JayBuddz First Grow, PPP 2009

Harvest!!! still waiting on dry wiaght but it came out nicely. deffinetly not to it full potental but im happy with it. any harvest is a good harvest right?
Ill put up dry waight and wrap up the jurnal in bout a week or so.











Jay...put your light as close to the top of plant as possible. I'm talking like and inch. Just keep an eye on it, but it shouldn't burn due to the low intensity light. And you can flower your plant anytime you want. I mean I like small plants. So I flower mine, if from a seed when the third set of leaves show. The plant will still grow for two weeks after you switch the lights to 12 12 and will grow two times the size of what she is when you start flowering.
That was me that wrote that thank you but I'm almost week 4 my plant has already tripled in size. Ihave a 70w hps and 4 42w cfls. I Can't get it to stop growing. Lol
Oops i forgot to finish this one. lol.

well what can i say. It was good smoke, heavy hay like smell when i was cureing. kinda piney taste. the buzz was a good mellow high not too zoned out for the most part.
My clones didnt hold so i dont have this strain anymore but hopefully i can get my hands on some again.

Thanx for checking out my first grow and thanx to every one that helped get me through it. Now on to Jays #2!! :cool: peace.
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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