Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Hi Keffka, we've run into one another around and about. This is the first I've found of your amazing journal. I look forward to more!
"Compaction, high NPK fertilizers, hydrogen peroxide, and, Epsom salts are all harmful to AM fungi."

A quote from Bode's link... This explains why I only saw bad things when I used Epsom salts. I thought it was me. 🤣🤣🤣

They must be a synthetic thing or possibly snake oil. They crashed my Carolina Reapers twice as well. Many seem happy with using them, but I personally used them twice and threw the rest away.

I’d only ever heard Epsom salts as a foliar for confirming Mag.. Stone was the first person I’ve seen recommend it in the water, then after that I’ve seen it in a few places.. I just could never bring myself to add it to my water source, only foliar.. it worked but I already knew it was mag so it was kind of pointless lol.. I knew the container coming had what it needed and I’d rather just not use any nutrients until Day 15

Hi Keffka, we've run into one another around and about. This is the first I've found of your amazing journal. I look forward to more!

Lol we have indeed! Thank you! Feel free to comment or ask any questions!
Off topic but on topic cuz my kids (and wife but that doesn’t fit the theme here lol) are the only thing other than growing I really love.

Kids rebel against their parents (I did, my wife did, my father did, my mother did, etc etc) so I think I’ve got this figured out.. I’m raising my kids as anarchist rebels that question everything, disregard authority, ignore government, have contempt for corporations, and want to eat the rich. They should both grow up to be billionaire CEOs just to say Eff you dad to me.

Or, they’ll be the ones to bring it all down. I’ll take either 🤣
I just posted it in her Show us your trichs thread👍
I'm sorry I didn't get over there! I figured you had a question cause I saw a tag, I've been cooking last day and a half! I responded in your journal though I'll get to the trich thread and my journals again tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm late!

Hi @Keffka !
I'm sorry I didn't get over there! I figured you had a question cause I saw a tag, I've been cooking last day and a half! I responded in your journal though I'll get to the trich thread and my journals again tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm late!

Hi @Keffka !

Hey @Krissi Carbone ! You’ve always got an open invitation to anything I’m working on. Thanks for stopping by.. I’ll be droughting this time and will make sure to take plenty of somewhat clear pictures 😆
Hey @Krissi Carbone ! You’ve always got an open invitation to anything I’m working on. Thanks for stopping by.. I’ll be droughting this time and will make sure to take plenty of somewhat clear pictures 😆
Happy to be here. I started catching up on your other journal and I got sidetracked. I hate trying to do something and having to stop mid way through. That's why it takes me forever to get caught up with journals. Happy to be over this way and thank you for having me!

I'm looking incredibly forward to seeing this documenting and photography during your drought, can't wait for you to see the morphology yourself
Happy to be here. I started catching up on your other journal and I got sidetracked. I hate trying to do something and having to stop mid way through. That's why it takes me forever to get caught up with journals. Happy to be over this way and thank you for having me!

Lol you saw I posted something similar in @Gee64 science thread, I’m the same way. I get sidetracked so easily.. What’s worse is I’ve got this weird compulsion that I have to complete something all at once. If I’m telling a story and get interrupted I have to start over from the beginning. If I’m reading something and take a break and come back I have to start back a page prior at minimum. I used to do it with food too.. I’d have to eat each of the foods I was having all at once before the next one.. By the time I consciously think that I’m doing it again I’ve already done it 😂

I'm looking incredibly forward to seeing this documenting and photography during your drought, can't wait for you to see the morphology yourself

I can’t argue with what I saw from growers I trust here. Not to mention, logically, it makes sense droughting would increase production of defensive mechanisms like resin and trichomes.

A heads up to folks reading, I’ve been bogged down in a couple books the last few days which is why the updates slowed. I will post more today. I went out and bought extra 1 gallons and smaller rubber garden wire for this grow.

I was looking at my grow shop and they have SIPs/Self Watering pots starting at 1 gallons.. I’ll be picking those up for the next journal so I can get them going ASAP. I’m gonna have to likely question @Azimuth about his starter SIPs. I’ll have to think on what my concerns are.

I’ve also decided I’m going to top and manifold one or two of the plants this grow just so I can anecdotally (no control plant yet so can’t really be conclusive) compare Veg timing and root growth to the LST, plus topping and training is what I’m most confident in. Pruning will happen as we go as necessary although I will try tying down before removing anything.

My thought process with this is I am attempting to replicate natural processes as much as possible. Being indoors and under a LED is obviously not the same as the sun outside so I will have to make a few adjustments here and there to be able to get the plant full light exposure and good airflow.

I’ll be flipping my light to 50% once I transplant these last 3 plants. If you saw in my last journal, my light is big and self contained (4’x4’ with no external driver it’s built in to the rails), so it’s a hassle to raise, lower, and level it off. Instead of raising or lowering the light I move my plants up and down. When I flip to 50% and put the plants on the floor they’ll be about 4-5 feet from the light but will get about 400 umols give or take, which I will steadily push higher as I assess how much they can handle.. I’ll likely not get to 600 before flower but that’s alright, we’re going for quality growth over quantity growth.

