Kali Mist CFL Scrog Grow Journal - 05-19-13

my apologies, taking a long time to upload pics. Heres the 2 girls there's about a half inch to inch of space to first secondary branches. How much soil do you think I can add sir fish?

I filled the soil to the pots rim, left an indent towards the base of the plant
you beat me to it:)
I wouldn't worry about around the stem either it will just grow more roots as long as its covered:)
Thanks fish, I had a feeling the stems would shoot off roots, I saw Alex scrog do something similar

I found out my plants had a ph level below 6 after measuring the runoff with a liquid indicator ph kit . The plant with the pistol tips burnt had an even lower ph. Also discovered deep yellow/orange/brown runoff usually indicates something isnt chemically reacting correctly water/nutes/medium.

Good thing I caught this early. Did a flush with 2 gallons per plant till ph read 7. My tap water is neutral ph and slightly hard gh/kh
Glad you seem to have gotten acidity straightened out, Crimson. I think, but can't be sure, that pH was getting me in my last grow.
good Sativaday Crimson:)
Hi B.real, cool name. Welcome to the journal. This is technically my 4th grow, but my first true grow from start to harvest. All my past projects were healthy but scrapped after just a few weeks. I don't know what yield to expect either, but I have a picture in my head what I'm hoping she'll look like. :) I'll share a short story about myself

I grew up in seattle and was 16 at the time, a friend and I were walking were walking down to the river and on the way there we noticed about 5 marijuana plants in front of a cabin probably each about 3-4 ft tall. We walked up the plants and inspected them in admiration and walked away. Shortly after this old guy comes out of his cabin and called to us with a shotgun. We were freaking out but walked back to him, he asked a few questions and eventually we all smoked a bowl together, the guy asked us to wait for a minute, goes back into his cabin and comes back out with a folgers can full of bag seeds mostly haze and offers both of us to grab a handful. So we did. It was that moment that I decided I wanted to grow out my own plant to smoke one day.

I went back home researched the crap out of growing cause I wanted to be prepared before attempting something I could get in trouble for. First book I found was Todd Mccormik's book the grow bible and I start printing it out on my dads laser printer along with a bunch of other material. it was like 1000 pages or something. He finds hundreds of pages in the computer room floor, asks questions, then gives them back. Cool I thought, a few weeks later I try growing out one of the seeds where he eventually finds the plant after about 3 weeks. He beat my ass and flushed it. So that was the end of my growing days. I've read about growing periodically for 8 years though and attempted it again after I had my own place around 20 grown under T5's I was in the process of moving so I had to toss a 2 ft tall vegging plant. To this day, I still have a film canister full of bag seed lol.
You've made it. You're officially a grower. A picture says a 1,000 words. + reps
Thank you reg, I'm really hoping the government federally legalize marijuana. Would love to open a dispensary one day. Till then, I only grow for personal use.

I love the bill being passed in colorado and washington. For a thousand bucks you can either grow OR sell marijuana. Passes at the end of this year if all goes well.
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