Jon's Second Grow, First Grow Journal, Soil Grow Autos & Photoperiod

Wow... you have been posting to your journal. I stopped getting emails for some reason and that's how I was keeping up. I'll figure it out eventually :hmmmm:

Love those greens on the girls btw.
Thanks man. Yeah, I'm an overposter probably. But I do it because regardless of who if anyone follows my grow, this journal is my personal record of it, and I want as much detail as possible. I kept the journal for my first grow on paper in a binder and I referenced it many times in setting up this grow cuz I included all my mistakes and what not and by having the reference it was far easier to avoid them this time.

Wait til you see them showing off today. They're narcissistic little bitches.
Yeah, I'm an overposter probably

It's a good thing to take pride in your work. Some smaller paragraphs would make it easier to read though. (My only complaint I'll shut up now :rollit:)
Phototown Update:
Day 58 Veg

The inexorable march towards the screen continues. The spreading wide of the main colas continues. The center growth is close to caught up to the point I want with the colas, and as you can see in the pictures it's going nuts. The girls are getting a nute-nute-clean water cycle of 75% Botanicare Pro Grow for nutes, along with a CalMag plus Iron mini-flush once a month. I have applied one top down soil feeding of mycorrhizae as well since transplant. They are getting half or three quarters of a gallon each watering so far, which gives me the appropriate amount of runoff, and it takes them around 72 to 78 hours to drain the pot to bone dry. The rapid growth and leaf development has significantly raised the humidity level in the tent. Like, 20% raised, way too much. I want them around 50%. Couldn't generate that anymore. So I added a dehumidifier. It lowers the humidity up to 18% (best performance so far) and it's back to where I want. I also started placing fans above the screen in anticipation of where we will soon be. And I got a serious fan for underneath the canopy. You can see the infrastructure changes in the pictures. Also raised the one smaller Pineapple Upside Down Cake up so that all the plants would be at the same level relative to the light. They are now at around 1000-1050 par as they grow closer to the light with zero signs of light issues. Zero signs of nute issues. All three strains are developing a ton of new growth and seem to be developing tight nodes all the way up. Girls seem pretty happy, and if they're happy, I'm happy.

Ave. Temps.: 72-74 (lights off)/76-82 (lights on)
Ave. Humidity: 45 - 60% depending on outside conditions
Ave. Ph: 6.1 - 6.5
Light: 1000 - 1050 par at canopy level
Nutes: Botanicare Pro Grow Veg, CalMag plus Iron, Mycorrhizae


- Phototown
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake 1
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake 2
- Blueberry Muffin 1
- Jelly Rancher 1
- Jelly Rancher 2
- Infrastructure changes
- Infrastructure changes

NOTE: I forgot to attach the pics to this post like a stoner. And I had already deleted them, also like a stoner. So I have to retake them. As soon as I get that done I will post the pics that I claimed were in this post. See? Don't listen to me. Lol.

It's a good thing to take pride in your work. Some smaller paragraphs would make it easier to read though. (My only complaint I'll shut up now :rollit:)
Lol. It's what it takes for me to feel documenting my work is to the level of detail I require. Sorry if I'm a bit long winded sometimes, I know. I figure most people, if anyone is even following, skip the text altogether and just look at the pictures. Whatever, I get it. Lol. You can read. Keep up.

Pretty excited to see how the long veg. time pans out!!!
Damn I just realized I forgot to attach the photos. Damn short term memory loss. Lmao. Now I have to retake them cuz I delete each time to save space. Shit. Lmao. But yeah, man, I can't believe how long it is already. I'm happy about it. My goal was to keep them vegging for 60 days but by the time they reach the screen (another 6-8 inches) they should be so filled out that filling out the screen will happen very quickly, like maybe a week? So I'm looking at close to 80 days in veg (guessing, but somewhere around there). The roots have gotta be so sweet in there. We'll see. It will be a good test for the "older plants produce better buds" assertion. No logical reason that shouldn't be true that I can think of, but what do I know?
Damn I just realized I forgot to attach the photos. Damn short term memory loss. Lmao. Now I have to retake them cuz I delete each time to save space. Shit. Lmao. But yeah, man, I can't believe how long it is already. I'm happy about it. My goal was to keep them vegging for 60 days but by the time they reach the screen (another 6-8 inches) they should be so filled out that filling out the screen will happen very quickly, like maybe a week? So I'm looking at close to 80 days in veg (guessing, but somewhere around there). The roots have gotta be so sweet in there. We'll see. It will be a good test for the "older plants produce better buds" assertion. No logical reason that shouldn't be true that I can think of, but what do I know?
Omg your awsome. :laugh: :rofl:
Holy smokes @Jon your journal moves so fast these days :thumb:

Been busy lately so haven't been posting as much but i’m definitely still following along.

