Just got a new Light and need help

I fractured L2, L3, L4 and L5. One bulging disk and one ruptured. My Xray looked like a minor boo boo compared to yours. Amazement and congrats on it not being nerve issues. Hope they got it sorted for good this time.
Damn, then you have an idea of what I am going through. Did yours get fixed and with no lingering pain?
I am really getting concerned about my DWC plant. She is not looking any better. Anyone have any ideas from the photos and info below? Let me know if you need any further info.

Specs are:
Grow Method: Single Cultivation Pot (19l) with Oxy Ring
Pinneapple: Express Auto (Barney's Farm)
Genetics: Ruderalis/Indica/Sativa
Sex: Feminized
Age: 12.08.2024 - Day 12
Light: ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro set @ 50% and distance is 35.5cm (14")
Nutes: TA TriPart - Per TA Schedule "First true leaves" = 1ml/l for all three parts, Grow, Micro, and Bloom



make some topicals if you can. i supply them to folk who use them to reduce issues from deep tissue scarring and other pains. it can significantly reduce recovery period.

Glad to hear that. I was wondering about rehab due to atrophy. Your PT is your new buddy. Keep the faith.
PT?? OMG, I have not heard that term since me Army days!! LOL :laugh: I hate PT, but I was always top of the class. But thanks for the motivation💪👍
Ok, guys I think I have figured out the problem, and it is completely my fault. 😥
I did not clean my Hydroton properly.🤦‍♂️
I did rinse them out until I thought it was clean but after doing some research these guys need some serious cleaning before using.
I just used my tap water which has a high PH, I did not balance them in corrected PH water, and I did not soak them for 24 hrs in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
So now it makes sense why the PH keeps going back up on me. The OXY Ring drips down and washes the bad material from the balls into my water and makes my PH skyrocket.

So now that I have figured it out, I need some help with the solution.

1. Should I just kill the plant and start over?
2. Is there a way of removing the plant from the current hydroton and put in clean ones?
3. Try and use a hydrogen Peroxide solution and rinse them off in a dry bucket, which would also sterilize my roots at the same time, but I don't know if it would kill it or not?

Or any other ideas would be highly appreciated.

For right now I have just removed the OXY Ring from the air circuit and just put an air stone on it to keep from washing any more shit down into my new fresh water.
Ok, guys I think I have figured out the problem, and it is completely my fault. 😥
I did not clean my Hydroton properly.🤦‍♂️
I did rinse them out until I thought it was clean but after doing some research these guys need some serious cleaning before using.
I just used my tap water which has a high PH, I did not balance them in corrected PH water, and I did not soak them for 24 hrs in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
So now it makes sense why the PH keeps going back up on me. The OXY Ring drips down and washes the bad material from the balls into my water and makes my PH skyrocket.

So now that I have figured it out, I need some help with the solution.

1. Should I just kill the plant and start over?
2. Is there a way of removing the plant from the current hydroton and put in clean ones?
3. Try and use a hydrogen Peroxide solution and rinse them off in a dry bucket, which would also sterilize my roots at the same time, but I don't know if it would kill it or not?

Or any other ideas would be highly appreciated.

For right now I have just removed the OXY Ring from the air circuit and just put an air stone on it to keep from washing any more shit down into my new fresh water.
I have moved this post to the correct forum "Hydroponic Gardening" :thumb:
You can place the plant in an empty bucket and pour PH water threw the clay. 15 gallons should do it. Add 3 Tbs peroxide to 3 gallons of PH water and run that threw. Clean the ring, bucket and flush the ring with the pump. Reset your res and you should be good.

I don't use the rings. The water evaporates off the clay and leaves a salt residue. Rewetting puts those salts back into solution so the mineral content spikes up at the clay and drips into the res. Only the vary outer layer of clay gets a fine mist from the bubbler in mine. So the basket is where the roots get the air they need. It promotes root growth down into the res for the water and minerals they need. Once a tap root touches the water you can let the clay dry out.

