Just got a new Light and need help

Thank you for the info and the PDF, and I will check out the Uni-T.
You're quite welcome. It's great to see growers getting light meters.

The Uni-T works well but the backlight and the REC function on the BT are very nice. Well worth the extra $6 if you're taking more than one reading.

Well I did not go to their website, I found the app on my phone and it said in-app costs. So, no problem and I installed it and was checking it out. I tried to get some settings but it seemed that all the good ones were locked, so I paid for the app, no big deal, BUT THEN when I go to use my newly paid for app it says that I cant because I dont have a diffuser. NOWHERE did it say beforehand that I would need a diffuser BEFORE I purchased it, so I just felt scammed.
Ah ha, that as an "assumption" on my part. My apologies.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain the sequence of events.

I see your point and I agree with you. I'd feel the same way.
And about the paper, I just saw thatt solution today on Youtube, but that wont work for me because I cant find 22lb paper in Europe. thanks again for the help Delps. :thumb:
Either the Uni-T or BT will do but the BT has a couple of nice features that are well worth the extra €.

I hope you find that info useful.
Cannabis is over a hundred known cannabinoids and dozens of terpenes. How you ingest it, flower, concentrate, eat, topical, or tincture changes the final chemical make up, effect and where it concentrates in the body. Two seeds from the same plant are siblings. Two cultivars with the same strain name are distant cousins at best.

Cannabis is a holistic medicine. You don't treat the symptom, you treat the cause. Pain is a symptom. Inflammation, swelling, or circulation could be possible causes. So you need to find the right combination of cannabinoids, terpenes and how your body processes them to treat your specific issue. Nobody can give you the perfect answer but we can guide you in a direction. From there it is trial and error to find what works best for you.

Indica effects the muscles more and sativa effects the nervous system more. THCs are the euphorics but also binds the other cannabinoids to receptors. CBDs and CBGs are the medicinal effect. You want a high CBD for the medicinal effect. CBGs are dilatators so they open vascular and bronchial passages. You can start with separate THC, CBD and CBG tinctures. Once you find the ratio that works best, you can find the strain with a similar ratio. How you grow and harvest will fine tune the final ratios.
Thanks much, and I hope we can figure it out. So that would not only be my first time walking without pain for the last 14 years but also the first time of not taking any pills, or at least reducing them!
You're quite welcome. It's great to see growers getting light meters.

The Uni-T works well but the backlight and the REC function on the BT are very nice. Well worth the extra $6 if you're taking more than one reading.
Yeah, when I do something I like doing it 120%. I am going to get the BT, its only €39.80. I am also getting a humidifier because I cant keep my RH up.
Good news, she came back to life and is now doing good, so thank you everyone for your awesome help! 🙏

My only question now is, should I cut off the 2 damaged fan leaves or leave them?

Good news, she came back to life and is now doing good, so thank you everyone for your awesome help! 🙏

My only question now is, should I cut off the 2 damaged fan leaves or leave them?


So young naa i would leave them be.
Still working as solar panels. :)
Well I spoke too soon! Brown roots are back and big time!! Also the other two fan leave tips are turning brown and curling up, just in the few hours since I took the pics from above! 😭 😭 😭

Well I am not a quitter, so I will keep at it until either I'm dead or the plant is dead! LOL :rofl:





Good news, she came back to life and is now doing good, so thank you everyone for your awesome help! 🙏

My only question now is, should I cut off the 2 damaged fan leaves or leave them?

The leaf tips are damaged but almost the entire leaf is able to do its job. Those two leaves are 50%± of your canopy.

The only time I remove leaves is leaves that are under the canopy that are badly damaged, that are very senesced, or that are blocking airflow.

As leaves age, they become less important to the plant and the nutrients in the leaves are migrated to the top of the plant. As that happens, the leaves change color from green to yellow. Once that process has taken place, I'll cut off those leaves.

Cutting off for air flow - my preference is to use fans below the canopy rather than removing leaves which, under the canopy, are needed for transpiration and are used as a source of nutrients, per above.

