Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

99% of led companies either get they components from china and assemble them in house to call them american made or whatever or they have them assembled there as well, nobody can can compete with they're prices. My Area 51 lights were assembled in China and I love them, I dont give a shit where they come from as long as they do what they are suposed to do. I think Area 51 now assembles they're own lights and now use Cree diodes but im willing to bet every other component in they're new lights are from china and they are concidered one of the best panels out there.
Moving right along>>>So Jon, beautiful day to be on :420:...edit... meant to be posted b4 you Blaze.
Oh....I see that congratulations are in order! Very nice and certainly worthy of the honor. Thanks for the sacrifices you've made to do research and share it with us, your style is very comprehendible and I myself have gained knowledge that would have taken me years to accumulate. I know I don't have that much time on the ground, but yourself and other positive personalities have cut many years out of my learning curve, to an extent that I'm able to share the success of all your work with the folks that I mentor myself..........I've never posted this before.......but you get it jon..........:Namaste:
well done on win again jon mate.

So i contacted area51 as i decided i'll give leds a shot. they said 2 of their panels are about equivalent to a 600w so im going to order 10. they quoted me $4687.50. so $468.75 per panel. is that a good price do u think?

Is that for the SGS-160 (current model) or his next model?
Congratulations for your NOTM win, again!:party: There might be a message about LEDs in there!

Tremendous journals Jon :adore::passitleft: they have been fantastic reads, all of them!

I think I could do with a little more ‘Fuck It’ in my meds. I think there was some in my last harvest, just a trace. Continual supply certainly appears to speed up the expansion of your comfort zone, maybe you discovered it at an early age?

I am looking forward to your smoke report of the COB harvest! After curing!

The under skirts photo is a very good reminder to me, superb! I missed the UBT window again!


On an OCD note, the correct spelling is lens, a monocle has a lens and spectacles have two lenses, lense is a modern ‘street’ spelling, I bow to the modern day guardians of our living language, but in the spirit of King Canute I will remain on the beach until I am overwhelmed, or at least until my feet are permanently under water, as is the right of us Oldies, however much it adds to our, well deserved, cantankerous reputation.
So ....ahem f-bomb much lol heated discussion here, um like so Jon hows that cob treating you, I just harvested my first run with the smallest 5watt light TopLeD makes and I'm pleased as punch for a fast run 6 plants 1 gal smart pots wet weight is around 4-5 gpw now I'm waiting to see what dry weight is I know wet weight means nothing it's was a bad idea to do highbrix in small containers as it really does not work so good I'm gonna do 2 larger plants in coco next but I'm thinking I will be at or above 1gpw if I go by the lights actual draw of 190-200Watts is that what you go by or how are you supposed to do gpw with LED?
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