Jon's Second Grow, First Grow Journal, Soil Grow Autos & Photoperiod

She looks better... probably just some left over fertilizer in that dirt. Miracle Grow soil contains time release fertilizer, those little round balls in the soil, add that to what you were feeding them and presto, curl. Leaves are perking up and no longer droopy.

That lemon look promising with those elongated trichs. :popcorn:
Yeah, I'm as on that as I can be. Outside is a risk, but I considered her a loss anyway so we'll see what happens. She'll be alone, so it should be easy to control I hope. And as you can see from the Phototown picture, those four plants are gonna fill that screen in no time. I bet I go to flower inside of two weeks from today.
Whether she makes it or not, i'm sure once your a jar or two into enjoying your harvest(s) you'll be saying Jelly-who? :laugh:
You'll have a hell of a harvest with or without her
She looks better... probably just some left over fertilizer in that dirt. Miracle Grow soil contains time release fertilizer, those little round balls in the soil, add that to what you were feeding them and presto, curl. Leaves are perking up and no longer droopy.

That lemon look promising with those elongated trichs. :popcorn:
Yeah it's looking more and more like you were right on on this. Which is amazing and super cool and thanks. Never occurred to me - of course! - it isn't garbage in the MG soil, it's the extra built in nutes on top of the nutes they were already getting!!!! DAMN. Learning SO many good lessons on this grow. Well, now I'm gonna let her go and see how big she'll get. Have some fun with her.
Yeah it's looking more and more like you were right on on this. Which is amazing and super cool and thanks. Never occurred to me - of course! - it isn't garbage in the MG soil, it's the extra built in nutes on top of the nutes they were already getting!!!! DAMN. Learning SO many good lessons on this grow. Well, now I'm gonna let her go and see how big she'll get. Have some fun with her.
By the end of the day today she was displaying just a little bit of the curling and rusting symptoms, and on WAY fewer leaves. It is definitely WAY better than before so far. Once she's dry I'm going to do another 10 gallon flush through her and then restart her on the nutes. Hopefully that'll take care of whatever this was once and for all and she can just get big and bushy.
Once she's dry I'm going to do another 10 gallon flush through her and then restart her on the nutes.
Sounds like a plan... let the plant tell you what it wants.
Damaged Jelly Rancher Recovery Update

So she has been out back in the natural sunlight/natural nighttime cycle for a couple days now, today begins her third day outside. Looking significantly better but she still has a ways to go. The plan is to let her dry to the bone, which should take maybe another day and a half or two, and then flush her righteously again. After she dries from the second consecutive flush, assuming she continues to show improvement, I'll start her back on nutes at a low level and see how she does. But she's showing a lot greener than she was, and the leaves that are still coming out curling right away are at least not turning rusty brown immediately and are pretty much staying green. But until new growth starts coming out and staying out with it's leaves straight out with no curl and a consistent color, she's struggling.

Anyway, here's how she looks:

- The Jelly Rancher as a whole
- Curling picture 1
- Curling picture 2
- Curling picture 3 (this picture is enhanced - I never enhance my photos but this particular one I increased the contrast and lowered the light so that the damage on the leaf stands out better)

Note: two days ago all this curling would have been brown already

Happy Saturday everyone!

Ongoing Recovery.jpg

Still curling immediately.jpg

Another damaged leaf non enhanced photo.jpg

Damaged Leaf enhanced photo.jpg
Oh wow they're looking fantastic. You did a great LST job, I just grew my first auto and had no clue how to perform LST and watched a few videos and still had no clue and did a really poor job. Luckily I realized what I did wrong and I'm rectifying that issue on the 2nd and 3rd plant.
Oh wow they're looking fantastic. You did a great LST job, I just grew my first auto and had no clue how to perform LST and watched a few videos and still had no clue and did a really poor job. Luckily I realized what I did wrong and I'm rectifying that issue on the 2nd and 3rd plant.
Thanks Costanza, and thanks for stopping by! Honestly it is my first auto try and my first stab at LST, but the autos are so easy to manipulate that I found it to be pretty easy. All I really did was wait til the plant was tall enough, maybe 8 inches or so, and then I grabbed her top main cola and bent it all the way over and secured it to the edge of my pot. That exposed all the new growth hiding under the main cola to light and space, and there are four branches there. They all went nuts. Meanwhile that opened up the middle of the plant, and the extra side branching the strains produce anyway had light and space. Then as a branch got long I did my best to manipulate them as evenly (like a clock face) as I could. I also was CONSTANTLY tucking leaves. It took a lot of time, but it was easy. But I think that by continually exposing every single new growth site to light as early as I possibly could I got a lot of well developed side branching. Now that I've done this once, I know I can do whatever I want with the autos. I'm gonna try a real low scrog next time with all the same strain and see if I can fill a screen completely by the time they decide to bud. But thanks for the kind words, and please comment anytime on anything you want - I value other's input a great deal. Thanks.
Lol, I was reminded of a post you put in my grow journal awhile back. Remember this...

