Good morning and good weed everyone. I did some shopping around yesterday to make a new DIY CFL setup, couldn't find a container with the dimensions I was looking for, gonna try a few more places in the coming days. I wanted to ask some reflective questions to you cfl pros out there, I know there's quite a few of you lol
If I built a 36" x 11 1/2" x 7" and attached mylar to the inside with a piece of acrylic over the bottom. Would I get best burns from having 90 degree angles? Are CFL's even powerful enough to cause a heat burn from a hotspot? Would a white tubaware type reflector with smooth rounded corners give me better light reflectivity than a square like box with mylar?
My idea so far is to get 8 2700k 42w 2800 Lumen CFL's per 15" with a few 6500k 32w 2000Lumen CFLs in between for a balance spectrum.
Right now my idea is cut wood to 36" x 11 1/2" then 2 more sheets 36" x 7" and finally 2 more 11 1/2" x 7".
Glue mylar to the 5 boards with 3M glue then put some screws in to hold the mylar in place. ( I noticed excessive heat causes mylar to peel with 3M)
Precut 2" holes ( for sockets) every 3" - 3 1/2" down the center of the board 36" x 11 1/2"
Silicon in weather proof sockets
Cut out one 4" hole on both 11 1/2 x 7" boards (to attach hose to suck out hot air)
Screw all 5 boards together
Wire all the sockets together.
Put In Y sockets and CFLs
Cut acrylic and fit it over the bottom opening to seal the ballast. predrill holes to screw it together.
Hang the ballast on 80lb light movers
Attach hose to both opening then to inline fan
Mount carbon filter on the exhaust end of intake instead of the inside
My construction skills suck, that's all I got for now
Think it'll work? Ideas? Thoughts? Would love to hear from you guys