Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

:thumb: :cheesygrinsmiley:Not all stunted autos are spogs®, but all spogs® are stunted autos. What makes a spog® a spog® (single point of green) is the short cola with no side branches.
Thanks for the Spog tutorial 🦸‍♂️Shedster, what would @420 Magazine ever do without you? lol. CL🍀.
I looked at LA’s stuff - trying to use some fluxing lite type stuff on the outdoor grow and I have a donut theory which just seeing some of his plants which is similar to your pyramid.

Assume a 4ft space and a 4ft light. 8 plants in circle/donut but no plant in the middle where the best PPFD is likely but think that would be made up for by all 8 plants being able to grow into that area.
Sort of an 8-plant super scrog without the screen. By keeping the middle sweet spot open, the juiciness of the sweet spot will draw the outer colas from all the plants in and fill the middle with actual colas instead of small shoots. Depending on how big you made the open circle it wouldn’t take any longer than normal. It would look super cool - maybe a bit Stonehenge-y.

Don’t see why that wouldn’t work.

I didn't even run the numbers on veg, just the end of flower, so it might be fine until then!

I feel like read somewhere that an auto simply a photo a fuse, so they should respond the same way by that definition.
Lol! Well, I did just toss my realization that it’s an assumption out there….heh
If you grew 2 branches out into 2 opposite triangles and then wove them sideways until you had them completely around the base, and grew the next node above out on the 2 opposite triangles and a layer up, them wove those around sideways, and then the next node up, and so on, but kept wrapping the branches at each node around the pyramid, and let side branching from those branches fill it in, I think it would be pretty cool, then let one cola grow up the top like an antenna to signal the aliens.

Your surface area would be far greater than a regular scrog. Then when every triangle is covered trim all tops back so its an even pyramid of green and flip it to flower so all the flower tops don't stretch too far away from the pyramid.
Thanks @Azimuth! Well, this would be the longer version I’d argue, but still would work. I’m fact, this is probably closer to how LA pulled off the masterpiece. It’s the “weaving” that I think would be required that might be tricky. I think you’d have to go over-under-over-under the whole time for it to work. Otherwise the whole coat just jumps up vertically off the screen.
Not all stunted autos are spogs®, but all spogs® are stunted autos. What makes a spog® a spog® (single point of green) is the short cola with no side branches.
Well, @CaptainLucky , I have never heard Spog until this post. Cool name! Shed is a funny dude. You could do this on purpose by trimming it as such easily. Grow a one plant cola? I did a whole journal on it once with the Humboldt Seed Company Sour Apple Auto. Imo it sucks. No yield. The cola will not grow up by itself as tall as the plant would be otherwise. I got less than an ounce from mine. But Shed’s picture here is not what I did. This is exactly what he said - an actual stunted auto. It happens if you grow out a stunted seedling, that’s one way. It happens if the plant hates everything you’re giving it too. Stunted side branching. It is a thing. Fortunately it pretty rare. Once or twice for me. I pull that crap.
Not all stunted autos are spogs®, but all spogs® are stunted autos. What makes a spog® a spog® (single point of green) is the short cola with no side branches.
Starting an auto in a root cube imo is not the most effective way. It causes a lag. It essentially is a mixed medium for a while when it’s small. Like this one, when I see an auto started in a root cube they always end up smaller. Just an observation.
Probably need 4 lights each at an angle, one for each side of your pyramid as the whole idea of a scrog is one level surface with each node the same distance to the light. You'd have more surface area so theoretically more bud.

Interesting idea, but I wonder if the tradeoff in 3 extra lights and more electricity use would be worth it. 🤔
I think you could get away with just two side lights. The Great Pyramid is an easy angle as built. It would fill just from an overhead. Extra lights would help if perfect buds was the goal. This would be a fun showpiece and just something to do when you were bored. And sure it would cost more to make. But at the same time, my nute costs are about to be zero for a while.
I think you could get away with just two side lights. The Great Pyramid is an easy angle as built. It would fill just from an overhead. Extra lights would help if perfect buds was the goal. This would be a fun showpiece and just something to do when you were bored. And sure it would cost more to make. But at the same time, my nute costs are about to be zero for a while.
I think 1 MH / HPS Lamp hanging vertically with shade off or the moon shade and do a reverse upside-down pyramid, growing from centre out on a 45 degree angle up to all 4 walls it gives you more room for crowns that way around
I think 1 MH / HPS Lamp hanging vertically with shade off or the moon shade and do a reverse upside-down pyramid, growing from centre out on a 45 degree angle up to all 4 walls it gives you more room for crowns that way around
That’s pure genius and would look SO COOL. See? Extra sets of eyes! I would never have thought of that. Thanks @Absorber!
Ok guys, some folks are sort of half paying attention to the training progression on the Strawberry Gorilla (lol), so here’s today (things change quickly in coco):

By now all our stems are pretty firmed up and the bonds can basically be released. I have done so for the most part. The reason this matters is because you can’t get a real and accurate idea of what you have going on relative to dominance control, nor can you accurately determine what you need to chop and what to keep, until all bonds are released and you have allowed the plant to assume it’s final shape sans vertical growth. That’s where we are now. I keep the sticks still loosely hanging on the branches. The weight is nothing and then you push them back in as your control mechanism once you have figured out your pruning and what’s to be kept. Dominance control devices.