Did yours get fixed and with no lingering pain?
I hid the pain and kept working until one morning I couldn't move from the waist down. Couldn't hide that. They wanted to fuse 3 of my vert. Unfortunately I inherited genetic trait where I don't metabolize opioids or nerve blockers. Opium is just a flavored tobacco. Morphine and demersal are water. Codeine and Vicodin are children's aspirin. Local anesthetics feel cold for a few minutes but never numb. I have tried most everything and so far, cannabis, shrooms and muscle relaxers are the only ones with any effect. So that was a firm NO on the operation.

I spent 3 months in traction before my legs came back. Another 3 months before I could get out of bed. Then 6 months of physical therapy and I was back to light duty work. In total I did 2 years of PT. That was over 10 years ago and I still do the yoga stretches in the morning and night. If I forget, or over do it, it feels like I sat, bent over too long and need to pop my back but can't. More of a discomfort than pain. Cannabis to relax and reduce swelling. The yoga stretches to straiten it out and I am good again.
You can place the plant in an empty bucket and pour PH water threw the clay. 15 gallons should do it. Add 3 Tbs peroxide to 3 gallons of PH water and run that threw. Clean the ring, bucket and flush the ring with the pump. Reset your res and you should be good.

I don't use the rings. The water evaporates off the clay and leaves a salt residue. Rewetting puts those salts back into solution so the mineral content spikes up at the clay and drips into the res. Only the vary outer layer of clay gets a fine mist from the bubbler in mine. So the basket is where the roots get the air they need. It promotes root growth down into the res for the water and minerals they need. Once a tap root touches the water you can let the clay dry out.

I hid the pain and kept working until one morning I couldn't move from the waist down. Couldn't hide that. They wanted to fuse 3 of my vert. Unfortunately I inherited genetic trait where I don't metabolize opioids or nerve blockers. Opium is just a flavored tobacco. Morphine and demersal are water. Codeine and Vicodin are children's aspirin. Local anesthetics feel cold for a few minutes but never numb. I have tried most everything and so far, cannabis, shrooms and muscle relaxers are the only ones with any effect. So that was a firm NO on the operation.

I spent 3 months in traction before my legs came back. Another 3 months before I could get out of bed. Then 6 months of physical therapy and I was back to light duty work. In total I did 2 years of PT. That was over 10 years ago and I still do the yoga stretches in the morning and night. If I forget, or over do it, it feels like I sat, bent over too long and need to pop my back but can't. More of a discomfort than pain. Cannabis to relax and reduce swelling. The yoga stretches to straiten it out and I am good again.
Ok, thank you, I will give that a try and if it kills it I will have one sprouting already standing by 😉

Man, you sound like an exact copy of me. I did the same thing, kept pushing my back even though it was hurting, I kept working until one day I went down and couldnt get back up.
And the same for me with the meds, the only thing that helps me is Hydromorphone and a lot of it. I have been on it since 2010. Everything else did not work, even Fentanyl helped. My body just consumes those like candy.

Now that it looks like this last OP has worked, at least as far as the nerves are concerned, I want to start getting off the pills. So that is why I started growing and will see if it helps with the pain and with getting off the pills.
That is why I am so glad that they made it legal to grow here in Germany.
Purple afghan and Christmas tree are my heavy indica, if I just need sleep. Thai stops all pain but my mind and body are useless. Sativa like mowi and Jamaican take the edge off but I still have energy and enough mental ability.
How are those strains for Tincture and Infusion? I cant smoke because of my asthma.

I did some research on what strains are best for pain and came up with Pineapple Express Auto, Girl Scout Cookies Auto, and CBD Fix Auto. Of course these results are all subjective since what works for some may not work for others.
Hey everyone!
I just got a new light yesterday, it is the VIPARSPECTRA XS1500 Pro.
I woke up this morning and found that some of my plants looked like they were burnt. (see photos)😔
I set the light to manf. recommended settings which is 11.8" from plant and light set to 100%.

