Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Double Grape

We have the bare beginning of budlets on this girl, so I did a defoliation up top and set the colas (mini colas, lol) where I wanted. Obviously the goal is to evenly fill the space. So here’s her final setup. The Cherry Pie is a day out, maybe two. Not quite the same day but close.

What do you say @StoneOtter ? What's your guess on the substrate, composted sawdust?
Meanwhile, if it is composted sawdust, why is my spider sense telling me wtf? There must be a better substrate than fricking sawdust, whether or not it works. No?
sawdust is a very good form of carbon, and microbes love carbon.
Ah! False alarm then. Damn spidey sense. And to think when I was 10 I had Spider Man wallpaper. There is no loyalty anymore.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I find that coco is the happy medium.
I wouldn’t use straight sawdust anyway, regardless. Just curious about the substrate for the EWC I got. Good to know though, thanks. I’m gonna cool it now. I have EWC, Kelp, Fish, Geo, RGR, and H2O. I think that should be sufficient, barring an unplanned visit from the crack dealer and the girls somehow sneak themselves a shot of molasses. Maybe. Heh.
Hey @Bill284, how you be anyways? Feeling alright and slogging through? Hope things are looking up. Wanna talk about.watering coco? Heh.

So until the last grow, I always did as you taught me. Kept them wet at all times. Watered every single day to runoff each time. Etc.

This last grow was the best I’ve done with a large group of autos, most noticeably in terms of density and quality. I watered the coco differently as an experiment. I treated it like soil. If the pot was still not light I let them go. This was far less frequent watering and far less nutes used and/or wasted. So that’s good. But I think it may have helped.

By watering coco this way, in theory, it should be stressing the plants out. Just a little. But all the time. And I am theorizing that the uptick I got in terms of density and size may have been partly due to the plant always being a touch thirsty, always stressing just a touch, and working harder as a result.

Think that’s possible? Sure seemed to work just fine. Also, when I recently spoke with the Remo camp, many of whom are 20 year vet growers from the competition circuit, they basically shat all over the idea we have about watering coco. They said I was overwatering and it showed and they were right! When I did it this way everything improved.

Interesting, right? I’m watering in the same manner this time. You see my plants. What do you think, Sensei? Thanks my brother.
Depending on the nutrients you can do it.
I’m trying to reduce the rh in the greenhouse so I’m doing something similar.
But I’m using mostly MC.
If I was using a nutrient that’s high in residue I would have a problem by now.
A little runoff keeps that issue at bay.
So I recommend people starting out or having issues to feed in this method.
Watching for a little nutrients in the catch trays.
Also if you let coco dry out it becomes hydrophobic in my experience.
Repelling nutrients.
Also a reason I recommend keeping it moist.
Once you learn how to read your garden and your pots you can be more selective in your methods.
I agree 100% and also recommend it.
I’m just a friendly beginner I tell everyone.
Trying different ways is how we all learn.
But if you build your pots as I do you can feed constantly daily and you will see great results.
The layering even in soil can be fed daily.
I’m battling snow , frost and Rh right now.
And I’m out of River water I need to pump 700 l. 1 more time.
But after putting heaters in the greenhouse I’m too cold.
I’m thinking about starting the fire. Brrrr.
Stacey says to say hi. :ciao::hug:
We are both relaxing trying to keep warm. :rofl:
Have you had any time to play the ole guitar?
With everything going on you must be busy!

#VIVOSUN# Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Depending on the nutrients you can do it.
I’m trying to reduce the rh in the greenhouse so I’m doing something similar.
But I’m using mostly MC.
If I was using a nutrient that’s high in residue I would have a problem by now.
A little runoff keeps that issue at bay.
So I recommend people starting out or having issues to feed in this method.
Watching for a little nutrients in th catch trays.
Also if you let coco dry out it becomes hydroponic in my experience.
Repelling nutrients.
Also a reason I recommend keeping it moist.
Once you learn how to read your garden and your pots you can be more selective in your methods.
I agree 100% and also recommend it.
I’m just a friendly beginner I tell everyone.
Trying different ways is how we all learn.
But if you build your pots as I do you can feed constantly daily and you will see great results.
The layering even in soil can be fed daily.
I’m battling snow , frost and Rh right now.
And I’m out of River water I need to pump 700 l. 1 more time.
But after putting heaters in the greenhouse I’m too cold.
I’m thinking about starting the fire. Brrrr.
Stacey says to say hi. :ciao::hug:
We are both relaxing trying to keep warm. :rofl:
Have you had any time to play the ole guitar?
With everything going on you must be busy!

