Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel


as you guys already know all 9 of these Timewrecks started out under the COB panel, once the last round was done I moved them into the flower room to benefit from the co2, 7 of them went into the big room off to the side of a 1000w Hortilux superlumen hps and the other 2 went into the res room with the COB. Within 2 weeks the 7 under the hps had double the size of the 2 under the COB. All 7 of the plants under the hps have showed sex without having to sex them, the 2 that were under the COB still have not shown sex, I have now moved one of them out into the big room and one is still under the COB. I think both that were under the COB are males but it looks like its going to take a few more days to show. Clearly the plants under the COB are nowhere near as developed and mature as the others, maybe this is because the light was too far away but I dont think so, either way the light is now 20 inches from the plant and it looks to be right in the brightest part of the light. I have a feeling its a male though, so chances are I ll be taking one of the big females and putting it under the COB pretty soon so we shall see how the COB does in flower with the exact same size plant as the other 2 under the big lights, one under the hps and the other under one of my big panels.
the plant on the left is the COB plant, the one next to it in the middle is the one under the hps and the one on the right is the one that has been under one of my big panels for the last few days.Check out the difference in the stalks.

hps and big panel timewreck

hps and big panel timewreck

COB Timewreck

heres a few shots of the node spacing on the 2 big can see that they are females and even the very top of the branches are thicker than the main stalk on the COB plants.

Heres some shots of the COB plant, its clearly nowhere near as developed as the others.

Heres the COB plant back in its home with the light at 20 inches from the canopy.

and here you can see how far away the big panels are compared to the COB, easily double the distance if not more.

you can see the Timewreck right in the middle of the big girls.
Alot of you guys think the COB is or was to far away so it looks like I ll be doing this test again next round, I ll have the light alot closer right from the get go and we shall see what happens then.Because the 2 under the COB havent shown sex yet I havent transplanted them into 7 gallon pots with Supersoil, so the 2 are still in 3 gallon pots getting fed the unmentionable nutes, its only been 4 days since transplant into ss for the others, the 7 in the big room doubled in size in 2 weeks and they were still in the 3 gallon pots, so I dont think getting transplanted had much to do with the size difference.
my internet provider seems to think its whats causing the issues ive been having with connecting to the internet, I have to figure out how to get rid of it.

You may have to flush your ip addy. Heres how to do that.
If using windows click start type cmd when it shows type in ipconfig /release click enter. after that do this
ipconfig /renew click enter .that fixed my issues with my router and modem.
Another thing to do is find a online scanner to scan for bugs and if you have windows defender
on your system run it also.
my internet provider seems to think its whats causing the issues ive been having with connecting to the internet, I have to figure out how to get rid of it.

have you tried Malwarebytes? I havent had a comp problem it hasnt fixed for me.

EDIT*** I went to the site you asked about and now my comp is slow at changing pages. Not sure if coincidence or if it happens that fast but Im scanning now. Ill let ya know what is found. Nothing found
I like Malwarebytes alot to but unfortunatly I cant run it with Norton 360 its either one or the other:(

If you find Norton runs heavy on your system, switch to system defender and malware and you have speed and security. I don't know your computer but mine sucked with Norton.

Glad you got it sorted
Jon705, from my work in IT I have come to realize that Norton products in general are system hogs and miss much malware. By far the best anti-malware program is Microsoft Security Essentials(MSE). It is not a system hog and it seems to find nearly every piece of malware. I have not had a virus or other malware and that is the program I use at home. Plus it is free.

If i where you I would un-install that from your PC and install MSE.

Just google MSE download.
Safeguard is a browser hijacker. It needs to be cleaned with a virus removal program.

If it comes from, then it is indeed malware. The website automatically tries to redirect you somewhere.

have you tried Malwarebytes? I havent had a comp problem it hasnt fixed for me.

EDIT*** I went to the site you asked about and now my comp is slow at changing pages. Not sure if coincidence or if it happens that fast but Im scanning now. Ill let ya know what is found. Nothing found
That sums it up right there. Its a malware.

If you find Norton runs heavy on your system, switch to system defender and malware and you have speed and security. I don't know your computer but mine sucked with Norton.

Glad you got it sorted
Defender & Microsoft Security Essentials... About the best 2 on the free market.
thanks guys, im running a pirated version of windows 7 so unfortunately I cant run windows essentials, it asks me to activate windows and I cant. My buddy had a copy that I used when I wiped my pc clean, at the time I didnt know this would happen but for now im stuck with it, they want alot of money to buy windows 7.Its almost time for a new pc anyways:)
You can jack Windows 7 or 8 complete with the key from Express Files (a completely malware free download) I don't play games but my daughter does & E. F. jacks games, movies, & other apps
The only thing I paid for with my pc is the cost of it & the carrying bag.
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