Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Yes, I am outdoor, but I started an indoor grow which is still on my outdoor journal if you look over there. I ordered these seeds because of the medicinal properties for sleep and pain...and meditation. I really know nothing about genetics, but I'm learning.

This is what it says on Strain Hunters website:

Money Maker

Genetics: Original Master Kush x Hindu Kush x Skunk (feminised)
| 70% indica - 30% sativa

Height: short plant (average internodal distance 5-7 cm).

Flowering Indoor:
8 weeks flowering time. Yield up to 1.0 gram (dry and manicured) per watt per m2
(with 1000W HPS).

Flowering Outdoor:
8-9 weeks flowering time, with production up to 1Kg per plant depending on the final size. Support for the branches is recommended.

Taste (burned):nutty, vegetal, spicy, fruity.
Scent (unburned): berries, spices, kushy, roasted.

What the dried bud/crumbled bud looks like:
The dried buds small but very dense, with huge calyx clusters dripping with resin already after few weeks of flowering. The crumbled bud is sticky, dark green, with black hues. Small, thin hairs.

Speed of high onset: fast hitter.
Duration of high: medium lasting.
Quality/type of high: strong, physical, very intense on the legs, couch locking, meditative.
Medicinal qualities: against insomnia, pain, lack of appetite.
Thank's for the info Garden,:thanks:
I think Im gonna like the M.M.:high-five:Im loving the way there growing.
hey J6k looking good man:thumb:
love those strain hunter videos they got online
Sup Chronic,Yea,this video was mostly about hash,but still pretty cool.:thumb:
Looking good Jimbo...
Thank's Reg,:high-five:I have been very cautious about washing hand's before doing anything in the grow room.
Still beautiful.....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D,:thanks:Im going to try and go less and bigger this round.I havent been down to 7 plant's in a long time.We'll see how long that last,I'm all ready itching to do get the next batch of clone's started for next,next round.lol

Ok,sorry everyone for the time lapse in update's.My last round really put me in a funk.
With the new girl's in a pretty good state of health,I'm feeling a lot better and am going to try and get back in the swing of thing's.

To get everything up to date.Here is some info on my current situation.
All plant's are from seed.
All plant's are in Pro-Mix Bx
Using the Growology 3 Step.
Plant's are in veg stage being fed half strgth,step 2.
Plant's have been topped and fim'ed and Lst ,in one way or another.

Here are the 2 Critical Kush.3 gal fabric pot's.Around Day 40.
They are under a Topled reflector 144x3
Here are The 3 M.M. and the one N.L x B.B.
They are under 3GreenSun Znet4's.I am running the two outside light's at half power for now,due to heat issue's.
The 2 bigger girl's in the back are M.M.
Around day 40 of veg.The two up front are,on left N.L x B.B and on right another M.M ,both around day 25.

The Fim job I did on the younger front 2,I am not happy with but I knew I didn't like fim in the first place,not sure why I did it.lol

I do have one last girl in flower from the last of the bad batch.Ill get pic's up of her tonight at light's on.

Thank you everyone for sticking around.:circle-of-love:
They are both right around 18-20 inch's.The younger girl's are a bit shorter so they are getting it from about 24 inch's.

My plants are only about a foot from the light. They aren't suffering, but I wonder if it is too close? I'll go measure for sure.
Thank's for the chart beemer.:high-five:.Haven't seen that one in awhile.All though were talking about led's,it still comes in handy.
Its funny tho,I just picked up another 600 watter for my 4x8 flower area.It will replace my 400.So I will be flowering under 2 600's and will have the 400 for a fill in or a back up.To be honest I don't veg under mh.I only use hps for flowering.

So here is my Topled tent..The lady's are all doing great.:thumb:Even the one Critical mass,I had survive my last round is looking like she will produce some decent buds.I did not get any pic's of her though.I did but not the quality pic's I would like,due to hps.Ill get some right before light's on tonight.
So first Ill post a few pic's of the 2 Critical kush.I am very happy with them and will take a few cut's from each and will be starting flower soon after.I also will be attempting the double headed clone approach I picked up of LA's Fluxing central thread.If you have not heard of DH clone's,check them out.Here is a link to LA,who has already started some.Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal
So here a few pic's of the C.K.

I did some topping on 4 of the smaller inn'er branches and the seem to respond to it very well.I only topped them to keep them at even an even height.You can see a few of them in the oic below if you look close enough.lol

Ill do another post for the GreenSun girl's .
So here are the Greensun girl's.In the back are 2 Money Maker's and in the front left is a Northern light's x Big Bud and on the right is another M.M.

I can say with this round of lady's and the other 2 C.k from last post,Have never been defoliated.I have only removed a few older bigger under growth leaves that were not getting enough light.This is not my normal grow style,and normally would have defoliated 2-3 time's by now.I will say I like the NO DEFOL approach.It may also be from me coming off a bad batch of plant's and not seeing healthy girl's in a while.lol,but any way,there doing great and hope I can keep them happy and green.
These girl's will be flowered under two 600 watt hps.I will flower the 2 bid C.K under a sceen in the Greensun tent.I am not set up to flower them under the Topled as its not set up for flower at the moment.
Thanks Everyone for following and hope you all have a great week-end.
Looking green and mean good work man.
Thank's D.K.:thumb:I was starting to wonder if they were a bit to green,but there doing great and Im not going to bother worrying about it.Im also working in my scrog set up,and if it end's up being half as full and even as your's ,i'll be golden.
Absolutely fantastic!!!

Need I say more? :bravo:
Man that all way's feels nice to hear that from you R.L.:high-five:
I am glad you approve.Your a vet around here and I got a lot of respect for you.:Namaste:

We'll I should go get some work done on the scrog set up.I have only been talking about i for over a year now.:rofl:
I'll update tonight on the progress.
Oh and thank you everyone for the Rep's.Much appreciated.:Namaste:
Good evening weed Jimmy. Now that is just down right pretty. Your grow is looking fantastic. :bravo: Time to :volcano-smiley: and :party::party:
Thank's Beemer.:thumb:Again,I love when you O.G's come threw.It mean's a lot.:Namaste:

So I did get a little work done this weekend.
Greensun tent will now be my next tent to flower in and will be flowering the 2 bigger C.K.
I have not got around to putting the screen on but you get the idea.I also will be putting a drain hole for run off in the bottom of my tray.

Here's a shot i took of the inner's of my N.L x B.B.
A little hard to tell but she is a mutant.

I should have gotton some when she was younger.You could really tell then.
Hope everyone is enjoying there 3 day weekend.
As usual my cyber buddy, beautiful & clean...
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