Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Skywalker Photoperiod
Flower Day 29

Colas beginning to coalesce. The plant continues to maintain its basically perfect health, I guess I got pretty lucky in terms of my pot prep and whatever I’ve done feeding her. My colony must be happy down there. I love this stage. When you begin to see approximately what you’ve actually got. These are making me happy.



You'll be fine. A few of the most prominent politicians in the States that are all hair on fire about climate change and rising sea levels have fairly recently bot ocean front property which tells you they don't really see it as a threat.
It’s probably not a threat…in OUR lifetime. Duh. Short sighted, greedy ass motherfuckers. Oil junkie slobs with no logic or foresight.
Skywalker Photoperiod
Flower Day 29

Colas beginning to coalesce. The plant continues to maintain its basically perfect health, I guess I got pretty lucky in terms of my pot prep and whatever I’ve done feeding her. My colony must be happy down there. I love this stage. When you begin to see approximately what you’ve actually got. These are making me happy.



Just noticed the beginning of color too.


You'll be fine. A few of the most prominent politicians in the States that are all hair on fire about climate change and rising sea levels have fairly recently bot ocean front property which tells you they don't really see it as a threat.
Its just another way to control people
Its just another way to control people

The politicians learned long ago that fear is a great way to do that. It almost seems like we have rolling crises. Like, just when we all get sick of one negative line of fear mongering, there's another brand new crisis ready to roll out.

And they don't really ever overlap each other. Amazing!
The politicians learned long ago that fear is a great way to do that. It almost seems like we have rolling crises. Like, just when we all get sick of one negative line of fear mongering, there's another brand new crisis ready to roll out.

And they don't really ever overlap each other. Amazing!
Glade to see you are aware, I agree 200% with everything you just said ,its a shame more people don't see it so we can hold them accountable to the atrocities they create .
It’s not just politicians, they’re the attack dogs for the wealthy alongside their storm troopers, aka police. The rich are to blame for it all. No human being has ever worked hard enough to deserve a billion dollars, let alone have the ability to control resources greater than some nations. Politicians simply do the bidding of the masters of coin.
I checked out AN. Are you using the entire set? What specifically in their catalog do you use? Thanks @Kanno26 .
I use the complete set and so far I am completely satisfied, but I find that in growth you don't have to put everything in every watering but some things are enough once a week vodoo, tarantula and piranha for example I use those once a week 😉
Hello all got some questions u may help me fellow members told me there is something not so right with the plant looks pale maby u can help me how to solve that i use Biobizz products soil is BioBiozz-All mix with Bio Grow/Bloom/Top-Max/Heaven/ solutions as far as i understand there is something related or no with CalMag there is a few pictures if anyone is able to diagnose this

ty in advanvce <3
Hello all got some questions u may help me fellow members told me there is something not so right with the plant looks pale maby u can help me how to solve that i use Biobizz products soil is BioBiozz-All mix with Bio Grow/Bloom/Top-Max/Heaven/ solutions as far as i understand there is something related or no with CalMag there is a few pictures if anyone is able to diagnose this

ty in advanvce <3
Good job posting @rehabilitatora420 - yes, I think you need to add cal mag. She also looks overwatered to me. I think those two things and she can get back still to where she was. But this is just me, and remember I don’t do SIP. Not sure about feeding in that scenario. Hopefully you will get some answers here from some more informed sources.
Hello all got some questions u may help me fellow members told me there is something not so right with the plant looks pale maby u can help me how to solve that i use Biobizz products soil is BioBiozz-All mix with Bio Grow/Bloom/Top-Max/Heaven/ solutions as far as i understand there is something related or no with CalMag there is a few pictures if anyone is able to diagnose this

ty in advanvce <3
Does that wall heater unit affect the heat in the tent?
its not turned on, i wont use it while i got plants here i got AC unit next room. About overwater i thinked that in SIP u cant overwater it i only water it when the tank is almost empty thats only once a couple of days
Ok fair enough. Well, something is making her droopy. But I’d still start with calmag.
Skywalker Support

She’s already putting on weight and starting to fall over, not in small part to the thinness of her stems, which is most likely a sign of my lame watering in her regard. I’m actually rather amazed she’s so sweet considering her rather unimpressive stem. However, the pot is filled 90+% with roots. I’m not quite sure why her stem is so thin. I didn’t think my watering was that bad. Hmm….

Anyway, here’s my fix. I much prefer support from below, and it works really well if you find the right anchor. The closeup of where the support meets the stem shows what I mean by anchor. Now look how sweetly at attention she’s standing. This is way more bueno.




Skywalker Support

She’s already putting on weight and starting to fall over, not in small part to the thinness of her stems, which is most likely a sign of my lame watering in her regard. I’m actually rather amazed she’s so sweet considering her rather unimpressive stem. However, the pot is filled 90+% with roots. I’m not quite sure why her stem is so thin. I didn’t think my watering was that bad. Hmm….

Anyway, here’s my fix. I much prefer support from below, and it works really well if you find the right anchor. The closeup of where the support meets the stem shows what I mean by anchor. Now look how sweetly at attention she’s standing. This is way more bueno.




This is even better after a couple tweaks:

I realized this morning I’m going to run out of Remo nutes before the Cherry Pie and Blackberry Moonrocks finish. By weeks, not days. Two or three. Not nearly enough to not replace. But I’m not convinced I’m using these for my last chem/coco grow - the first grow in the new pad while my organic soil cooks. So I’m very hesitant to spend the coin for a whole replacement set. Instead, once the Remo goes, I’m going to finish them with my remaining Prescription Blend. The only ingredient I’m out of there is the Bio-Si, which is basically silica. One, I don’t need it for either plant at this point, and two, I can augment with my 40% MSA if necessary. I have enough to finish them, which will allow me to basically use up the PB.

I may go AN for the last grow with nutes, or I may go nuts and go big time - Cyto.
The MSA will be fine as a replacement for the Bio-Si. Given how much K there is in the Core B and Big Data the plants definitely won't miss the 1.6 K from the Bio-Si.
its not turned on, i wont use it while i got plants here i got AC unit next room. About overwater i thinked that in SIP u cant overwater it i only water it when the tank is almost empty thats only once a couple of days
Hi @rehabilitatora420, I think you can block it with nuts and that may not be good for it, I only use clean water with adjusted PH for my SIPs once a week, but maybe @Azimuth will have a better tip.
Hi @rehabilitatora420, I think you can block it with nuts and that may not be good for it, I only use clean water with adjusted PH for my SIPs once a week, but maybe @Azimuth will have a better tip.
as i see in my journal book its pretty much same i use destilated water with adjusted ph and i fill it every 6-7 days to
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