#VIVOSUN# Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Got it, thanks Sensei. I’m good man, just busy as a one legged fireman trying to kick down a barn door. Moving, this grow, Molly, preparing with the contractor to modify my garage space at the new place to my needs in terms of outlets and fuses and such (needed 100 more amps than they wanted me to have, lmao), and all the normal life stuff. You know how it is. Lol. I’m happy as shit with this grow though, I’ll tell you that. Even got the bluter stamp of approval. Lol! Say hi to Stace!
Got it, thanks Sensei. I’m good man, just busy as a one legged fireman trying to kick down a barn door. Moving, this grow, Molly, preparing with the contractor to modify my garage space at the new place to my needs in terms of outlets and fuses and such (needed 100 more amps than they wanted me to have, lmao), and all the normal life stuff. You know how it is. Lol. I’m happy as shit with this grow though, I’ll tell you that. Even got the bluter stamp of approval. Lol!
It's nice to see you so happy my friend.
Makes me smile. 😊

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Got it, thanks Sensei. I’m good man, just busy as a one legged fireman trying to kick down a barn door. Moving, this grow, Molly, preparing with the contractor to modify my garage space at the new place to my needs in terms of outlets and fuses and such (needed 100 more amps than they wanted me to have, lmao), and all the normal life stuff. You know how it is. Lol. I’m happy as shit with this grow though, I’ll tell you that. Even got the bluter stamp of approval. Lol! Say hi to Stace!
What’s cool is that once again I am functioning as a newbie following orders. Been a while. Last time was when I took me out of learning coco and did what you said. So it’s cool. I learn tons.
Meanwhile, if it is composted sawdust, why is my spider sense telling me wtf? There must be a better substrate than fricking sawdust, whether or not it works. No?
Cost, mainly. Sawdust is a waste product that can be had for cheap, and really all you need is something large and grainy enough to be able to work with in packaging, dispensing, etc. Just gives something for the microbes to sit on that is a large enough scale for us to work with.

As long as they are well composted I think they'd be a great addition. Fresh, bright sawdust not so much.
Just curious about the substrate for the EWC I got.
I'm going to guess none. If what you have lookes like the little ball bearings I mentioned earlier then you have (mostly) pure castings.

If you are referring to the bedding used to grow the worms, that stuff should all have been converted to more castings. The bedding is often stuff like coco, shredded newspaper, compost, leaf mold, animal manure, etc. Stuff like that.
I wouldn’t use straight sawdust anyway, regardless. Just curious about the substrate for the EWC I got. Good to know though, thanks. I’m gonna cool it now. I have EWC, Kelp, Fish, Geo, RGR, and H2O. I think that should be sufficient, barring an unplanned visit from the crack dealer and the girls somehow sneak themselves a shot of molasses. Maybe. Heh.
You know, fresh sea water mixed in low proportions is a staple in KNF farming.

Just sayin'.
You know, fresh sea water mixed in low proportions is a staple osaying.

Just sayin'.
Thanks for all that. I have a pond that is fed from the Indian River in my backyard. Anything there?
Thanks for all that. I have a pond that is fed from the Indian River in my backyard. Anything there?
That will likely have lots of good stuff in it, but the sea water is special since it contains all the minerals in the right proportions for use, except for the salt. That's why it has to be diluted down.
I wouldn’t use straight sawdust anyway, regardless. Just curious about the substrate for the EWC I got. Good to know though, thanks. I’m gonna cool it now. I have EWC, Kelp, Fish, Geo, RGR, and H2O. I think that should be sufficient, barring an unplanned visit from the crack dealer and the girls somehow sneak themselves a shot of molasses. Maybe. Heh.
Girls will be girls🤣❤️
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