Josh's First Attempt at a Successful Indoor Grow

I was thinking the same thing.

I didn't notice the other replies.

Smurf: After their recent hair cuts they are 14-17". Two have trunks 1/2" in diameter. Today is day 53 (give or take a day) from germination.

John: Welcome. I doubt I will be reinventing the wheel in this journal. My goals are to produce high quality in a small area on a limited budget. I spend nearly 100% of my free time reading and researching the subject from many different sources, although 420 magazine is quite the place. I will read up on all your progress.
nice measurements!! yours look so much larger than mine. im at about day 70 give or take a day or two. I just switch to flower. my main stock
is about the same height as yours.
Mine have been topped three times, FIM'd, 1 week into Low Stress Training, and one was accidently super cropped. I'm not going for size in any respect. Just looking for at least one mother out of these four.

I'm really aiming to do a Hempy Sea of Green modeled (on a much smaller scale) as 420fied. I was thinking about the recent conversations on his current journal while I was working on the plants earlier. These plants don't seem to be good candidates for a SOG grow. They seem to get really wide and unruly. They are currently over 12" wide. Oh, I'm going to SOG clones off of them. But I wouldn't be surprised if I end up getting rid of this strain eventually to better suit my growing needs. I also understand that the are receiving minimal light, my training practices were a little late, and how a rooted clone reacts to 12/12 light cycle is most likely totally different than mothers in large pots on a 24hr. light cycle.

I'm just going to keep providing love and add to the system every week. I can't tell you how stoked I am to finally be germinating known seeds.

I'd also just like to thank everyone for stopping by and giving their feed-back. No one knows it all. By supporting each other we are accomplishing the shared goal of knowledge. Thank You! :thanks:
dude, i feel your pain. low budget sucks!

i just came from washington to visit my dad and hot damn if it wasnt just as cold as you say it is. that's where i got the seeds for my grow from. he's got himself a medical card and went and scored me some "badass seeds". he was so stoned when he went in there, he completely forgot what seeds they sold him. so i have no idea what the hell im growing.

i notice you said you started your lst way later than you should have? my plants are about three weeks in and i'm wondering if i shoulda been doin that already as well.

whenabouts did you top your plants the first time?

hope you dont mind me pickin your brain! this grow i have going right now is looking like it's gonna take off this time :)

cant wait to see what your new beans yield! subbed!
Tokist, I did the first topping after they formed their third set of true leaves. That's how I recall Ed Rosenthal preaching it in an old grow book.

After the initial topping they have been topped repeatedly numerous times. I tried FIM-ing them also. This was my first attempt ever with that technique. It worked on 2 of the 4. In all honesty, I'm just going to stick with the topping. One branch becomes two. Two becomes four and so on.

These are all potential mothers that are being trained to stay short and producing a multitude of clones. If they were headed to flower any time soon I would not necessarily be doing this to them,.
Tokist, I did the first topping after they formed their third set of true leaves. That's how I recall Ed Rosenthal preaching it in an old grow book.

After the initial topping they have been topped repeatedly numerous times. I tried FIM-ing them also. This was my first attempt ever with that technique. It worked on 2 of the 4. In all honesty, I'm just going to stick with the topping. One branch becomes two. Two becomes four and so on.

These are all potential mothers that are being trained to stay short and producing a multitude of clones. If they were headed to flower any time soon I would not necessarily be doing this to them,.

i suppose i can give FIM a try. whats the worse that could happen?

mine arent going to be mothers, so im just gonna FIM em once and let it be. i'm mostly doing it to buy myself a bit more time. i need at least two more weeks before i can start fruiting mine, but they're growing so damn fast. i figure the bonus yield is just that. a bonus.

im not sure how i ought to train mine, or if i should even bother.
Low Stress Training is really easy to do and is pretty beneficial for the plant and your future yield. From what I see on here, the majority of the folks that know their stuff use it to some degree.

You can see how I'm doing it. I drilled about six 3/8" holes around the top of each contained. Then I used the green stretchy horticulture to tie around a stem and then secured it through the hole in the container. You can use a number of different materials. SteveHman uses stainless steel tent stakes. I was looking at a journal last night where a guy grew a couple auto strains. The dude used Scotch tape for LST-ing. While I would not do that personally, it worked for him.

If the FMI-ing doesn't work, it will be the same as topping so have no fears.
Filed my taxes a little while ago. I'm surprised to be getting 300%-500% more back than I was anticipating. Good news. I was all excited until I realized I won't be getting it for at least a month. In that time I hope to have at least 8 clones in flowering. I want to use a little of that money for at least one new strain.

Here's the criteria: Fast flowering, Adapts well to SOG grow style. High THC level. Low odor is a plus. And of course high yield.

I am for sure leaning towards THC Bomb. Does anyone have any other suggestions? This topic is also being discussed in 420fied's current grow journal but there is not much input. Any conversation, opinions, thoughts are more than welcome.

Relaxed Leester, while I'm not interested in growing O.G. Kush, I am interested in your thoughts of that strain. I've never seen it personally. I'm just curious as to whether it lives up to all the hype.
Relaxed Leester, while I'm not interested in growing O.G. Kush, I am interested in your thoughts of that strain. I've never seen it personally. I'm just curious as to whether it lives up to all the hype.

OG kush has been my all time favorite strain for many years now. There are a lot of different phenotypes of it in particular. However, all yield the same end result - a very very skunky, hard hitting and cerebral effect. OG Kush is a superior strain that requires some skill as the cultivator to not run into any problems with it. OG Kush is prone to many things including bud-rot, and also caterpillars when growing outdoors. That was my biggest problem, the quality of the flowering colas were intense with resin, if I touch one leaf, and walk into a room that doesn't smell like pot, everyone will immediately wonder if there's a skunk outside.

I myself won't be purchasing any OG Kush seeds any time soon, as I am "OG kushed out". I'm more interested in different genetics now like "Cheese", or strains that are mold/pest resistant and fair well with a humid environment. It's a big decision when ordering seeds.

You really need to make a choice that tailors to your needs and the growing conditions you know you'll be subjecting the genetics to. If I were to order seeds I would probably get them from Herbies, but I have a lot of unknown sativa seeds that yield perfectly good bud, so I won't be ordering any time soon.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods mate
Thanks for the reply. You've said the same as I've read about O.G. Too bad. I've seen it crossed around two-dozen times in the seed catalogues. Maybe one of the varieties is more suited for my requirements.

I'm thinking my next buys are going to THC Bomb and G13. I think I'd prefer having, at minimum 4 mothers established. Variety is the spice of life. Harvesting five plants every week or so that are grown in 2 liter containers is what I'm aiming for.
Well it has been a very long and difficult last two weeks. I refuse to whine, so onto the update.

The tent has been temporally moved to the bedroom. I haven't been able to afford the last needed parts for the cloner. I'll get paid next Friday and get that out of the way. I've also had a bit of a mold issue with the baby Northern Light Blues. I bought some food grade fungicide but the mold keeps appearing. No I see why folks are against Miracle Grow soils. The mold is like a white mildew on top of the soil.

Here's the pics:


Two of the larger plants have pistols showing. I tried taking a picture of them but my camera is not the best for close up.

The smaller NLB hatched with only one coteldyn. If the mold doesn't become an issue she will be flowered out asap. She is not destined to be a mother plant.
Mold doesn't mean its bad soil, in fact it could mean its healthy soil - there are many organisms/amino acids that the fungi can thrive off of. Some species of molds aren't as bad as others. I actually have had some of the same mold growing on my top soil, and I'm using MG as well. So it doesn't mean the worst, just need to keep an eye on what it does.

All the Best,
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