for the water to runoff. She’ll just shed what she doesn’t need. If I keep throwing water at her every couple of days it’s gonna suffocate her roots and set off a whole boatload of issues that look like everything from PH to N deficiency.

She will tell me when she’s thirsty.. She will throw off a scent you can pickup on and her lower leaves will wilt low just slightly, that’s when it’s time.
Woof.. apparently I’m still fighting off whatever sickness this is because this RO unit was much more difficult than it should’ve been. To be fair to me (😂) the plumbing is decades old, possibly almost 50 years so it was a little bit of a fight to get it but I think I’ve got it.. just waiting on the tank to fill before purging and getting to the 0 ppm water

Is that what's known as a whole house system?
No, this is what’s called an Under sink system.. Comes with a 4 gallon pressurized water container.. The whole house systems are typically connected to your water main coming into the house and the filters are usually about 4-5 feet tall whereas these are only about a foot. The whole house systems are amazing but I don’t think this house could handle it without some serious renovation.
So.. I try really hard not to cuss around here, it’s unprofessional and rarely adds enough to make up for the negative vibe but God. Damn. It. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I knew my mind felt unfocused when I was troubleshooting my RO system and I should’ve rechecked my work. At first I was having problems with leaks in my quick connect lines so I cut the valve on my storage tank. I went back through and reseated everything, and made sure there were no leaks. We were good to go and I set my 3 hour timer to wait for the tank to fill so I could purge it and be ready. I just went and checked on it and nothing came out which didn’t make sense because the lines were full..


I forgot the fact that I had cut this valve off so I could check the line and never turned it back on.. That’s 3 hours of patience just gone 😂

This is one of the downfalls to how hyper focused I can get.. sure, I can read college level biology books in hours, but I forget to do basic shit like turn my water on.. Thankfully I’m married to an empathetic person though and she can usually help me with the stuff I constantly forget.

I’ve restarted my timer and will be anxiously waiting to see how well it works. My ppm out of the tap is 90-100.. This system is rated up to 2,000 ppm, shouldn’t be an issue to get to 0
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