So today I set the height to 14" and left it at 100%.

Does anyone have any suggestions before I end up with cooked weed...lol 🤣


I’m new to growing but I found that a good mist every few hours will help that I have had same issue
Can someone give me a tip on a good (but inexpensive) light measuring meter?

I was thinking about this meter, if anyone has any experience witth it please let me know.
"BTMETER BT-881D Digital Illuminance Light Meter"

I downloaded the Photone app and paid for it, then it surprises you and tells you that you have to buy a Diffuser for it to work correctly and they are expensive, scammed!
Can someone give me a tip on a good (but inexpensive) light measuring meter?

I was thinking about this meter, if anyone has any experience witth it please let me know.
"BTMETER BT-881D Digital Illuminance Light Meter"

I downloaded the Photone app and paid for it, then it surprises you and tells you that you have to buy a Diffuser for it to work correctly and they are expensive, scammed!
Uni-T works very well and it's $36.

Checking out the BT meter, I like the fact that it's backlit and it looks like you can sample a canopy by pressing the "Rec" button. Those are good features to have. When plants are small, I take only one reading but, as the plant gets bigger, multiple readings help me understand how much light is hitting the canopy. I've had grows where I sample 40 points on the canopy of the plant and the ability to record the values is very handy.

I've attached a document I wrote to help you convert lux to PPFD.

re. Photone - I don't recommend Photone but I don't see how you were scammed. That fact Photoe requires a diffuser is stated in a few places on their site. They offer a diffuser for a modest sum but if you don't want to buy their diffuser, you can use a strip of #22 paper wrapped around the top part of the iPhone.

Photone requires a diffuser on the iPhone to overcome how the sensor in the iPhone camera is designed. It's a sensor for a camera and it measures light coming directly into the camera lens (it's "directional"). A light meter works best when it's not directional. That's why they have the convex cover over the sensor. With an iPhone you can use the paper strip or their diffuser.

The need for a diffuser is one of the reasons I recommend other ways to set your light levels. The Uni-T is at the top of my list because I've used the older model and the BT model and found them to be, in practical terms, as accurate as an Apogee. The BT Meter appears to have similar accuracy.


  • Lux to PPFD Conversions.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 13
Thank you for the info and the PDF, and I will check out the Uni-T.

Well I did not go to their website, I found the app on my phone and it said in-app costs. So, no problem and I installed it and was checking it out. I tried to get some settings but it seemed that all the good ones were locked, so I paid for the app, no big deal, BUT THEN when I go to use my newly paid for app it says that I cant because I dont have a diffuser. NOWHERE did it say beforehand that I would need a diffuser BEFORE I purchased it, so I just felt scammed.

And about the paper, I just saw thatt solution today on Youtube, but that wont work for me because I cant find 22lb paper in Europe. thanks again for the help Delps. :thumb:
Cannabis is over a hundred known cannabinoids and dozens of terpenes. How you ingest it, flower, concentrate, eat, topical, or tincture changes the final chemical make up, effect and where it concentrates in the body. Two seeds from the same plant are siblings. Two cultivars with the same strain name are distant cousins at best.

Cannabis is a holistic medicine. You don't treat the symptom, you treat the cause. Pain is a symptom. Inflammation, swelling, or circulation could be possible causes. So you need to find the right combination of cannabinoids, terpenes and how your body processes them to treat your specific issue. Nobody can give you the perfect answer but we can guide you in a direction. From there it is trial and error to find what works best for you.

Indica effects the muscles more and sativa effects the nervous system more. THCs are the euphorics but also binds the other cannabinoids to receptors. CBDs and CBGs are the medicinal effect. You want a high CBD for the medicinal effect. CBGs are dilatators so they open vascular and bronchial passages. You can start with separate THC, CBD and CBG tinctures. Once you find the ratio that works best, you can find the strain with a similar ratio. How you grow and harvest will fine tune the final ratios.
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