Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

I am behind again but would like thank you all for sticking with me while I get everything sorted out.
Also I do contribute the color's to colder night temp's in flower.Thank's Doc.:thumb:

I have a few pic's of the C.F porta-scrog and the V.K that was just thrown in to free up space in veg.

C.F day 20 12/12

Screen is 16 x 21 inches.



A couple bud shot's of the two girl's left.


These were just some shot's I put up while I am working on getting thing's back in order and getting a good up-date done.
I am also seeing some sign's of spider mite's.So I am back to spraying again.
Thank's again everyone.
Sorry to hear about the mites man especially when its getting close to finish
im sure youll get it under control tho still looks good :thumb:
I am behind again but would like thank you all for sticking with me while I get everything sorted out.
Also I do contribute the color's to colder night temp's in flower.Thank's Doc.:thumb:

I have a few pic's of the C.F porta-scrog and the V.K that was just thrown in to free up space in veg.

C.F day 20 12/12

Screen is 16 x 21 inches.



A couple bud shot's of the two girl's left.


These were just some shot's I put up while I am working on getting thing's back in order and getting a good up-date done.
I am also seeing some sign's of spider mite's.So I am back to spraying again.
Thank's again everyone.

Congrats to your harvest :cheer:
Sierra Natural Sciences makes 2 products to kill spider mites and thrips SNS-217C Concentrate and SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control. I add 3-5 drops of Ivory Liquid Soap per gallon as a surfactant to help the spray stick to leaves and stems better. I would spray every 3 days for 2 weeks to kill adults and larvae as they hatch.

https://sierranaturalscience.com natural pesticides sns-217c

https://sierranaturalscience.com natural pesticides sns-209
Thank's John,I am sure there product's work great but I am going to use what I have on hand and has worked for me in the past to keep them at bay.I use a mix of Monterey garden insect spray with spinosad and GH's AzaMax.:thumb:
Sorry to hear about the mites man especially when its getting close to finish
im sure youll get it under control tho still looks good :thumb:
Thank's Chronic,The 2 that are finished I am not worried about as I don't think they got to them.
It's the girl's that are 3 week's in and all the girl's that are scheduled to go in now,and also my GreenSun Girl's that are 36 day's 12/12.

Congrats to your harvest :cheer:

Thank's Amy.I will be up-dating in a few of some of the girls that are in veg and heading for flowering as soon as I think the mite's are under control.Also a pic or two of the next to be chopped.:thumb:
All plant's were treated today for mite's and will be hit again on sunday.
See ya soon
Hi Jimmy, i’ve never had time to do do it before despite i want to do it but today i’ve read a lot of this grow diary and i must say it is full of helps of many kinds and plenty of good tips on products and nutes.
i’m sub for sure and really i thank you Jimmy.
nice to know your journals.
Green vibes from the south.

Thank's E.D.:thumb: Very kind of you.I am glad you stopped in and decided to say hi.
I also am glad you stopped in,as I seen you sig and read your journal also.
You are a damn fine grower with some very beautiful girl's.Your in good shape my friend.:bravo:

Here are just some random shot's of a few plant's that are not in any kind of order or where they are supposed to be.
I am going to have to start a couple in flower,despite my mite issue.
It need to keep thing's moving and am running out of space in veg.

They look a bit down from the spray,but I decided to post them any way.

O.G. at 30 days, She is now in a 3 gallon pot and I will be topping and cloning top.Also the 2 very lowest branches will be cloned.
I will post pic's later of the aftermath.

Here is a nugget I found in a drawer that I keep jarred product.It had to be from last harvest.

I apologize for the not so great up-date's but I am in the process of trying to get the next round started to keep some kind of schedule going and dealing with the mite's is slowing thing's down a bit and everything is everywhere.lol
I am going right now to pull out 1 of the 2 remaining girl's in flower and will throw up some pic's later.
I may just chop them both.I am not sure yet.:thumb:
Thank's and see ya soon...J6K:joint:
Nice golden nugget Jimmy.
Thank's Reg.To be honest I thought it would crumble to dust but no,it was kinda like a cotton ball.lol
We'll here are the shot of the last C.M in the flowering tent.
I have to say that these are the tightest,hardest and most stinky plant's I have every grown and probably one of the best all around so far.I will surly get some wet weight up tonight.:thumb:


I will get them all trimmed weighed and hung tonight and have pic's too.
I am very happy with the C.M this round and just think I was going to fade it out of my grow completely last round.
I see now they need proper veg time to get what I want it.
Thank's J6K:joint:
Here is a nugget I found in a drawer that I keep jarred product.It had to be from last harvest.

Thank's and see ya soon...J6K:joint:

I think that was an awesome update. I just love the line "here is a nugget I found in a drawer". I mean, I have said that before of course, but the nugget found in the bottom of a drawer never looked anything like that! Mine always had dog hair sticking outta it and I would sit there staring at it thinking "should I smoke this, I haven't been high in ages". Of course you know how that inner battle ended. :bongrip:

Sorry for a double post but I hit submit, scrolled down a little bit and nearly swallowed my tounge when I saw those pics. :party:

Those are just absolutely beautiful. (And reminds me that I am supposed to be taking pics). Congrats. :bravo:

Bob ;)
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