Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Blackberry Moonrocks has a front row seat for the Eagles decimation of Dallas today. We’re gonna have a beer, do a couple bingers, maybe a kief topper or two, and enjoy the carnage.


Blackberry Moonrocks has a front row seat for the Eagles decimation of Dallas today. We’re gonna have a beer, do a couple bingers, maybe a kief topper or two, and enjoy the carnage.


Funny side note: my younger brother (and lead guitar player) has decided he wants to try his hand at growing. So he has a 3x3x6, my Maxsisun PB4000 (can easily blow up that size tent, lol), and he has one bag of FFOF. I sent him Geoflora a while back, and a thing of Great White. He’s had the soil prepped for a couple weeks, and he is going to do one plant. After explaining the differences, he decided he wanted to try an auto cuz it would be “easier.” Lmao. Okay. So he asked me if I had any seeds. Here’s the funny part - I could have sent him anything. I have dozens of strains of autos. Including several I know he could handle pretty easily. But I decided to be a tiny bit evil. I sent him two seeds - the BlackBerry Moonrocks and the Pink Rozay. Lmao!!! Both of them will go nuts on him.

Hey, if you’re gonna jump in and ask your brother to help you, you’re gonna jump in all the way.

Hey @con - so, thinking about the Dark Side eh? Lol. Well….

There are differences. First, I’d go with one or the other - soil or coco. Mixing them 50/50 doesn’t work.

Coco will give you much faster growth. There are days when you will swear you’re seeing them grow in real time.

Coco is likely to produce significantly larger plants. Probably lots of reasons for this, but I believe the salient point there is that in coco, you feed every day. Once they are out of seedling and have say three sets of leaves, they tend to take off. You’re basically nute-ing the plant to death in coco. Lol. So they get big. You are unlikely to get as many veg days with photos in coco as in soil for this reason.

It’s is almost impossible to overwater coco. Once they are of the above mentioned size that is - you still can drown one in the very beginning. It’s also not at all necessary to go through the watering rigamaroles with coco that we go through in soil. Once they have a bit of size you just douse them to runoff every day. I literally fill an entire gallon and just let that pool drain down. The roots will fill the pot - any size pot - every time regardless of how you water.

This is sounding pretty good, right?

Not so fast. Lmao. There are plenty of downsides too, depending on your perspective. One is, the workload compared to soil is way way higher. If for no other reason than you have to fill and lug water every day. Two - you have to mix nutes every damn day. Besides being a PITA, it gets expensive pretty fast. Three - you have to get the nutes right, or coco will bitch faster and louder than soil. Coco is really responsive. I often see the effects of an additive that same day, especially cal mag. But with that responsiveness comes potential pitfalls, cuz if you screw up, the plants shows it immediately. The upside there is that fixes are faster too. Four - you can’t use threes and I wouldn’t even use fives. 7s at least. Which again costs you lots of medium, and money. I mean, you can, but what’s the point? If you go coco you do it for only one reason (to me) - bigger plants and buds. It’s not a small plant game. Finally - you have to add calmag before mixing every gallon. Not sure why, but apparently coco leaches calcium and magnesium faster or more so than soil - it wants to hold on to it is my understanding. So you gotta watch that too.

So there’s a bunch of positives and negatives. I think of coco kind of like hydro in a medium, so hydro with friction. It’s super fun. Just takes a lot of attention. You can’t really decide you’ll wait an extra day to water with coco. If they dry all the way out they get very unhappy. It’s not like building roots in soil. You become, in effect, slave to your plants.

If you decide to try coco, my number one most important suggestion for those who haven’t tried it is to pick a nute system you like and run it by the book from day one. This will give you the best results first time. If you like it, later you get into altering base mixes and additives and such. That, and strap your seatbelt.

Hopefully some of that is helpful.
thanks for that answer Jon, you really put it into perspective & i didn't even think about most of what you said, definitely lots to think about thanks again
You know what might be a good way to see what you like, @con? You could do a soil/coco side by side grow with the same strain. Same nutes, just different mediums. I can’t think of a better way to see the differences, and you’d have a blast!
yeah maybe, i'll be thinking hard about it, the mixing & watering every day would be the biggest issue for a few reasons but food for thought
yeah maybe, i'll be thinking hard about it, the mixing & watering every day would be the biggest issue for a few reasons but food for thought
I’m not gonna lie, there are days when it definitively gets old. Especially in flower when all you’re doing is dumping nutes on them and waiting. At the same time though, you see bud development like you’re not used to in soil. It’s a trade off like everything else. Lol.
Hi @Jon, I was at canafest with us on Friday and managed to get a complete set of @Remo nutries and would like to try it next round. Do you have a teepee? I tagged you in my diary, but I understand that you are busy, so I am writing at your place😉
Hi @Kanno26 - again I’m sorry man, I’m doing what I can and I have some guys I’m working with in DM …. but that aside, I’m sorry, teepee? I don’t have a teepee, no. I live in, like, a house. I had a friend who lived in a teepee in his yard for a while, but that’s not quite the same thing. Are you thinking of replacing your tent with a teepee? Hmm. Guess you gotta pick the right light.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hi @Kanno26 - again I’m sorry man, I’m doing what I can and I have some guys I’m working with in DM …. but that aside, I’m sorry, teepee? I don’t have a teepee, no. I live in, like, a house. I had a friend who lived in a teepee in his yard for a while, but that’s not quite the same thing. Are you thinking of replacing your tent with a teepee? Hmm. Guess you gotta pick the right light.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I think he's asking about tips for using the Remo nutes.
Goddamn DST

I just messed up Skywalkers bed time by 16 minutes. She runs ambient by day and I had it in my head that I needed to close the tent before 6. Duh. It’s before 5 now. So at 5:16 I just happened to go check, lights out, door open. Lmao. I’m betting that 16 minutes won’t hermie her.
Goddamn DST

I just messed up Skywalkers bed time by 16 minutes. She runs ambient by day and I had it in my head that I needed to close the tent before 6. Duh. It’s before 5 now. So at 5:16 I just happened to go check, lights out, door open. Lmao. I’m betting that 16 minutes won’t hermie her.
hopefully its good yeah DST sucks 4pm here & dark enough that you need to turn on the lights in the house im not even going to bother adjusting my timer they're autos so don't care
My scrote stepson left the house lights on in the flower room. He was too busy being a scrote to check. Not sure why he needed them on anyway - there’s 2190w of light in there already. To say I was furious is an understatement. Anyway. Killed the lights on that grow permanently. Keep them in the dark a couple of days, hope they don’t grow mushrooms and chop.

Oh but I was angry last night!

But I think it means they had 48 hours of constant light. Same person didn’t check the tent lights while I was in Cambodia and hermied all my plants in there.
My scrote stepson left the house lights on in the flower room. He was too busy being a scrote to check. Not sure why he needed them on anyway - there’s 2190w of light in there already. To say I was furious is an understatement. Anyway. Killed the lights on that grow permanently. Keep them in the dark a couple of days, hope they don’t grow mushrooms and chop.

Oh but I was angry last night!

But I think it means they had 48 hours of constant light. Same person didn’t check the tent lights while I was in Cambodia and hermied all my plants in there.
Ouch. What’s a scrote?
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