Off topic, do you ever find yourself just sitting out in the garage enjoying the music of AC units buzzing, fans swirling, and air whooshing through the ducts? Aahh the sounds of cannabis :headbanger: lol
Photo Update
Pictures from earlier
A minor disaster

My buddy came by to get clones from the flarfy little branches under my plants that would have been stripped anyway. I had tons of them. So he comes over. He's done this 100 times. I'm nervous. Nobody touches my plants but me. Call me a control freak I don't care, that's how it is. But I know the guy 30 years. And the MOTHERFUC--NG DOUCHEB-G breaks one of my main colas on one of my Jelly Ranchers. I TOLD him they were taped in place at the most they could bend and to be EXTRA careful. And worse - it's not just a break, like a supercropping. It's a break where the branch is literally split halfway. It was still attached by about 30% of it circumference. Relatively clean break cuz the branch already had a bit of tension on her on purpose. IF NOBODY ELSE HAD TOUCHED MY GODDAMN PLANTS I WOULDN'T HAVE A GODDAMN BROKEN COLA I'VE BEEN NURTURING FOR TWO GODDAMN MONTHS. Obviously I'm jacked about this and I'll get over it and pretty much already am but not really it pisses me off so damn bad. Nobody will ever touch my plants again. I don't care if Buddah himself asks me for a cutting. I'm more pissed at myself for breaking my own rule for a friend. That's my fault. Well, sorry to any of my real life friends who may see this, but none of you will ever see my plants in the tents. Ever. I learned a lesson I didn't want to learn today and it hurt. Nothing personal, but yeah. That's the new unbreakable rule.

Ok, over-drama aside, I know it's just a damn branch on a damn weed. I know it MAY heal. I know it MAY heal into a nice tight knuckle that is even stronger than it would have been and shoots out new growth. I also know it may be completely dead in a few hours or the morning. And if it's dead, I know it's really nothing more than an unintended topping of one branch's cola and worst case scenario is I just "clean up" the topping. Get an extra cola. I have plenty of time for it to sprout two and get two legit branches out of it. I really do understand it's not that big of a deal. BUT IT WASN'T THE DAMN PLAN. Anyway, I taped her back together at the break, as tightly as I could, and as closely as I could, to the two broken round stems going "back together, as they would if it was a broken cup and I glued the handle back on. It stayed pretty solidly in place where I taped it, then I propped her up against a post to hold her from falling over. This happened to me on my first grow when I dropped a fan and broke a branch supporting a cola, but the break wasn't as bad. I fixed it exactly the same way and worked beautifully, so that's what I went with. You can see in the picture the cola that looks messed up. Lower left cola. Cuz it fricking IS messed up. There's a taped together break under there you can't see, and I didn't even want to disturb a single leaf around that break. I almost turned off the fans. Lol. Anyway, we'll see what happens. There's no pics of me fixing it cuz I was so pissed and wanted it back together ASAP. The camera was not on my mind at the time.

So I made the decision to let all the bonds loose that you see in the pictures and remove all bamboo poles and ties and just let them run to the screen. I'm the only thing that has been holding them from it, if I hadn't been training them they'd have hit the screen a long time ago. But that's one unforseen and suckass thing and that's enough. These plants are amazing, the new growth from their middles is well established, their branches and stems are strong, I have to assume their roots are as well. So off they go, and they will hit that screen in no time. Any further LST I do will consist of the filling of holes at the screen level. I'm betting they clear it in three days, four max.

Other than that things are going real well in Phototown, so here's the promised photos from earlier. I left out pictures of the infrastructure changes with the fan situation and dehumidifier. Later post. But here's some plants that I'm pretty emotionally invested in. Pretty sure my buddy is aware of that now. LMAO.


- Blueberry Muffin
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake 1
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake 2
- Jelly Rancher 1
- Jelly Rancher 2 w/broken cola

Imma follow this up right now with an update from Autotown.

BBM 1.jpg

PUC 1.jpg

PUC 2.jpg

JR 1.jpg

God I can't get anything right today. Posted two of the broken cola Jelly Rancher. And my order was wrong. The previous pics are BM, PUC 1, Broken Jelly Rancher, PUC 2, and Broken Jelly Rancher again. Here's the Jelly Rancher who is not broken, and that post is done and accurate. Christ. Not my night.

JR 1.jpg
Autotown Update
Day 46 (4), Day 38 (2), Day 33 (3)
No words. This is what's up.


- Gorilla Zkittlez overhead view
- Gorilla Zkittlez bud closeup
- Pineapple Express 1
- Pineapple Express 2
- Pineapple Express 3
- Cinderella Jack 1
- Cinderella Jack 2
- Cinderella Jack 3
- Lemon 1
- Lemon 2

GZ OVER 1.jpg

GZ CLOSE 1.jpg

PE 1 OVER.jpg

PE 2 OVER.jpg

PE 3 OVER.jpg

CJ 1 OVER.jpg

CJ 2 OVER.jpg

CJ 3 OVER.jpg


This is why I hate to borrow others things... something always goes wrong.