Light is an input to photosynthesis, which is how plants make food. Leaves collect the photons that are used in photosynthesis (among other things). If you remove leaves, that will reduce the light that can be collected for photosynthesis. Assuming that a grower wants the plants to be able to generate food, I'm hard pressed to see the value in removing health leaves from a plant.
The rhyme was accidental :laugh:

Adding peroxide has the same effect as aeration but it is a temporary boost. Bacteria and fungus can not survive in aerobic conditions. Placing an air stone in with your roots will drive the O2 levels up. The plant draws up O2 at the roots and all of the nasties can only live in O2 depleted water. So the slime indicates you need more aeration. It is near impossible to add too much aeration.
Bacteria and fungus can not survive in aerobic conditions.
The good bacteria, fungus and other micro-organisms that are beneficial to the soil and the plants need aerobic (oxygen available) conditions. These beneficial ones are those that promote composting and the breaking down of plant material. All to often there will be msgs from people who have panicked because they saw some fungus growing on the surface of there freshly made soil mix. They remove it and end up wasting some of their soil. Or they throw the soil away. Either way they then ask what it was afterwards and end up having to start over when they are informed that most likely what they saw was good for the soil.

If the oxygen is used up and not replaced the conditions become anaerobic (without oxygen) and the amounts of bad bacteria, fungus and other micro-organisms that often cause decomposing that smells bad, will increase. And, not all bacteria and fungus that grows in anaerobic conditions is bad. There are some that are beneficial and necessary to a healthy soil in small amounts.

Placing an air stone in with your roots will drive the O2 levels up. The plant draws up O2 at the roots...
The air stone idea is a good one to keep in mind. Oxygen in the soil helps with a lot of things the roots do including helping to absorb the nutrients and moving them to the above ground part of the plant. If the O2 levels are too low then then plant can start to grow slower and have a lower yield at harvest time.
The rhyme was accidental :laugh:

Adding peroxide has the same effect as aeration but it is a temporary boost. Bacteria and fungus can not survive in aerobic conditions. Placing an air stone in with your roots will drive the O2 levels up. The plant draws up O2 at the roots and all of the nasties can only live in O2 depleted water. So the slime indicates you need more aeration. It is near impossible to add too much aeration.
OMG! I just had the most unpleasant and scariest trip ever!! 😭 o_O
My first experience with cannabis for almost 20 years and it did not go well.
It took 12 hours for it to wear off.

I did not think that 0.45g was much, but it put me down and out, I truly felt like I was going to die...😵

I guess I am doing something right on my grows...LOL

I need to back up and first recover and then research a better dosage for me.
Half gram of flower, tincture or concentrate in edible? No matter what your answer is, it was too much unless you are an avid user.

10mg of THC is a moderate dose and a good starting point. A half gram of 20% flower is 100mg. Any other concentrated form is going to be even higher. My oldest ate a gummy from my stash box and took another one for latter, thinking it was 10mg. An hour latter he couldn't lift his arm to eat the second one. I explained he should have worn his glasses. They were 100mg each.
Half gram of flower, tincture or concentrate in edible? No matter what your answer is, it was too much unless you are an avid user.

10mg of THC is a moderate dose and a good starting point. A half gram of 20% flower is 100mg. Any other concentrated form is going to be even higher. My oldest ate a gummy from my stash box and took another one for latter, thinking it was 10mg. An hour latter he couldn't lift his arm to eat the second one. I explained he should have worn his glasses. They were 100mg each.
Yeah, I had no idea, I thhought it was low but thats because I did not do my research. It wont happen again.

Man I am still feeling messed up, yesterday was ok, but all of the sudden today I am feeling dizzy and the whole high again, is that possible that two days later I am still feeling this?
Yeah, I had no idea, I thhought it was low but thats because I did not do my research. It wont happen again.

Man I am still feeling messed up, yesterday was ok, but all of the sudden today I am feeling dizzy and the whole high again, is that possible that two days later I am still feeling this?
The half life of THC is pretty short so I wouldn't think so.

Could it be an underlying health issue? It might not be a bad idea to visit an urgent care. I've had my fair share of "things that need to be repaired" but the one that spooks me is a stroke.
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