Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Just a few sprout shot's.
Nice sprouts Jimmy. Thanxx for participating in THE REPS ARE RIGHT this week.
Unkown genetics are so exciting, hope they bring some wondrous unk kill!! :high-five:
Those nugs are looking mighty tasty J6k good stuff brotha :Namaste:
Thank's Ca.Just trying to sharpen my seed skill's for those secrete bean's I showed you.lol:thumb:
Nice sprouts Jimmy. Thanxx for participating in THE REPS ARE RIGHT this week.
Thank's Reg.I would not have missed it.Gearing up for those bean's ya know.The secrete one's.lol:high-five:
Morning J6k,

what's that soil mix your babes are in? looking great.

Couple shot of the sprout as of this morning.Mix is about a 40% ffof,50% coco,10% ancient forest and some perlite.We'll see how hot it is.
Thank you J6k.....

I think you missed it

Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:
Originally Posted by Heady View Post
Morning J6k,

what's that soil mix your babes are in? looking great.
I think you missed it

Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:
:reading420magazine: This isn't Hustler Magazine; On 420 Magazine we read the articles that come with the pictures. We want to know if our models like horseback riding, bowling, & long winter nights at home by the fireplace... :laughtwo:
Nice shots Jimmy. Just a Q, how do you personally keep hold of all your info on your girls? Do you use a notebook, excel sheet to track your info buddy? Keep up the great work brotha :bravo:
Don't laugh man,but this how I keep most of my info.lol.If I want to find the age of a certain plant or batch of,I look at the pic's I have on file in my computer and see when they were uploaded.I always upload after I take so it keeps the date and shit for me.I do have a journal with some different tea's,soil and other kind's of mix's,strain info and just basic shit I pick up here and there and will not be able to remember.I live on 3rd floor,this is a basement grow,so it suck's if I forget one little detail.Back up the Fluxin step's to look it up.I have been using Age Old Organic's nutrient's,and they have a tea recipe.Nothing like your doing but will you have a look at the site and tell me what you think?I also recieved a fee bag of Savannah Gold mushroom compost from my hydro guy.You ever heard of it?Thank's CA
I think you missed it
Thank's Chronic.:helpsmilie:
Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:
:thumb:Thank's Chronic
:reading420magazine: This isn't Hustler Magazine; On 420 Magazine we read the articles that come with the pictures. We want to know if our models like horseback riding, bowling, & long winter nights at home by the fireplace... :laughtwo:
:rofl::rofl:Have you notice that happen's quite often around here.lol.Maybe I should type a little biggger.lol Also thank's Reg for the rep comment that mean's a lot man.:circle-of-love:
Cough,....Now I see it above the set of pics...:geek:
Sup Heady.How's it going buddy?:tokin:
I was unable to work due to weather,so I am able to work in the garden today.I started the tea I was talking about in last post.Nothing special.Here is what it call's for.

This is what I used.


Here is the seedling that I thought would fry,in the ffof mix,but she is doing well.A little green tho.

Had another bean pop a decided to let it go in the paper towel for a extra day.I starting to feel better about my ability's to germ.Know just need to keep them going.I put this one straight into the ffof mix.We'll see.

Also got 6 new smart pot's.For some reason I wanted to try the square one's.

Thank you J6k
Hey Jimmy that tea looks sweet. What the mix is asking for is the jist of making a tea, anything else you see me adding is experimental. The age old line I have given a look at a couple times and have just opted for the more name brand (cheaper stuff) just befcause of money issues, I would definitely give it a go though they seem like a solid company, expect I have not seen their products used around 420magazine, I have seen people on yutub using them and incorporating into their regimens. I just gave that mushroom mix a look also, cant find the actual mix online, but from what I can see it looks like a decent organic medium. Can you post a picture of the ingredient mix? From the name being "mushroom" I would say this is probably more a fungal based medium which are used for middle-late flowering but cannot make sure until we know the actual mix :) Looks like it would be a good choice for adding into that nylon sock for bubbling with those castings. I could see some major action being made! Stay well jimmy, have a great day off hope you get plenty done in your garden of eden :Namaste:

Btw sweet pictures of that germed seed, I would not have the patience for a nice shot through the planting process :laugh:

Edit: 1 more thing, those directions don't state to keep the area and water warm to keep that activity up. I would try to get a germ pad under that 5 gal if possible on this chilly day Jimmy :thumb:
Thank you CA and heady.:thanks:Here are some pic's of the bag not much info.

Here is from a quick search.Copy and paste.....What is mushroom compost?

Mushroom compost is a viable and useful by-product of mushroom farming. Those edible mushrooms found in the produce section of your grocery store are grown in a specific medium. This growth media is a mixture of agricultural materials, such as straw from horse stables, hay, poultry litter, ground corn cobs, cottonseed hulls, cocoa shells, peat moss, and other natural organic substances. These products are formed into a rich organic media that serves as the nutrient source for mushrooms. After the mushroom crop is harvested, this organic material is removed from the production house, where it is processed into a consistent homogeneous by-product called “mushroom compost.”.....I'll have to do some more research on mushroom compost.I have alot of transplanting to do so I am going to use it in a mix.
Took a few shot's of the tea while I was down there also.
About an hr in...
I wouldn't use that shroom mix in teas just yet, get some more background info. I was hoping they had a list of ingredients like a soil bag would have just like the ffof bags. From that description you pasted it sounds like they know what is in most of these mixes though, plenty of nice organic goodies. Mixing that into some soil for transplanting girls would be a great idea, maybe a 1:10 ratio of shroom mix:your current mix. As in my mind this would be used for more of a flowering plant but could also be used in lower dosed veg plants..
I could see myself using a small dose into a medium for transplanting before flower to help them with transition, and a nice top dressing a few weeks in through flower to carry them along to the end :) Will check back later today Jimmy! :joint:
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