I wanna guess. I'm gonna say 1.8 pounds dried and trimmed. Which would be amazing from a 3 x 3. Can't wait to see. Also can't wait for you to drop off an ounce. Lmao. Now, onto this tester. I've looked at many. I really wanna test my bud just as you have here. 22% is nothing to sneeze at. What THC levels did you expect or did the breeder say the seed had potential to create? Are you willing to discuss what this tester cost? Ease of use? How long between when you put in the sample and you get the results? Is it worth the money to know the THC level? (would be to me)

You were dead on balls accurate as I got 2.04lbs out of that plant so your judgement is pretty good. I feel like I should have started with a sativa first since I haven't gotten much done since harvest, lol...
Update from Autotown
Saturday Night Bud Porn Special
Strain Specific Pictures/Discussion
Day 48: 3 Cinderella Jacks, 1 Gorilla Zkittlez
Day 40: I Pineapple Express, 1 Lemon
Day 35: 2 Pineapple Express, 1 Lemon

Trying a slightly different approach with this post. This one is more strain/time specific, with pics of each.

Cinderella Jacks: CJ is a hybrid: Cinderella 99 x Jack Herer. If you google "world's strongest autoflower," this is what comes up. They have tested up to 26%! These are from Dutch Passion. All three of these are on Day 48, the first autos planted. All three have grown like sativas, as they are supposed to. All three supposedly take a long time to finish for autoflowers, like up to 13 weeks. They have a solid amount of side branching, although not as abundant as the Pineapple Express. All three of these plants appear to be the same phenotype. They're all three basically identical. They don't drink water as fast as any of the other strains and get watered less often than any of the others. They leaf back up after plucking very quickly and they are just beginning to frost up visibly. I have been plucking leaves covering bud sites for a long time now, and it's a never ending job. There must be some frosty something somewhere in there because these girls stink. My whole tent smells like them, the three of them overwhelm the odor from the Gorilla Zkittlez. They smell like Jack Herer. It's dank and lovely. The buds are very dense. These plants have zero issues with nutes, the love a ton of light, and the buds grow visibly every day and are going to be gigantic. They got nutes starting in the Dixie cups, and I approximated the FF Trio feeding schedule with them although adapted to an autoflower time frame. Basically I made a week five days for sake of the feeding schedule. All I did on them was LST with tying branches and tucking leaves and a bit of targeted defoliation. The went from Dixie cups to three gallon pots.

Pineapple Express: The weed from the movie. These are from 420 Fast Buds. They are a balanced hybrid which in the case of this company's genes equals Pineapple Trainwreck x Hawaiian. The grow like a balanced hybrid - big and bushy. The largest of my four strains by far. Incredible amount of side branching. Beautiful, light green plant. These are just starting to bud in the last couple days. They are going to yield big based on the pictures. Supposedly done in around 11 weeks, and up to 22% thc. Also no nute issues. Thirsty plant that needs water often. Also cannot have enough light. Also just LST, same as the CJs. So PE #1 in the picture is on Day 40, PE #2 and #3 are on Day 35. I believe PE #1 is a different phenotype than the other two. It has grown eight main branches/colas with minimal side branching. The leaves are shorter and fatter than the other two. And it colors up differently with wild greens/yellows, especially when the new growth is in process of turning green. PE #2 and #3 are basically identical as you can see in the pics. No smell from these plants yet whatsoever.