You can see that our “main” or “better” colas have assumed their inevitably slightly higher than center growth positions. Like this all around.

Here’s more of a totality shot a bit messy looking:

The slightly lower colas in that ring are just a tad below. All that becomes your outer ring of glory.

Then you have your interior, which is a MESS:
So the next step is to clean your damn plant up and decide what to keep. One can argue this is the most important step of all. It is the step that determines your yield and what your plant will look like at the end.
I do this step sooner than later. The sooner it’s done, the sooner the plant can realize it’s free to redisperse her energy to your remaining haul. The plant loves this. Her load just got easier and after a day she is way less stressed than before. You love this because now you will really get to see what she’s got. And it’s a good show too.

So here is the BEFORE picture, and after it’s done I’ll post the AFTER picture.

Thanks @Azimuth! Well, this would be the longer version I’d argue, but still would work. I’m fact, this is probably closer to how LA pulled off the masterpiece. It’s the “weaving” that I think would be required that might be tricky. I think you’d have to go over-under-over-under the whole time for it to work. Otherwise the whole coat just jumps up vertically off the screen.
Sorry guys, I meant thanks @Gee64, that was you not Azi. Sorry Azi.
@ViparSpectra Tent
Cherry Pie/Double Grape Sorta Scrog

Here’s the state of play in the VS tent.

And here’s they are individually.

Things worth noting:

- I don’t consider either of these plants to be particularly or excessively leafy. Even the CP with her larger fans looks leafier than she actually is. Therefore I have yet to take the large older fans. They’re my engines and I don’t have many. Removing a pair will be impactful on some level. So for both I have held off as long as possible. So far we are getting away with it. In a perfect world I’d never take a leaf. It is amazing what you can do with serious leaf tucking vs removal. There will come a point when I’ll have to, and I did open up the centers today a bit to get light to the new emerging growth, but that’s it. Minimal defol.
- these are both either indicas or indica phenos. The stems are thick. Shortish. Slower to attain length. Indicas are way harder to scrog and this is one reason why.
- hopefully you can see why these screens suck and can’t be considered actual scrog screens. They do little more than slightly separate colas. WAY too big of squares and WAY too heavy a material for the net. WAY too bouncy. Save your money. It’s easy to out do this with LST and stakes. In this case I could dust whatever I got here without the net.

All that said, given our limitations, it’s not too bad and we still have days of stretch time. May get closer than I thought.
Bubblegum Sherbet. :)

Skywalker. :p

Sour Lifesaver Clone, and now we stop the lower defol.

The color of organic or even semi organic plants like these just simply destroys the color of plants grown in coco with chemicals. It’s so not even close. It makes my soul feel good to see these plants. To my inexperienced eyes it appears for a semi organic that all three of these are currently running on all cylinders.
Bubblegum Sherbet. :)

Skywalker. :p

Sour Lifesaver Clone, and now we stop the lower defol.

The color of organic or even semi organic plants like these just simply destroys the color of plants grown in coco with chemicals. It’s so not even close. It makes my soul feel good to see these plants. To my inexperienced eyes it appears for a semi organic that all three of these are currently running on all cylinders.
Its called "genetic expression" or "genetic potential" and it is the plant being what it's dna says it should be with a full spectrum diet that it's dna decides on what to eat, not the instructions on the bottle decide. Not knocking synthetics here, just pointing out a difference. Synthetics make a great business model. Genetic potential will surprise you with both good and bad.
You may also see more or less colors at harvest too, depending on how the synthetics swayed the plant away from its GP, and what it's GP has in store for you. Then there is smells, and tastes, etc.... Some will be better, some less than that, but you will see differences.
Thanks @Gee64. At the moment, to my eye, the difference is quite stark and beautiful. Appreciate the terminology.
Thanks @Gee64. At the moment, to my eye, the difference is quite stark and beautiful. Appreciate the terminology.
And I ain’t gonna lie. Taking branches like this off a plant - any plant - causes me pain. Heh. A sad but true story.

You may also see more or less colors at harvest too, depending on how the synthetics swayed the plant away from its GP, and what its GP has in store for you. Then there is smells, and tastes, etc.... Some will be better, some less than that, but you will see differences.
The sum of this post and the previous have me wondering this:

Your comments apply to both organic and semi, as compared to synthetics. But the upside of those sound like you’re talking about organics and the magic of the real deal. I get that I don’t have the real deal here but a reasonable compromise that still is far closer than synthetic and can be called semi organic. And I understand your posts, that’s part of why I’m switching over.

So the question is, all these differences you refer to as may or may not happen and are elemental to the plants GP - how big a difference in those expressions of GP is there between organic and semi?

Make sense?
The sum of this post and the previous have me wondering this:

Your comments apply to both organic and semi, as compared to synthetics. But the upside of those sound like you’re talking about organics and the magic of the real deal. I get that I don’t have the real deal here but a reasonable compromise that still is far closer than synthetic and can be called semi organic. And I understand your posts, that’s part of why I’m switching over.

So the question is, all these differences you refer to as may or may not happen and are elemental to the plants GP - how big a difference in those expressions of GP is there between organic and semi?

Make sense?
PS - thanks for doing some of this here. Sometimes to us newbies the lab can cause your eyes to glaze over. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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