Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Holy crap, Jimmy.... Looks like mosaic virus. Spreading like mosaic virus.

So smoking Tabaco does kill!!!!! Sorry for your lose Mr. J6K, I read about 6 months ago how important washing your hands are, but I forgot all about this until now.
I'm not sure but the issues I had during my last round looked famioliar to what Jimbo's going through now. I did seem to somewhat solve them with the Broke Azz Cal/Mag concoction but I also smoke and the same thing has started again on my Royal Medic plant.

I figured I'd tune in here and see if we can kill two birds with one stone.


lookin' good jimmy6pack :high-five: the new batch looks quite happy :thumb:

did you nail down the cause of "the plague"?

i just hated seeing that pic of such mature girls going south,

the sad image is still stuck in my dome. :passitleft:
No man,I didnt pin the problem that I had with those 6 w.w.
I got 8 in flower under HPS.:thumb: at the moment that are not hating life and are looking better.
I chopped the last plagued w.w yester day.I still have a few other plant's that were looking burnt to.
good evening Jimmy6k
Hey Amy,long time no see.Hope all is well.:circle-of-love:
I'm not sure but the issues I had during my last round looked famioliar to what Jimbo's going through now. I did seem to somewhat solve them with the Broke Azz Cal/Mag concoction but I also smoke and the same thing has started again on my Royal Medic plant.

I figured I'd tune in here and see if we can kill two birds with one stone.


Sup Reg.Yea they do look similar,health wise.Your's look a lot better then mine did.It spread and killed plant's so fast I dont think that even Broke Azz cal/mag would have saved them.I got some pic's of the last one before I chop a threw out.
sent u a PM :passitleft:
Sent you one back..lol
What;s up Tric's.:circle-of-love:
How's the life of a re-tired sale's man going.:rofl:
Any luck yet.

So I got a few pic's Ill explain as I go threw them.

First a few shot's of what is going on in the HPS tent.
It contain's 8 W.W.

Ill get some full body shot's tomorrow.

Next the Critical Kush.
Day 8 of veg.

And for a little comparison with Reg's girl.All though she's no longer with us nor did I figure out what was wrong.

More to update,but will need to be put off till tomorrow.
Thank's everyone...J6K:joint:
Congrats on your harvests Jimbo, even though the WW was an emergency chop.
niiiiiiiice! That looks sweeeeeet!:goodjob: I'm growing my first WW now.

your comment,,,,, hilarious :rofl: my best chuckle all day, so far :high-five:
SupTric's.:high-five:That Last pic update is a W.W.I know the tag say's O.G,but Reg is right it is W.W.
That girl was just thrown in there for sexing purpose's and was feed what ever I was feeding the other girl's in flower when ever she was dry.So slightly abused,but It had a nice top cola and some nice nug's all around her.I am hoping the * in flower come around and start looking like she did.:thumb:I thought you would like that.
Congrats on your harvests Jimbo, even though the WW was an emergency chop.
Thank's Reg.:thumb:
You know how it goes man.She produced nice for what she was.I got her drying now.This stage it smell's like cut grass.We'll see.

I do have a bit of an update today.
I transplanted the 2 M.M in to 3 gal,pot's and alos topped the 2 C.K.

Thank's Everyone
:passitleft: High Jimmy.... Do you add cal/mag to your waterings? I have had somewhat of the samething happen on the Wild Thai (obviously not that bad) and on the last SBR and I am pretty sure part of it was I under watered for a minute but when I added the cal/mag and stepped the watering up they recovered completely so I could be way off but they looked like hell for a minute and did it quick so just sayin'.....:circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Jimmy.... Do you add cal/mag to your waterings? I have had somewhat of the samething happen on the Wild Thai (obviously not that bad) and on the last SBR and I am pretty sure part of it was I under watered for a minute but when I added the cal/mag and stepped the watering up they recovered completely so I could be way off but they looked like hell for a minute and did it quick so just sayin'.....:circle-of-love:
What's up D..:circle-of-love:
Yes I remember you having those problem's and I do use cal/mag now.I have all way's had it laying around just never used it much with soil.Now with Promix,it seems to be a different story.
All but one of the ugly girl's are still around,but I still add it to my new girl's,so I can rule that problem out.
Looking good J6k :thumb:
Thank's Chronic.:thumb:
Im excited to get ride of some of the bigger dying girl's and get some new strain's and a healthy start,I hope.

Here are a few pic's of what we have going on as far as the new strain's.( New to me anyway.)

Here is a group shot.
2 Critical Kush(on right)....2 Money maker.(on left)


Money Maker.Both were topped last night.Pic's also taken last night.

The yellow you see on the front leaves of the C.K is from a set of Cfl's ,below for a few seedling's I started.
Another money maker,I did not think was going to sprout and a northern light's X BIG BUD.
Will have pic's of them later tonight.
Thank you all... J6k:joint:
I went to the Strain Hunters website today to read more about their Money Maker. I did not realize it was a short, shrubby plant by nature. I'm thinking it is not performing and it is doing fine. Inside or out, they grow slowly, but are supposed to really put on some dense buds, which mine definitely have. Some as thick as my wrist. I smoked a little dab of it yesterday and it was exactly as described. It was fast, three hits and I was very stoned for about an hour. The plants are not finished so when they do I think we'll have some good weed after all.

I see your MM is also smaller than you other strain. It's normal.
Hey Garden.:circle-of-love:
Yea,I noticed the same thing,The Money maker's are a bit smaller than the Critical Kush.I was just thinking they were a bit behind.
Thank's for the info.The seeds came with a DVD from strain hunter,but I have not even taken it out of the case.lol
It may have some info on there were unaware of too.Ill check it out.:thumb:
Ill also head over and checkout how you have gone about growing M.M.
I think your Outdoor's tho,if im not mistaken.
Yes, I am outdoor, but I started an indoor grow which is still on my outdoor journal if you look over there. I ordered these seeds because of the medicinal properties for sleep and pain...and meditation. I really know nothing about genetics, but I'm learning.

This is what it says on Strain Hunters website:

Money Maker

Genetics: Original Master Kush x Hindu Kush x Skunk (feminised)
| 70% indica - 30% sativa

Height: short plant (average internodal distance 5-7 cm).

Flowering Indoor:
8 weeks flowering time. Yield up to 1.0 gram (dry and manicured) per watt per m2
(with 1000W HPS).

Flowering Outdoor:
8-9 weeks flowering time, with production up to 1Kg per plant depending on the final size. Support for the branches is recommended.

Taste (burned):nutty, vegetal, spicy, fruity.
Scent (unburned): berries, spices, kushy, roasted.

What the dried bud/crumbled bud looks like:
The dried buds small but very dense, with huge calyx clusters dripping with resin already after few weeks of flowering. The crumbled bud is sticky, dark green, with black hues. Small, thin hairs.

Speed of high onset: fast hitter.
Duration of high: medium lasting.
Quality/type of high: strong, physical, very intense on the legs, couch locking, meditative.
Medicinal qualities: against insomnia, pain, lack of appetite.
Looking good Jimbo...
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