Gorilla Zkittlez: This plant is unreal. She is on Day 48. Barney's Farm was the breeder. A hybrid cross: Gorilla Glue x Zkittlez. Should come in around 23-24% thc. Her buds are huge. They grow very very quickly. The biggest one almost fills a 4"x 4'' screen spot. The buds grow visibly every day too. You can see in the picture how she sprouts these little white patches of new bud that for a split second looks like foxtails but over the course of a day becomes just part of the bigger bud. The plant is short. She never developed a lot of side branching but the branching that supports these buds got solid pretty quickly. She smells like fruity cotton candy, a cross of the blue kind and the pink kind. She is really beginning to generate frost now, it took a little while before the sugar leaves were starting to be as frosty as I'd like. She doesn't drink that much in budding, and was an average drinker in her veg cycle. This plant is supposed to be done in around 68 days and it appears she is going to be or very close. That gives me more than three weeks for her to just keep building these buds. There are purples and reds and light browns and several shades of green all over the place, this is a very attractive plant. The leaves around the buds are starting to turn purple too. The buds are WAY WAY DENSE.

Lemon: Two of these plants, one on Day 40 and one on Day 35. Company of origin omitted at moderator request. Pretty plant. Not a lot of side branching. Grows kind of like a Christmas tree, even the new growth comes down like that top to bottom, as you can see pretty well in the picture of Lemon #1. The two plants are identical. They are sort of average in every way. Nothing terribly special about the way they grow or their side branching or their number of bud sites. Supposedly done in 10 or 11 weeks, and I'll be lucky if she hits 20% thc, probably more like 18%. I don't normally grow lower thc plants like this but I had the freebie seeds and wanted the two to round out the nine plants. They do look like they will yield well, and the buds on the Lemons are building faster than any of the other plants except the Gorilla. She shoots a ton of white hairs up daily. These plants are sensitive to overwatering and take longer to bounce up from a watering than any of the other strains. The picture of Lemon #2 comes with my apologies as she was just watered and is droopy as a result. She'll perk back up in an hour or so. Didn't have any nute issues or otherwise, just kind of a boring plant, to be honest. But I'll smoke a couple ounces of her anyway. Lol.

So some of that info you can easily see yourself with research, but I tried to present the info as specific to how my plants are growing. On to Saturday night bud porn:


- The gang partying on a Saturday night with impunity
- Gorilla Zkittlez
- Cinderella Jack 3 bud closeup
- Cinderella Jack 2 bud closeup
- Pineapple Express 1 different pheno
- Pineapple Express 2
- Pineapple Express 3
- Lemon 1 just watered and looking a little droopy
- Lemon 2 showing "Christmas tree" looking growth pattern
- Tent conditions shot

Hope you guys are having a good time! Happy Growing.

Saturday night party.jpg

gorilla packing it on.jpg

cj 3 close bud.jpg

cj 2 close bud.jpg

pe 1 pheno.jpg

pe 2 sky.jpg

pe 3 sky.jpg

lemon 1 just watered.jpg

lemon 2 christmas.jpg

Hey @Jon
Hope your well
Brilliant update... garden looking top draw mate..
Major bud envy goin on here...
good idea on the drying, I have a similar prob myself.. could be the answer for me too.
Peace to ya matey
Damaged Jelly Rancher Recovery Update
She's looking good... I think you are right about a second flush with that curl happening.
She's looking good... I think you are right about a second flush with that curl happening.
They dry a lot more quickly in the sun. This morning she was dry so I just flushed the crap out of her again. The growth that was curling yesterday is obviously still curled (it's not going to ever UNcurl), BUT it's still green. There is zero new brownish reddish rusty looking crap on any of the leaves. That said, where there WOULD be rusty brown the green looks like it's fighting a little bit to become the correct shade. Those leaves display like an uneven green sort of thing, as if the real green is slowly filling back in. We'll see how the new growth that comes out today is, but the little bit that shot out overnight is not curled. So we're getting closer. I can see she's gonna come all the way back now and then some. My problem is going to become how to keep her in veg long enough to empty the auto tent so I can bud her without her becoming so big I can't move her. Lol.
Phototown Update
Day 67 Veg

I haven't given a proper Phototown update in a bit. Not a whole lot to expound about. Y'all can see with your eyes what's going on in there. It's looking pretty good, I can't complain. So a few words on infrastructure:

Above the canopy I've got a small fan for each individual plant that blows down from above. These are mounted with duct tape on the frame of the screen, and infringe on my available holes as little as possible. Then I also have a large, 9", almost completely flat, square fan in one corner and an oscillating small tower fan mounted in the other corner, providing horizontal cross breeze to the canopy as a whole. Then for under the canopy I have a large, powerful Vortex fan that will provide way more air than I need from underneath. This thing will not even sniff it's highest setting. Awesome fan. I also have a small (holds just under a gallon of water before having to empty it) dehumidifier. It will easily fit in the unused corner above the frame once the stretch is over and buds start to fatten up. I'm doing this because I have learned in this forum that what happens when you fill the screen is that you essentially create two separate climate zones, one below and one above the canopy. The zone below the canopy is basically going to be empty space, as the bottoms will be stripped once the screen fills to the point where they aren't getting any light. Room under there for the big fan and plenty of space for watering, as well as (to the point) a climate zone that doesn't really require any alteration. The big fan will take care of the environmental needs in that lower zone. It's above the canopy that is of greater importance, and that's where we have Fan City and the Dehumidifier. (That should be the name of some band, lol). That should make sure the buds get plenty of air moving all the time, and they have as low a humidity environment directly in their growing zone as I am capable of creating.

So now we watch the plant grow horizontally under the screen and see what happens. Never watched this before and I am very excited about it. I expect it will get to the point shortly where it requires some daily attention or even twice daily attention. There's so much new growth in these plants it is unreal. Even as a rookie I think I'll be able to fill the screen fairly effectively. I have 18 x 18 separate holes available after the infrastructure space, which is 324 squares. So I suppose that means in a perfect world I'd end up with 324 separate buds, right? One for each hole? LMAO. First, I can't even visualize that and I believe it to be impossible. There's just not space in there if each and every hole were to have a bud growing up in it. They'd all end up think like Sharpies from having no space to grow. And I can't even imagine four way healthy plants looking like this generating that many sites. It would be nice I think to end with dozens and dozens of buds, however. I honestly don't have any idea what I can generate here. Any scrog soil guys have any thoughts on this? If so I would love to hear them.

For the numbers people:

Temperature: 76-80 (day), 70-74 (night) These temps reflect reading at canopy level
Humidity: 45% - 65%
Ph: Has been steady at around 6.3 - 6.6
Light: 18/6, getting around 900 par at canopy level
Watering: Continuing @Emilya's method, they go through a gallon and a half every 84 hours or so right now
Nutes: Cycle is Nute/Nute/Water, with CalMag plus Iron watering ever other non-nutrient watering. They are getting Botanicare Pro Grow for Veg at around 40% suggested concentration. I could be feeding them more aggressively but they have proven a bit finicky when it comes to nutes over the course of the grow. And more importantly, I look at them very closely from all angles and I can't see one speck of them crying for more of anything nor can I see one leaf showing that they're getting too much of anything. So if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That's about it! Happy Sunday everyone, and thanks for any commentary and/or stopping by!

Here's how the girls look this morning:

Phototown Filling.jpg
Autotown Update
New Toy!

So I got a new toy today - a microscope that connects to your phone and computer for taking closeups. I got it cuz the little $10 fold out loupe I used for the first grow is not gonna cut it anymore. It came just in time, as I believe the Gorilla Zkittlez is getting fairly close. So I revved up the new toy, and sure enough, it works perfectly! I don't know where this fits in sponsorship, so I'll just say this thing has 8 leds that are adjustable with a small roller wheel at the tip, it can magnify from 50x to 1000x, it works on Wifi or hardwired to your computer, and it takes pretty good pictures from what I can tell so far. It was also only $40. You tell me if the pics are any good, and be kind, it's my first try ever. lol. Anyway, I checked the Gorilla once I had the system all set up and the below pictures are what her trichomes are saying to me at the moment. If someone sees an amber anywhere please let me know, cuz I see zero amber and a shitload of trichomes making the transition from clear to cloudy. Based on these pictures I'm thinking my estimate of around two more weeks is about right. That gives me time to pump one more nute application into her and then flush her real good and let her finish.

Anyway, here's what the trichomes on the Gorilla Zkittlez look like this very moment:

GZ trichomes 1.jpg

GZ trichomes 2.jpg

GZ trichomes 3.jpg
Lol, I was reminded of a post you put in my grow journal awhile back. Remember this...

You were dead on balls accurate as I got 2.04lbs out of that plant so your judgement is pretty good. I feel like I should have started with a sativa first since I haven't gotten much done since harvest, lol...
Nice! Lmao. Nothing like having two pounds of weed you didn't have before that's not overly dried out, and still has all it's trichomes intact and hasn't lost it's smell or taste and is AWESOME, UNLIKE 95% of dispensary weed out there. Two pounds from a 3x3 is amazing, man. Really great work.
A word on temperature as it relates to colors....

