Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

We’ve got above ground growth now!

Bare with me a bit over the next day or two.. I’ve got a fever (no COVID, did a test earlier) I’m fighting off (I hit 101 for a few and back down to 100.. I usually run colder so anything above 99 means my body is fighting something) while trying to install this RO system (quite a bit bigger than I anticipated 😂) get these plants going (it looks like we have a special performer since it’s the first and only one up) , and prep my base mix so it can start building its food web (I have nothing that needs to compost, and I don’t want the food web to start breaking down organic matter before I’m ready).

This means I may not be as responsive but I’ll still be around. Journaling helps me clear my head and focus my grow, I just don’t have the same mental speed when I’m fevering.
We’ve got above ground growth now!

Bare with me a bit over the next day or two.. I’ve got a fever (no COVID, did a test earlier) I’m fighting off (I hit 101 for a few and back down to 100.. I usually run colder so anything above 99 means my body is fighting something) while trying to install this RO system (quite a bit bigger than I anticipated 😂) get these plants going (it looks like we have a special performer since it’s the first and only one up) , and prep my base mix so it can start building its food web (I have nothing that needs to compost, and I don’t want the food web to start breaking down organic matter before I’m ready).

This means I may not be as responsive but I’ll still be around. Journaling helps me clear my head and focus my grow, I just don’t have the same mental speed when I’m fevering.
Don't push yourself, hope you get some rest and feel better
I couldn’t help myself lol.. I ate dinner, took some Tylenol and drank some coffee and got to work on the RO system. It’ll take a little time since I’ve gotta remove the soap dispenser (we don’t use it anyway) from the sink before I can put it in and I’m trying to pace myself.

I did however go check in on our little ones to see how they’re doing and 2 more popped up! You can see the 2 fairly easily, the third is a bit tougher but it’s above ground. See if you can find it!

Here is a closeup of the first one.. take a look how thick that stem is, and it’s already a beautiful green color.. The seedling starter is pretty legit when it comes to starting seedlings lol

Coming out of the ground with a stem that thick will allow for rapid growth, and is the beginning of trying to create strong branches. Im anxious to see what’s indica and what’s sativa, that’s the fun part about the bag seed, but it does make it slightly more difficult to plan for. Not too much more difficult, just less time to prepare.

I’m gonna spray some distilled water on top of each cup just to keep it moist.. these cups have sat next to a radiator and in a warm tent for a couple days now and just a light spray on the mulch should be decent enough

No big lessons right now lol but I’ve got plenty planned!
Quick update before I head out the door, we’ve got 5 up now, 3 more to go..They’ll most likely pop up today, if not I’ll wait another day then start moving dirt around to see what’s happening. The first one that sprouted is taking off like a rocket, makes me already think sativa

Alright we’ve got 5 stretching their arms getting ready to grow and I see number 6 popping.. it should be up by the end of the day.. the other 2 have disturbed topsoil so I assume they’ll be up in the morning. 8/8.. Germination rate is still above 98% that 1 failure will haunt me a long time.. The seed shell choked (pinched) the plant out at the stem as it came out of the ground.

7/8 are now above ground.. They all look healthy.. strong thick stems, all taking on deep colors quickly.. Perfect germination so far.





I will wait about 2 weeks for the seedlings to grow out before I transplant into hard sided 1 gallons.. I will layer those containers a few days before transplant and wet them down to get the bacteria action rolling so it’s ready to go.
For reference.. The seeds I have planted are 2 years old. They spent that time on a shelf in my laundry room where it is hot and dry constantly. They were in a jar in open air with no protection of any kind aside from being kept in a shadow on said shelf. I’m not a big believer in all kinds of processes to pop a seed unless they’re really old. I also shake far too much to be able to precisely move a sprouted tap root (its also why I don’t put them in any certain direction, too fine of a movement for my hands) . The only reason I soak them is to pop them a little to get myco on the root asap and I’ve only recently started that and will be watching to see if it has any effect. I feel if a plant isn’t strong enough to sprout on its own and needs a bunch of trauma and sterility to get it to pop then you’re asking for a problem plant from the start.

This is a generalization, there are definitely select times where it’s beneficial to get a tap root, and a lot of them are cost and time based. If you’re growing organic though, and more specifically, TLO/LOS you’re not on your time any more and you’re going to want to hew as close to nature as possible. There’s also a strong possibility that your costs are low already so you don’t need that either (unless you’re just starting.. that startup cost can be a big oof lol). My entire intent with growing this way is to allow nature to take the reins of efficiency. I let the plant choose almost everything else, may as well let them choose how to tap. Soon I’ll be looking into shifting into a SIP once I’ve dialed in everything else, and that will be one more process I hand back over to the plant.

If I could get her to plant herself without pollinating everything I’d do that too, and there’s no doubt I’d let her transplant herself either lol.
This is my front glass door iced/frosted over.. I’m gonna have to Crank the heater for the grow, the temperature has dropped in it since the lights came on lol

If it weren’t for climate change I would move out of this state, however, with the way the weather is looking, this may be the best place to just stay put and see what happens.

We’ve got above ground growth now!

Bare with me a bit over the next day or two.. I’ve got a fever (no COVID, did a test earlier) I’m fighting off (I hit 101 for a few and back down to 100.. I usually run colder so anything above 99 means my body is fighting something) while trying to install this RO system (quite a bit bigger than I anticipated 😂) get these plants going (it looks like we have a special performer since it’s the first and only one up) , and prep my base mix so it can start building its food web (I have nothing that needs to compost, and I don’t want the food web to start breaking down organic matter before I’m ready).

This means I may not be as responsive but I’ll still be around. Journaling helps me clear my head and focus my grow, I just don’t have the same mental speed when I’m fevering.
Hoping for a speedy recovery @Keffka . CL🍀
Way to germ K man!

You called it, it’s officially 8/8 this morning!

The only bummer about germinating in this fashion is there’s a 3 day window of age.. When they’re this young those 3 days can make a big difference so I’ll have to transplant in parts

Highya Guys,

It's very windy (gusts up to 55 mph) and it says 48 degrees now. And, we live in a pine forest! On the back side of this rain it's supposed to be 20's day and teens night, here on the Coast of Maine. Doesn't sound as bad as some! Overall climate is warming, up here!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Guys,

It's very windy (gusts up to 55 mph) and it says 48 degrees now. And, we live in a pine forest! On the back side of this rain it's supposed to be 20's day and teens night, here on the Coast of Maine. Doesn't sound as bad as some! Overall climate is warming, up here!! Happy Smokin'
From what I heard this cold weather is heading east. CL🍀
It's here. 13 degrees this morning.
Yep.. I haven’t seen cold like this in years.. the temperature is 2 F this morning with a wind chill of -20F. My windows have frost on the inside of them, some of my roof nails that are on the inside have so much frost on them I thought they were spider egg sacs at first lol.

From what I can see of global temperatures though, this looks like mother natures final hurrahs before she starts turning up the heat. Predictions claim that by 2050, us here in Michigan will have similar weather to Tennessee.. If that happens then I feel really bad for those in the south because it’s about to get really really really hot
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