Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

So I make a water soluble calcium as part of my ferts, but for people, instead of milk what's the GoTo?
Well your not really going to like this but... The microbes in our belly can't digest meat so our system creates an enzyme that works really well.

The enzyme requires a different ph so when digestion is over our body pulls calcium from our bones to reset our ph.

Meat and dairy is fortified with tons of calcium but only because its all required to just break even on calcium, when in fact we should be storing some into our bones, so long term it gives you a cal deficiency.

Stop consuming animal protein or at least cut it way back and pick your poison. My calcium is correct so I can afford the odd salmon meal as its very nutritious meat.
Gotta run, travelling again.
When I started my "farm" I went and foraged for worms in the leaf litter under some trees on my property. Only got a small handful, but turns out that's all you need! I hear the red wigglers are what you find in composting piles of horse manure. Don't know if that's true, but also don't know any horse people
My llama poop guy has millions of red wrigglers in his llama poop compost! Seems like thousands in every shovel! So you may be right about horses.
Azi if you are happy with your mix but are having trouble getting it to the end try larger pots. What size are you flowering in? My science says 6 gals for a sativa from clone, not seed, is minimum for water only. Indicas eat a bit more.
Yeah, no can do. My 2 gallon Lowes buckets are the max my space will allow and that's why I'm so focused on the KNF and Jadam extracts. I can extract most everything I need for nutrients in my grow from things I grow in my yard. I extract them with microbes and everything is all natural.

I've had organic growers tell me flat out that I'm not growing organically because I'm not letting the plants tell the microbes what they want for dinner, but I say they need a new definition as everything I use is organic and processed with microbes. Now granted my microbes do their work on the front end so the delivery to the plant may be different, but in my mind I'm still growing organically in the most natural way I can.

I'm also mostly independent of the supply chain as the bulk of my stuff, whether my grow mix or my nutes, I can produce from my yard.
Yeah, no can do. My 2 gallon Lowes buckets are the max my space will allow and that's why I'm so focused on the KNF and Jadam extracts. I can extract most everything I need for nutrients in my grow from things I grow in my yard. I extract them with microbes and everything is all natural.

I've had organic growers tell me flat out that I'm not growing organically because I'm not letting the plants tell the microbes what they want for dinner, but I say they need a new definition as everything I use is organic and processed with microbes. Now granted my microbes do their work on the front end so the delivery to the plant may be different, but in my mind I'm still growing organically in the most natural way I can.

I'm also mostly independent of the supply chain as the bulk of my stuff, whether my grow mix or my nutes, I can produce from my yard.
You are, your just composting differently. What you are doing is very cool. One day when I have time for it I intend to suck your brain dry❤️
Azi to fully clarify, each 4 gal tray takes 8 weeks from top to bottom give or take so 8-10 weeks from start to harvest.
Ah, OK, thanks.

In my system, I take 8 weeks to fill a 7 gallon tote, and then it processes for another 16 weeks as the bins get rotated, so 24ish weeks total for me.

The red wrigglers are supposed to be faster and reproduce faster as well, but it's a pretty good rhythm for me as is. Although I may do the red worms this summer to compare.
Hey @Keffka . I was thinking about a post couple days ago about watering your girls.
@Azimuth sure already covered this, sorry if its a old topic, cant keep up with you
When i was in COM/organics, remembered getting better results without runoff, i remembered you mentioned watering until runoff, but if you saturate without runoff you'll get better results.
Could be wrong that was several years ago.

Im salt, so i need runoff. Just wanted to point that out and sorry if it was mentioned before.
Cheers bro
No hyphae on that tray as there were no seeds in it, it was my last tray fill with outdoor trim I had in the freezer. Plus the 1 coffee filter full of grounds that every tray gets.



lol the front of the blue mat shows just how much a cat likes organic catnip!🤣🤣🤣
Hi Keffka, Azimuth, guys,

I found this site looking for DIY Mychorrizhae. MoldResistentStrains dot com has AN article - /diy-how-to-make-mycorrhizal-fungi-inoculant/. I thought it was very interesting! Happy Smokin'
Hi Keffka, Azimuth, guys,

I found this site looking for DIY Mychorrizhae. MoldResistentStrains dot com has AN article - /diy-how-to-make-mycorrhizal-fungi-inoculant/. I thought it was very interesting! Happy Smokin'
Thanks, @Bode . But I wasn't able to pull that up. :confused:
Please forgive my crappy camera work as I only had a conventional microscope and my phone available. Has anyone ever seen trichs like this before? Roughly half the trichs are multi-headed. Its my Durban and I have never seen this before. I never added or subtracted anything to the soil.

I've not. @Krissi Carbone ?
https:// diy-how-to-make-mycorrhizal-fungi-inoculant/ remove the spaces
Hey @Keffka . I was thinking about a post couple days ago about watering your girls.
@Azimuth sure already covered this, sorry if its a old topic, cant keep up with you
When i was in COM/organics, remembered getting better results without runoff, i remembered you mentioned watering until runoff, but if you saturate without runoff you'll get better results.
Could be wrong that was several years ago.

Im salt, so i need runoff. Just wanted to point that out and sorry if it was mentioned before.
Cheers bro

A couple of things about that.. When I go to runoff it’s not a lot.. I try to keep it under 10%, usually just enough to barely drip from the bottom, and will be sucked up back into the container within 30-45 minutes. I’m also mainly using the Stonington soil for its physical properties. The EWC, perlite, myco, bacteria, and dry nutrients are the main players in this grow. The runoffs only purpose is so I know I’ve saturated the container.

As the grow continues I’ll learn the exact amount of water the plant and soil will want and the runoff will only be a very small amount. I appreciate you speaking up though because yes, for any newer growers watching, normally you are not trying to get the same kind of runoff synthetic/bottled nutrients growers are getting. When in an organic or LOS grow you’re not worried about flushing the rhizosphere out, your main goal is to keep everything on the moist side.

When the medium begins drying out, crystals can form which take up space and dehydrate the microbes making parts of the soil really inhospitable to said microbes, we don’t want that when using the soil food web. There are other issues such as Ph swings and nutrient concentrations that can occur from drying out as well but those are secondary to ensuring the life is alive and welcomed.
https:// diy-how-to-make-mycorrhizal-fungi-inoculant/ remove the spaces
"Compaction, high NPK fertilizers, hydrogen peroxide, and, Epsom salts are all harmful to AM fungi."

A quote from Bode's link... This explains why I only saw bad things when I used Epsom salts. I thought it was me. 🤣🤣🤣

They must be a synthetic thing or possibly snake oil. They crashed my Carolina Reapers twice as well. Many seem happy with using them, but I personally used them twice and threw the rest away.
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