So I have read in many many places that when your plants are budding, especially in late budding, if you want to try and bring out their potential in terms of color you can do so by lowering the temperatures at night. I guess the theory is that the colder temperatures force the plants to throw out all sorts of defense mechanisms which translate to us as colors, trichomes, and terpenes. At least that's my understanding of it, simplified. I really like colors, trichomes, and terpenes, so I have been doing that in the auto tent ever since all nine plants began budding, and I have been gradually letting it get colder and colder for about four hours a day, specifically the hour before and after, and including, the two hours the lights are off a day. These autos are tough, man. They can take some abuse. Last night after seeing the trichomes on the Gorilla and realizing how close to harvest she is, I decided to bring the temperature down as low as I dared - 58 degrees. 58.3 to be exact, the very coldest temperature I am capable of creating in the tent. I was a little concerned about what I might see in the morning, but hell they took 60 degrees and didn't blink so I figured what the hell let's try going a little lower. And yes, the plants were a bit "wilty" looking this morning, but they very quickly bounced right back to standing at attention a short time after the temps got up to the mid 70's. So apparently 58 is okay. I would not go lower than that even if I could. Too risky.

Well, I'm not saying that one night of 58 degrees is responsible for the colors on this Gorilla in the picture. She's been a bit colorful since the beginning. But in the last two weeks, when it's been around 60 degrees at night, she seems to have really poured on the hues. Maybe this is just my eyes doing some wishful thinking, I don't know. You be the judge.

Here's a half decent closeup of a bud as she looks this morning. Those are her actual colors. Photo has not been altered in any way.

Have a great week everyone. Happy Monday.

Gorilla colors.jpg
A word on temperature as it relates to colors....

So I have read in many many places that when your plants are budding, especially in late budding, if you want to try and bring out their potential in terms of color you can do so by lowering the temperatures at night. I guess the theory is that the colder temperatures force the plants to throw out all sorts of defense mechanisms which translate to us as colors, trichomes, and terpenes. At least that's my understanding of it, simplified. I really like colors, trichomes, and terpenes, so I have been doing that in the auto tent ever since all nine plants began budding, and I have been gradually letting it get colder and colder for about four hours a day, specifically the hour before and after, and including, the two hours the lights are off a day. These autos are tough, man. They can take some abuse. Last night after seeing the trichomes on the Gorilla and realizing how close to harvest she is, I decided to bring the temperature down as low as I dared - 58 degrees. 58.3 to be exact, the very coldest temperature I am capable of creating in the tent. I was a little concerned about what I might see in the morning, but hell they took 60 degrees and didn't blink so I figured what the hell let's try going a little lower. And yes, the plants were a bit "wilty" looking this morning, but they very quickly bounced right back to standing at attention a short time after the temps got up to the mid 70's. So apparently 58 is okay. I would not go lower than that even if I could. Too risky.

Well, I'm not saying that one night of 58 degrees is responsible for the colors on this Gorilla in the picture. She's been a bit colorful since the beginning. But in the last two weeks, when it's been around 60 degrees at night, she seems to have really poured on the hues. Maybe this is just my eyes doing some wishful thinking, I don't know. You be the judge.

Here's a half decent closeup of a bud as she looks this morning. Those are her actual colors. Photo has not been altered in any way.

Have a great week everyone. Happy Monday.

Gorilla colors.jpg
Bring on the cold!!! Haha
She looks really good man but in order to get a real good sense of the colors you’ll have to shut off those blurples for the pics. You can see the purple from the light on the net and perlite in the pot behind the bud.
Bring on the cold!!! Haha
She looks really good man but in order to get a real good sense of the colors you’ll have to shut off those blurples for the pics. You can see the purple from the light on the net and perlite in the pot behind the bud.
True. I was thinking the natural light from the quantum board was dominating her look but I guess she's getting both so it's hard to tell. Didn't really think of that, thanks. I don't want to turn off the lights. How else can I get a real color picture? How about flipping off the one blurple above the Gorilla just long enough to take a picture and then turn it back on?
Last time i shut our ballast off for pictures i couldnt get it to turn back on for like 10 minutes (after letting it cool for 15). So i totally understand the fear of turning a light off lol. Gonna try covering ours with cardboard tonight for some normal pics
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