Gotta be honest... that branch looks f'd (wilting pretty badly). She might perk back up if the plant can get enough water through the 30% or whatever is still attached. Maybe overnight when the lights go out.

Color looks awesome on them. They seem to be in full vegetative growth (no lockups) which is what you want when they hit flower. You weren't kidding... you have been feeding those autos, they green.
This is why I hate to borrow others things... something always goes wrong.

Gotta be honest... that branch looks f'd (wilting pretty badly). She might perk back up if the plant can get enough water through the 30% or whatever is still attached. Maybe overnight when the lights go out.

Color looks awesome on them. They seem to be in full vegetative growth (no lockups) which is what you want when they hit flower. You weren't kidding... you have been feeding those autos, they green.
I just looked at it. It'll be dead by morning. Oh well. So I figured once I confirm it's dead tomorrow, I'll remove the dead to the point of the cut. Then see how much I'd have to take off to top that branch properly and if it seems like it'll work I'll top it. What else can I do?

Yeah, I'm pretty well aware of what a lockup looks like and how the plants (don't) respond when they're locked. I even know how to cure it! But only cuz my first grow I must have locked them up three times and had to flush a few times each time. These have really honestly had a pretty good time of it since that very early burn. No issues whatsoever since then. The biggest and best decision I made was taking the first two parts of the Fox Farms trio out of play and replacing them with the Botanicare Pro Grow for Veg. And raising the light. Lol.

Thanks for taking the time, D.
Oh man sorry to hear about the accident @Jon that really sucks. On a bright note though, damaged plant will likely develop the branches it does have that much more to compensate for the loss :yummy:

Otherwise the garden looks incredible. I cant believe how far along that ZkittleZ is :drool:
On a bright note though, damaged plant will likely develop the branches it does have that much more to compensate for the loss :yummy:
Second that... it's already got the root for it.
Oh well. So I figured once I confirm it's dead tomorrow, I'll remove the dead to the point of the cut.
Good plan.

I must say the photos color and leaf structure definitely looks impressive. I think you might have nailed it on them. :thumb:
Good plan.

I must say the photos color and leaf structure definitely looks impressive. I think you might have nailed it on them. :thumb:
Thanks man, I hope so. The buds will tell the story.
Second that... it's already got the root for it.
I hope both you guys are right. If not there's five mains instead of six on the one Jelly Rancher. Screw it. I'll make it up at the screen. Got plenty of middle growth to compensate. But damn that was a sweet ass cola. Lol.

Let's start the weekend with a little hope. I waited patiently for the lights to come on this morning in Phototown, fully expecting the cola my buddy snapped the branch on to be dead and completely withered from the point of the break to the end where the cola is. I was all emotionally prepared to cut off the dead, correctly fix the accidental topping, and say oh well it is what it is. Well.....not so fast. Apparently, I hope, maybe, just fricking maybe, this girl is more resilient than I gave her credit for. MAYBE. Here's the thing, and hopefully you can see in the picture - she's definitely not WORSE this morning than she was when I taped her up. If anything she is a teeny tick better. But definitely not worse. SO that got me cautiously excited that there may be hope after all. Again, no biggie if she dies. But that plant will not get touched or moved in the slightest for the next several days.

In Autotown, last night I lifted a few of the pots up a bit to even out the canopy and the results were rather dramatic. As I did that (I lifted the pots the height of a brick) I had to carefully manipulate the screen a little bit and separate the buds as best I could. There were several that needed separation. This included the Gorilla Zkittlez, who continues to amaze me. Her buds are growing exponentially every day. You can see how she shoots out little patches all over the place that become part of the bud over the course of a day. And she's doing this every day. The Cinderella Jacks are getting big and are going to be big sativa buds. And the Pineapple Express has so many viable budsites it blows my mind. All I did to them was some LST. No topping, no supercropping, just a little bending and tying and tucking. I can't even imagine how the plants are going to have enough energy to jam out buds on all of those sites, but they're all at the same height pretty much and at the top, and none of them are flarf.

Since my buddy who broke the cola is a grower, yesterday he brought me some of his most recent Northern Lights harvest. It's actually really good. He did a nice job on it. I included a picture of it just for the sake of bud porn.

Other than that, Fridays are made for lunchtime beers and bong hits. Hope you guys have a successful weekend and don't have any stupid shit happen. Lol. Here you go:


- Pineapple Express Autos #1 and #2 and the rather generous amount of bud sites in play
- Closeup Cinderella Jack #2 cola
- Gorilla Zkittlez in all her glory
- Phototown unchained with all the ties and sticks gone except the recovery cola support stick
- Closeup of the broken cola...note the new green growth down in there, which is part of what got broken and is on the broken (cola) side of the break...I expected that in particular to be dead today and it appears to be vibrant. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
- Bud shot of my buddy's Northern Lights



Gorilla Growth.jpg



Northern Lights.jpg
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