Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

well done on win again jon mate.

So i contacted area51 as i decided i'll give leds a shot. they said 2 of their panels are about equivalent to a 600w so im going to order 10. they quoted me $4687.50. so $468.75 per panel. is that a good price do u think?
thats awesome bro!! cant wait to see this one get up and running! I would say you got a pretty good deal, he knocked almost a hundred bucks of each panel, is that delivered?
So ....ahem f-bomb much lol heated discussion here, um like so Jon hows that cob treating you, I just harvested my first run with the smallest 5watt light TopLeD makes and I'm pleased as punch for a fast run 6 plants 1 gal smart pots wet weight is around 4-5 gpw now I'm waiting to see what dry weight is I know wet weight means nothing it's was a bad idea to do highbrix in small containers as it really does not work so good I'm gonna do 2 larger plants in coco next but I'm thinking I will be at or above 1gpw if I go by the lights actual draw of 190-200Watts is that what you go by or how are you supposed to do gpw with LED?
it vegged the plants just fine, they are in perfect health just half the size of the ones that have been vegging under the 1000w hps superlumen, hopefully they catch up in flower but I doubt it, the stalks on the hps plants are easily twice as thick and they are twice as big.
Go by actual draw fro sure, congrats on your first led harvest, I think the lights you and Buck got are more complete lights than this COB. Its to bad, I would of liked to have replaced one of my big panels with a comparable panel from topled and do a side by side comparison with the same strain from the same mother in supersoil, would of been interesting. Im really not sure what im going to do with this light after this test..I did lower it about six inches, its around 20 inches from the plant now, hopefully that helps:)
it vegged the plants just fine, they are in perfect health just half the size of the ones that have been vegging under the 1000w hps superlumen, hopefully they catch up in flower but I doubt it, the stalks on the hps plants are easily twice as thick and they are twice as big.
Go by actual draw fro sure, congrats on your first led harvest, I think the lights you and Buck got are more complete lights than this COB. Its to bad, I would of liked to have replaced one of my big panels with a comparable panel from topled and do a side by side comparison with the same strain from the same mother in supersoil, would of been interesting. Im really not sure what im going to do with this light after this test..I did lower it about six inches, its around 20 inches from the plant now, hopefully that helps:)

Perhaps they will swap you for one like mine,or like you did lower it,I would just based on how it's supposed to work and seeing it lighting up the walls I would drop it to 18 inches, I'm excited about my final weight because I could have done much better with the pots ,medium,and height
I would say you got a pretty good deal, he knocked almost a hundred bucks of each panel, is that delivered?

no will have to pay few hundred bucks postage mate. i just hope after spending £2700 (4800) that i can do well with them. i'll blame u jon if i fuck up. haha, def would need a can of fosters ;) hahaha.

not be posting much over next few days as fighting sun so getting my head in there now. :peace:
no will have to pay few hundred bucks postage mate. i just hope after spending £2700 (4800) that i can do well with them. i'll blame u jon if i fuck up. haha, def would need a can of fosters ;) hahaha.

not be posting much over next few days as fighting sun so getting my head in there now. :peace:

:high-five: good luck in your fight C! hope you choke him out quick and avoid the power slams :)

glad to hear your giving the leds a try, you'll definitely will need to use more cal/mag then your used to.
Congratulations for your NOTM win, again!:party: There might be a message about LEDs in there!

Tremendous journals Jon :adore::passitleft: they have been fantastic reads, all of them!

I think I could do with a little more ‘Fuck It’ in my meds. I think there was some in my last harvest, just a trace. Continual supply certainly appears to speed up the expansion of your comfort zone, maybe you discovered it at an early age?

I am looking forward to your smoke report of the COB harvest! After curing!

The under skirts photo is a very good reminder to me, superb! I missed the UBT window again!


On an OCD note, the correct spelling is lens, a monocle has a lens and spectacles have two lenses, lense is a modern ‘street’ spelling, I bow to the modern day guardians of our living language, but in the spirit of King Canute I will remain on the beach until I am overwhelmed, or at least until my feet are permanently under water, as is the right of us Oldies, however much it adds to our, well deserved, cantankerous reputation.
Thanks AJ:Namaste: its never to late to ubt really, all you lose is a bit of time but if your plants are pretty much untrained you can still ubt them, just pick 4 of the nicest branches then top above the first branch and remove evrything but the branches you selected, voila ubt lol.. and you dont have to select just 4, I usually pick 5 or six because there always seems to be at least one of them that isnt as nice as the rest, this way you will still end up with at least 4 nice fat mains:)
how are you finding the super soil, just had a quick flick through the last few pages so ill skip back and read a bit more,

also do you have the hps and the led at the same distance from the tops of the plants, would that be a more fair comparison then or maybe your doing this all ready, when i raise my hps to 2 or 3ft above the tops of the plant i dont get any stretching either like your not getting with the led, but when the light is 1ft or less from the tops of the plant i get more rapid growth, so im not getting stretch even from 3ft above the plants but plants grow quicker when the light is much closer,

i know theirs a light chart for hid lights and wondered if their is a light chart for led's so we can see how the distance compares and how much light you lose after a certain distance, the hid light chart shows the ideal range for me 400watt hps is 1ft or just less from the tops of the plants, so i like to keep it their, but in the middle of summer the light was 3ft above the plants from seed to harvest due to high temps and i didnt get any stretch at all,

im am using a dual spec light though so not sure if that changes anything, im tempted to try a mh for veg and hps for flower but i think giving the plant more of the light spectrum may give them an extra boost, ive only used dual spec bulbs hps bulbs though.

just wondered if the distance from the plants was the same for your hid and led,
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