For those interested, Gee started a science journal for people who like to think up all kinds of wild non conventional ideas and for debating growing related theories. A lot of the more heady stuff we talk about here will be expanded on even more there. This will also help consolidate a lot of the knowledge that gets spread out across multiple journals. It just started but will quickly fill with information:

The Gee Spot - You Finally Found It
Little update.. plants are looking good.. color is coming in on the new growth. I broke apical dominance on the first transplant. The solo cups are tougher to do it in I’ll be more successful after transplant.

I was looking at my grow shop and they have SIPs/Self Watering pots starting at 1 gallons.. I’ll be picking those up for the next journal so I can get them going ASAP. I’m gonna have to likely question @Azimuth about his starter SIPs. I’ll have to think on what my concerns are.
Are they the bucket or Earthboxes by chance?

Keff in the pics it looks like the beginning of a mag deficiency but the lighter/darker in the veins could be the lighting. Indicas do shadow more than the sativas, of which I am more used too.

Its way too soon for your soil to be deficient so its likely a ph thing which is usually a myco thing in LOS. It could be transplant shock too.

If its not the lighting I would hit them with a myco drench as per the instructions on the bottle to get the rhizosphere ph'ing better. Then watch for progress/regress.

By chance does your blend of soil have other recomended components such as bsm type carb boosters or a version of Cal-Mag? If so and if it is a mag issue it may be a required add-on.

The roots looked fantastic so its not the plant.

Keff in the pics it looks like the beginning of a mag deficiency but the lighter/darker in the veins could be the lighting. Indicas do shadow more than the sativas, of which I am more used too.

Its way too soon for your soil to be deficient so its likely a ph thing which is usually a myco thing in LOS. It could be transplant shock too.

If its not the lighting I would hit them with a myco drench as per the instructions on the bottle to get the rhizosphere ph'ing better. Then watch for progress/regress.

By chance does your blend of soil have other recomended components such as bsm type carb boosters or a version of Cal-Mag? If so and if it is a mag issue it may be a required add-on.

The roots looked fantastic so its not the plant.

That was starting while they were in the solo cups.. No one is ready for water yet so I’m just keeping my eyes on it.. I’ve got organic non chelated no acid calmag on hand.. mag was an issue last grow in this same soil (wasn’t amended with EWC and perlite last grow) so I’m just watching to see how they react. I’ve started to see cupping in the leaves as well which reminds me of light avoidance.. they’ve got mag supplies on top, on the bottom and in the soil along with calcium however I think the water is too pure. 0-3 ppm on my TDS and since the soil isn’t built by me I’m leaning toward dropping the calmag in just to raise the PPMs a bit.





I have a strong suspicion this is gonna require a steady slow drip of calmag even with the supplies I’ve given. I don’t think this specific soil can handle my light in a 1 gallon on a pure water source.. maybe the 3s will do better (I doubt that as well) but I don’t think the 1 is big enough. My rootball will never get big enough to pickup the slack
That was starting while they were in the solo cups.. No one is ready for water yet so I’m just keeping my eyes on it.. I’ve got organic non chelated no acid calmag on hand.. mag was an issue last grow in this same soil (wasn’t amended with EWC and perlite last grow) so I’m just watching to see how they react. I’ve started to see cupping in the leaves as well which reminds me of light avoidance.. they’ve got mag supplies on top, on the bottom and in the soil along with calcium however I think the water is too pure. 0-3 ppm on my TDS and since the soil isn’t built by me I’m leaning toward dropping the calmag in just to raise the PPMs a bit.





Hmmm... I wonder if its the blend? Do you have a soil ph meter?

Also I have seen this when its too cold for the microlife to function properly but it needs to get pretty cool for awhile for that.

Are you watering with fairly cold water maybe?

Yeah watch the new growth and see.

Aren't you part owner of a new science lab? I hear its pretty quiet over there... got a runt to let the crowd try to diagnose?
Here’s the mix (plus 1 part EWC and 1 part perlite).. temperature could be the cause.. I haven’t been able to hit 80 in the room for a couple days (75ish) and have had to water closer to lights out. Water temps have been 70F

I’ll pickup a soil ph meter in the morning.

I’ll see what they look like tomorrow and bring it to the crew

You can't really go wrong with a bit of good cal-mag and its early so you really want to not lose any days yet, so I wouldn't hesitate to try it.

If it fixes it then I would really research that blend as that would be 2 for 2.

It is very possible they have set you up to need a 2nd ingredient to compliment it.

Are you following any other journals using Stoningtons? I wonder if you're not alone?
You can't really go wrong with a bit of good cal-mag and its early so you really want to not lose any days yet, so I wouldn't hesitate to try it.

If it fixes it then I would really research that blend as that would be 2 for 2.

It is very possible they have set you up to need a 2nd ingredient to compliment it.

Are you following any other journals using Stoningtons? I wonder if you're not alone?

Mag has been an issue in almost every indoor Stonington grow I’ve seen. I thought I could outpace it by loading extra supplies but it looks like it’s gonna be a requirement to slow feed when indoors.
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