Josh's First Attempt at a Successful Indoor Grow

I checked out you journal after writing the above post. It may me feel a bit relieved. But still, I'm a bit uncomfortable with the mold.

Same here, that's why I scooped it off with a spoon, and am letting the full pot dry out in between watering sessions. We'll both have to see what happens, it could well be that this is a species ( feeding off decaying organic matter ) that can survive only on soil, and if thats true won't effect the plant itself. I'm hoping that is the case. :Namaste:
Yeah bro, I'm hoping the same.

It's the same seedling starter mix that the big plants are in. About a week ago I removed the top sol and replaced with MG potting soil. Then I bought that fungicide. It is really viscous. Doesn't spray too well. I tried to saturate the soil with it. Then the mold reappeared. I put 20 squirts into a two gallons of water and treated all the plants. But it came back.

Like you said, so far it it is not on any of the foliage or stems. It may very well be inert or beneficial. (Fingers crossed.)

I'm not going to water again until there is definite foliage droopage. That MG Seedling Starter Mix really holds onto the water. I've been leaving the flaps for ducts open most of the time. (A 6" on the upper back and another on the top.) I have the tent located under a ceiling fan which is on high. There is definite air circulation going on. That's about all I can do at the moment.

I've been to around twenty stores looking for some MG Cloning Powder. Unsuccessful. If I had some I'd dress the top of the soil with it as it contains a fungicide. A buddy of mine owns a nursery. He said he'd just give me some cloning powder. I don't know the brand or if it contains fungicide. I'm going to give it a whirl. I can't see it doing any harm.

I also really want to start taking clones and get things rolling. I have some Jiffy Pellets. Been thinking about giving them a try. Another part of me says "Be patient.". Payday is coming up. I was planning on building that aerocloner like so many people on here use. In my mind, that's the way to clone. Earlier I was looking at our sponsor Green Joint Ventures site. They have a 77-site aerocloner for $55.95. I'm going to get it.

If that mold is still there next week I may buy some fungicide from there also.

I checked with the I.R.S. and my return will be mailed next Wednesday. After that I will be getting the second "Flowering". I'm thinking I may as well get a 4'x4'. I know that a little to much footage for a 600 watt HPS, but I don't plan on filling it to the brim.
Last night I ordered a 77-site cloner and a bottle of Clonex from Access Hydoponics. Tax return will arrive today or Monday. After which I will order the other tent and the 600 watt HID.

Plants are looking good. The older ones really need a trim, hoping that cloner gets here quick. I'm really impressed how vigorous the young NLB babies are. I'll post a few pics after the mrs. wakes up.
I thought the 77 site cloner was a complete unit. It was not. I cancelled the order and ordered a COMPLETE 25 site machine. That should do me alright. I also just ordered a 4x4' tent and a 600 watt digital MH/HPS system with a digital ballast and air cooled reflector. I also purchased another HPS bulb. Within a week I will be flowering.

I'm going to take six clones off of each big plant and throw them into 12-12. I let those things get out of hand early in life. If any turns out 1-female and 2-decent mother material, I'll just turn one of the clones into a mama. I'm thinking two of the four are females. Once the males are weeded out I'm going to start the Sleesack/Skunk #1 regular seeds. I like a bit of variety. Once things are up and going well, like in a month or two I'm going to be ordering some more seeds. I'm really leaning towards THC Bomb. I'd also like to have some Kush going on. I may look towards investing into some more expensive Kush seeds. Kosher Kush is one on the top of my list. But I want to do a lot more research before committing $15-$20 a bean.
I have the cloner machine up and running. Clonex Gel, aquarium heater, etc. I thought I ordered a 25 site system. Turned out to be a 36 site. No complaints. Here's day one with 9 clones taken from each of the four larger "bag seed" plants.

I'm mad. I got home from work and had two papers on the front door. One was from FedEx and the other from UPS. Apparently my new tent and light need signatures, they can't just drop them off. I guess I have to miss work Monday.

I'm really disappointed. I was itching to start flowering those larger plants. As a matter of fact I got some of the same stuff today that those seeds came from. Pretty dank with a smell between Juicy Fruit gum and cheese.


Thank you Leester for the kind words.
Well, the tent and the light arrived. The cheapy HPS bulb was broken. Glad I bought a Sunmaster bulb. I will need to get a back up.

So, we've had more than one plumbing issues as of late. Currently our toilet is leaking. It's, by my estimate, at least 40 years old. Needs to be replaced. I am more than capable of doing this, but it's the land lord's responsibility. Long story short he came over yesterday for a look see. I can't set up the new tent until he gets done with the bathroom-hopefully by Thursday.

In the mean time I put the Metal Halide bulb in and shoe-horned the reflector in the 2'x4' tent. Here's some pics from last night.


You should be able to see the four old plants, the three NLB's in the one liters, Sleestack x Skunk #1 beens cracked an in the blue solo cups, the cloner with 36 babies starting to show roots, and the new light.

I need to get some exhaust going soon. I turned the ballast down to 50% last night and the tent totally sealed up. Temps were 78 F. I have it opened up a little at the moment and the ballast at 100%. Temp is 86F.
Yeah, that 2'x4' tent is about maxed out. Hopefully I come home tomorrow to a new bathroom. I want to start flowering...

