Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

I always get a little sad tho... I realize I never posted in my journal a pic of one that I cut way down but ill do it soon for ya.. Are you gonna flower it or just slowin it down?
Hi Jimmy6000:ciao: I did a little bit of LST the other day on one of my closet girls. I know it is no where as aggressive as what ya'll do but how about pop over and take a look. :love: I plan to LST the group babies with more aggression but I just wanted to see if I had the heart to do it at all. I think it made quite a difference but want to know what you think............:thanks:
Hi Jimmy6000:ciao: I did a little bit of LST the other day on one of my closet girls. I know it is no where as aggressive as what ya'll do but how about pop over and take a look. :love: I plan to LST the group babies with more aggression but I just wanted to see if I had the heart to do it at all. I think it made quite a difference but want to know what you think............:thanks:
I always get a little sad tho... I realize I never posted in my journal a pic of one that I cut way down but ill do it soon for ya.. Are you gonna flower it or just slowin it down?

he just cut his back for space :thumb:
Happy Tokerday J6k
Santa must want a sample by X-mas.He sent me a Helper.Her name is Stevie.lol:circle-of-love:
Ok,Here's where were at.I threw a couple seed's I had from my old vet neighbor in a paper towel with tap water and had a few pop.
I only got pic's of the one that popped today.The other you see in rockwool popped yesterday morning.

I moved the 48x3 in the 3x5 area with the 144x3 both are Topled.This area is below my veg area so height is going to be limited to 3ft.So there will be some training involved.

Here is the veg area that is 3x5.Above the led flower area.Also 3 ft high.

And here is the tent that now occupies my mother that was previously trimmed to fit.

I'm going to try and stay up till light's on at 7 in the 4x8 flower area and get a update on them.Also would like to mention that the THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start 2hrs earlier this Sunday to accommodate all time zones the best as possible. That's 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (US Eastern Coastal Time).So get your update's in early. Thank you J6k:circle-of-love:
Unknown bagseeds jim? I love unknown seeds :)
Your girls are looking sweet, nice clean up on the bvk mom, she is looking spectacular :Namaste:
Yea man.There is no tell what or how old they are.They were very dark and fat,if that means anything.Mother still needs some chopping but I'll let her recover for a while.
wowo you have a lot going on :high-five:
Chronic Weekend there and Happy Freeweed day :thumb:
Freeweed day and a Chronic weekend to you to buddy.I have to many plant's again.I love when I do that.lol.All the plant's in the veg area need transplanted.Root's growing out of the pot's.There are like 25 of them.I would normaly put them in smart pot's.but that would cost a small fortune that I have not got at the moment.X-mas ya know.I'll figure something out.
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