Kali Mist CFL Scrog Grow Journal - 05-19-13

Good weednesday Crimson:)
the only bad part about super cropping is where are you going to bend them to. what I mean is if you do, it could end up looking like a bird nest IDK
Morning John thanks for the advice will be sure to follow it :)

Thanks fish cakes, happy weed day :) I'll be doing LST no super cropping
if you do it slow you can bend them all the way like a horse shoe. try and do the most bending an hour after a watering and in the morning or lights on period. they will be the most flexible then. but a little bit every day will be just fine. try to tie above the spot it will bend if you were to tug her from the top:) IMHO. this is what I do and not always the best for other folks.:)
good weed Crimson!:)
Quick update, I evened out the canopy with clips then realized most of the tall tops aren't hurting anything and actually not directly under the CFL's, So I let them be. For the most part I moved certain branches around to promote better lighting. I also noticed a couple pistols are turning slightly amber and wilting/curling, I'm guessing this is due to excessive heat, I raised the CFL to around 3" instead of 2" and put a 18" fan on the girls.

I noticed the browning pistols were coming from 1 plant, I now believe this is some sort of a nute problem, this particular plant has a much darker yellow/orange run off from watering than its counterpart, which has no brown pistols. I'll water this plant with straight water for 2 days then continue with 1/4 strength nutes.

I think there is a slight nitrogen defeciency as well so I'll be slightly increase the old formula 2-7-7 to 8-14-13
Wonderful grow Crimson!:goodjob:
Happy Friedday to you:)
I noticed small hair like roots at the top of my soil in both my plants, I think I've been over watering a little, although plants don't seem bothered by it. Another possibility is maybe its getting root bound? 62 days in a 2 gallon pot from seedling... Another 50 days to go.

Wifey and I agree we shouldn't spend anymore money on the project for awhile so no 600w cooltube hps For awhile. I decided to get creative and try to build some sort of cooltube or box for my CFL's. I'm thinking about redoing the ballast when I get some time to either 2-3 smallers units like my DIY video on page 1 or 1 longer ballast to get the most out of my cabinet. I'd like to hear ideas for a great DIY cfl setup and maybe if I have time I'll make a DIY of my project for everyone to use if they like it
Plants looking great, and your screen kicks ass.:bravo: +reps!
if you have any room at all in the pots you can top dress them with more soil. might get you through 60 more days
I noticed small hair like roots at the top of my soil in both my plants, I think I've been over watering a little, although plants don't seem bothered by it. Another possibility is maybe its getting root bound? 62 days in a 2 gallon pot from seedling... Another 50 days to go.

Wifey and I agree we shouldn't spend anymore money on the project for awhile so no 600w cooltube hps For awhile. I decided to get creative and try to build some sort of cooltube or box for my CFL's. I'm thinking about redoing the ballast when I get some time to either 2-3 smallers units like my DIY video on page 1 or 1 longer ballast to get the most out of my cabinet. I'd like to hear ideas for a great DIY cfl setup and maybe if I have time I'll make a DIY of my project for everyone to use if they like it
I hate spending money when I have so much stuff already too:)
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