Although, I was wanting to throw the older plants into flower, there lies a problem. I am limited vertically to around 5'-06". The height of those older plants would stretch too high into the light. I'm leery about just just lopping them down to height restrictions because of the thickness of the stalks. Just worried that would put them into shock. I'm contemplating just waiting another week and a half or so for the clones to be ready and keeping the older plants (plants) as mothers. That was the original plan.

I can say though that after 1 1/2 days under 600 watts of MH, all of the plants are kicking into overdrive. Veg gets boring. I'm starting to get anxious. Hopefully within the next 60 days I will be posting pictures of cured bud porn.
Man, those plants are growing in over drive with the new light. Clones are all rooting. During the day I leave it closed up and the ballast set for 300 watts. When I get home I open up all the ventilation and turn the ballast up to 600 watts. Seems to be working well for now. A ventilation/carbon system working off of a thermostat is my next priority.

Today's purchases included: 40 bottles of cheap 2 liter soda for Hempy pots, Blue Planet Nutrients Elite series GROW-MICRO-BLOOM trio pack, Liquid Seaweed, Bloom Booster, Early Bloomer, Bloom Booster, Root Magic Mycorrhizae Biological Inoculum, VitaBlue B-Vitamin Supplement, and PH Down. From Amazon I ordered 56 quarts of perlite, 18 quarts of vermiculite, and an Oakton EcoTestr PH1 tester.

I think things are starting to become interesting...
Thanks John. I'm doing my best. It's frustrating at times, knowing what I need but trying to budget and time everything...

This Thursday will be the two week mark on the clones. This my first time doing this, but I don't think they will be developed enough for 2 liter Hempies. I'd love to start flowering on Saturday but that may be too soon.

At any rate, I'll do a complete update this weekend.

Thank you for stopping by.
I know how you feel about being on a budget. took me a while to get all the things i have now and i still fell i need another 100 more items

but anyway cool cool buddy yeah i would say give them another week if they dont look ready. better to be safe then sorry in the end. plus gives you more time to let your mothers grow so you can take lotsa clones again :)

ill be waiting for the update my dude!
I recieved 54 quarts of perlite and my ph tester today. I was expecting to have everything by now that I ordered a week ago. Did a tracking on the BPN's. They are in Kentucky. I don't understand how Louisianna to Washington via Kentucky works out. I'm slightly irritated because the shipping was like $50. What a jip.

Oh well. Tonight is two weeks in the cloner. While I am impressed by the root systems, they are still too short for the Hempy pots. Maybe by Sunday.

I'll do that update Sat or Sun with lots of pics. I should have the bigger tent set up by then.
Sorry It's taken my so long to update. Saying that I'm having computer issues would be more than an understatement. So here it is.

I have received all of my shipments except the vermiculite. Also, my Root Magic Mycorrhizae was missing from the Blue Planet Nutrients order. Within an hour of sending an email, on a Saturday mind you, Corey personally gave me a call to fix the situation. I tell you what, that means a hell of a lot. What a great guy. I can not be any more pleased. Support our sponsors! Buy Blue!

Without the vermiculite I can not start flowering. That is ok because the roots need about another 2" or so of growth. Everything else has been going smoothly. The clones are starting to show new growth. I fed them a diluted feeding this morning because they are looking a little pale.

The 4x4 grow tent is up. I'm going to wait until the clones are potted before moving everything. Less trips down the stairs is better for my knee. On to the pics.


As you can see, the 2x4 tent is getting pretty full. Thinking the older plants (Now know they are A train(TrainwreckxMazaar)) are one male and three female. Will know for sure shortly.

You can also see one of the SleestackxSkunk seed's leave got stuck during sprouting. Hmm, it LSTed itself. Oh well.

That's pretty much it. Have a good weekend.
Yeah John, I've been reading 420fied's journals since I found this site. Hempy SOG for me.

What you are seeing is 35 clones taken from 4 different potential mothers. The mothers are A Train (Mazaar x Train Wreck). They were bag seeds but that was some real nice smoke.

I'm sterilizing my cloner at the moment. Tomorrow or the next day I'll fill it back up. I'm not impressed with the clones from #4 A Train. I think I can safely take 3 each clones from my month and a half old Northern Light Blue ladies. Thinking I'll skip #4 A train this round.

Stopped by your journal a few hours back. Things are looking great. I can't wait to see some of thos THC Bomb beans of yours sprouting.

Thank you for stopping by. Keep up the good fight.
Thanks buddy ive got ten free fem autos coming in the mail from green house seeds i entered in a autoflowering cannabis cup growing competition they have going at there strain hunters site and i was accepted to be in it so i get free 1kg of there own brand nutrients ten fem auto seeds and a free grinder. and all i have to do is journal my grow there site :thumb:

so im gona sprout those seeds when they get here after i harvest the batch i have coming now. and while the autos are flowering it will give me time to grow out a big mother make a few cloners and root hopefully about 100 clones of thc bomb and royal queen skunk and get a nice hempy going for myself ;)

Cant wait to watch this!
Reps buddy
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