Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Here’s my one RH issue, which is about the best I can do. This is my environment dead center of the tent at canopy level. That’s the reading I care about. Especially in a large tent, those readings will be way different depending on where you measure. So I measure here. The temperature is where I want it. The RH is a bit low. This is with the AC unit engaged and it’s 90 degrees outside and warmer in the garage. However, if I disengage the AC, although the temperature stays okay and goes up to about 88-90, the RH rises to the upper 60’s. So that’s fine for veg. Tomorrow is flip day and upper 60s RH is too high imho. So it’s settled. We flower at the temp and RH you see here on the picture. Give or take. Those are okay numbers for flower I think. Any different views I’d love to hear them, thanks.

420h Closet
Strawberry Gorilla
Blackberry Moonrocks

I decided to wait on engaging the reds for a few days to hope the BM will start to flower/stretch. At that point I’m ok with the reds on her but I don’t want to give them while she is still vegging.

Here’s the two girls and me keeping up on the undercarriage of the BM.






Here’s my one RH issue, which is about the best I can do. This is my environment dead center of the tent at canopy level. That’s the reading I care about. Especially in a large tent, those readings will be way different depending on where you measure. So I measure here. The temperature is where I want it. The RH is a bit low. This is with the AC unit engaged and it’s 90 degrees outside and warmer in the garage. However, if I disengage the AC, although the temperature stays okay and goes up to about 88-90, the RH rises to the upper 60’s. So that’s fine for veg. Tomorrow is flip day and upper 60s RH is too high imho. So it’s settled. We flower at the temp and RH you see here on the picture. Give or take. Those are okay numbers for flower I think. Any different views I’d love to hear them, thanks.

do you not use a VPD chart for a reference for temp & humidity ? VPD Chart For Smart LED Grow Lights For Cannabis - ScynceLED
Thanks @con! I’m just learning about VPD and its importance. I’ve never used it. But now that I know a little about it, I’m not too far off. Once I go fully organic I’ll be using it religiously.
Actually, using that chart I’ve been pretty much in the green so far. Flower is gonna be tougher.
Actually, using that chart I’ve been pretty much in the green so far. Flower is gonna be tougher.
yeah i use the chart to get as close as i can but pretty hard to get it spot on but the plants seem to like it
yeah i use the chart to get as close as i can but pretty hard to get it spot on but the plants seem to like it
Yup. I learn all about it in Gee’s lab. Come check it out.
Yup. I learn all about it in Gee’s lab. Come check it out.
If you do, be prepared to feel completely out of water. It’s exciting and you learn tons. But what I’m learning is that much of what I thought I knew is simply not true.
If you do, be prepared to feel completely out of water. It’s exciting and you learn tons. But what I’m learning is that much of what I thought I knew is simply not true.
yes Gee has a great technical & natural way of doing things a good read but a bit out of my league for now
yes Gee has a great technical & natural way of doing things a good read but a bit out of my league for now
It’s out of mine too @con. But I’m in the process of changing that. You know how it is. You can learn whatever you want on a high level once you make the sincere choice to learn it. If you’re committed. I would not believe you if you said you were any different than me - you can learn whatever you want. IF you want to. Right?
It’s out of mine too @con. But I’m in the process of changing that. You know how it is. You can learn whatever you want on a high level once you make the sincere choice to learn it. If you’re committed. I would not believe you if you said you were any different than me - you can learn whatever you want. IF you want to. Right?
And that, my friend, makes us blessed. A lot of people simply don’t have the ability to learn whatever they want. I find that in this crowd here at 420, it’s more the norm than the exception. We ain’t no dummies. Lol!
It’s out of mine too @con. But I’m in the process of changing that. You know how it is. You can learn whatever you want on a high level once you make the sincere choice to learn it. If you’re committed. I would not believe you if you said you were any different than me - you can learn whatever you want. IF you want to. Right?
true that there @Jon once i get a couple syn/soil grows in to my liking then i might dabble in organics but for now my next grow is probably going to be a straight up grow no 90 degree LST & learn from the couple mistakes i already made with this current grow & past grows
true that there @Jon once i get a couple syn/soil grows in to my liking then i might dabble in organics but for now my next grow is probably going to be a straight up grow no 90 degree LST & learn from the couple mistakes i already made with this current grow & past grows
Awesome. We all take out steps in whatever time works for us. My goal, ultimately, is to master chem nutes and organics, both.
well you seem to be batting a 100% so far
I gotta figure out how to get the tent down into the mid 70s for flower. I can add the other AC unit, but it’ll knock my RH down to like 38-40. I think running hottish for flower is better than running at 38% RH for all of flower.

The Skywalker and mini-Sky, the Bubblegum Sherbet, and the mini-MMxM34 - all four got their first bloom nute hit today. The clone gets it tomorrow morning. I top dressed and mixed into the soil a 75/25 mix of Geoflora Bloom/Veg, along with about two cups of EWC. Then I watered it in with RGR, Kelp Me Kelp You, and Wholly Mackerel. Tomorrow we flip and then we’ll see the show. Everyone is trained fairly well, I have what I think are the appropriate number of mains per plant (11 on each), all the colors are pretty solid, and I have no blemishes or even yellowing lower leaves. Even though I’ve tossed Geo in a pot of FFOF and grew a plant before, this is essentially my first “real” semi-organic grow. And based on what I’ve learned so far, all three of the plants we care about seem to be firing on all cylinders. Now flower and for the first time in a long time, I’m a little nervous about it. I don’t know what’s going to happen with the plants relative to the microbe colony as we go, and I’ve never grown any of these strains. That alone is enough to get my hackles at attention. Yoda told me tonight that in a greenhouse flower time for the clone is around 65 days. He hasn’t grown it in a tent under LED (lol) but believes it should still be fairly close to 65 days. And he told me nice color on the clone (nice to hear positive feedback from someone who will tell you the truth and happens to have created the strain, lol).

So here we go. It’s almost on. Can’t wait to see how much stretch we get.
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