Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Cherry Pie

Trying to see how long I can get away with not defoliating this plant. Lol. Sorry for the angled shot, I’m in the short chair.

Hey @Kanno26 - if you were actually asking about Remo nutes, I can share a few observations.

- Everyone seems to agree they are hot in flower. There is a point in the feed chart when things go from 8ml to 10ml. Remo’s suggestion if you think the plant is maxed is to stay with the 8s the whole time. When you get into it you’ll see what I mean.
- It is very important to discontinue their MagNifiCal (the calmag ingredient) when they say to. Otherwise it’s burn city.
- Not sure in soil, but in coco I feel it’s necessary to begin week one a little early. I go to it as soon as the first set of true leaves is out.
- It’s not the cheapest nute system on earth. If you go this way, I suggest going through the site and using the code to get our discount. Remo is a great sponsor - very responsive - and gets the nutes out quickly.

That’s all I feel confident to share at this point. Anything else and I’m a bit into conjecture.

Was that in fact the teepee you wanted? Lol.
Nice find! Seeing them is half the battle in my garden!
Thanks @StoneOtter - as I get better at deflarfication, I see how much crap I’ve grown out so far in my growing history and I’m appalled. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Strawberry Gorilla

She’s in her final fattening phase and is putting on weight quickly, all the side branches were falling over and the big colas were next. I did this. After she relaxes a bit and settles out I’ll spread her a bit by lowering the cable ring.



Monday Morning Funnies and Futures

This would all be for the next grow after the move. Lol. That would be, 16 cubic feet of coco (8 bags), a third AC Infinity 6” fan and filter set up for the third 5x5, four new tray/wheel setups for small plants and pre uppotting, and two big metal trays with 8 wheels each, one 18” and one 20”, for the two huge pots we will be using. All this goes with the box I already got with five new timers, five new temp/rh gauges, and two new ph pens, plus extra ph up, ph down, and calmag. I really wanna hit the ground running when I get there. Now we have the necessary infrastructure in place for a six tent grow, except for a few more growbuds clip fans, and probably a gallon of Remo all around. But we’re close. And @Gee64 - that doesn’t even count all the soil making ingredients I’ll need or the bags of FFOF. Lmao! Oy. At least we don’t need any seeds. Lmao.

Monday Morning Funnies and Futures

This would all be for the next grow after the move. Lol. That would be, 16 cubic feet of coco (8 bags), a third AC Infinity 6” fan and filter set up for the third 5x5, four new tray/wheel setups for small plants and pre uppotting, and two big metal trays with 8 wheels each, one 18” and one 20”, for the two huge pots we will be using. All this goes with the box I already got with five new timers, five new temp/rh gauges, and two new ph pens, plus extra ph up, ph down, and calmag. I really wanna hit the ground running when I get there. Now we have the necessary infrastructure in place for a six tent grow, except for a few more growbuds clip fans, and probably a gallon of Remo all around. But we’re close. And @Gee64 - that doesn’t even count all the soil making ingredients I’ll need or the bags of FFOF. Lmao! Oy. At least we don’t need any seeds. Lmao.

what no snow shovel ? Lol!
Strawberry Gorilla
Final Fattening

I call it this cuz it happens every time. Your buds seem to have been done-ish for a bit, then all of a sudden they again start to shower out new growth. It’s the miracle part you gotta wait for. Heh. This is a good example. All this new growth was not there two days ago.

Strawberry Gorilla
Final Fattening

I call it this cuz it happens every time. Your buds seem to have been done-ish for a bit, then all of a sudden they again start to shower out new growth. It’s the miracle part you gotta wait for. Heh. This is a good example. All this new growth was not there two days ago.

This is making me crazy…

Here’s an example of one of the big nutrient lines ignoring sexual maturity


I find this fascinating from a business perspective. You’d think you would want your customers using more of your product. Their eggheads must’ve figured out they make more money off of people wanting a fast veg versus using their products for an extra month.
Here’s an example of one of the big nutrient lines ignoring sexual maturity
I find this fascinating from a business perspective. You’d think you would want your customers using more of your product. Their eggheads must’ve figured out they make more money off of people wanting a fast veg versus using their products for an extra month.
They do mention to repeat week 4 if needed, so there's a little wiggle room!
Here’s an example of one of the big nutrient lines ignoring sexual maturity


I find this fascinating from a business perspective. You’d think you would want your customers using more of your product. Their eggheads must’ve figured out they make more money off of people wanting a fast veg versus using their products for an extra month.
They’re almost all listed as 4 week veg and 8 week flower, but most of them say “for longer veg extend week 4, for longer flower extend week 8.
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