JayBuddz First Grow, PPP 2009

OK its been a wile since ive been on. My comp. took a dump. well the pp clone realy took off and shes ready for flower here within a week or so. shes ready now but i dont have the setup right yet. the 3 bag seed r doin great. bout 6" tall and bushy as hell. i think i might just wait and flower them all together to elimenate the need for the extra room. what do u think? would it be detramental to let the ppp veg for a few weeks longer?
No it wouldn't be bad but it would for sure get bigger and unequal to the other plants so u might do
LST to try to keep ur canopy at one height
Ok it time to flower!! im pretty stoked. but i need a little advice. if you have been following my thread, (sorry i havnt been on in a wile.) you know im using soil. ive been useing MG 8-7-6 for nutes. i gess i just need a rundown of what i should do. like i read alittle bout putting them in bout 30 hours dark before i start 12-12. is that right and y is that? and i also need to know if my nutes will work or if i need somthing else. there is no nursary or hidro store around so i get most of my stuff at home depot and wallmart. so if i need different nutes they need to be cheap and preferably found there. i know alot of people dont like MG but its been workin great for me. this has deffinetly been a poor man grow. ( i use lemon juce as a PH down. lol) works great at bout .6ml per 2 quarts. but any way i gess im just nervis and dont wanna mess up all the work ive done thus far. thanx for reading and ill keep yall posted.:thanks:
Wuz good Jay Budz?
Where da pics at? No pics = no fun *sad face* For flower you want some nutes that have a 1-3-2 or 1-3-3 N-P-K ratio.
Yea, you read correctly, giving a quick flush and a dark period is great for your ladies before 12/12. The dark period lets 'em kno that its time to get ready to flower. So the onset of buddage generally comes quicker. I used lemon juice(down) and baking soda(up) for my first grow, and it worked, but ill tell u this.. getting official ph up and down is betta. Way more stable ;)

Hope this helps some.
take it easy bro

sweet sweet that dose help. i lost all my pic but ima put some new ones up soon. they look amazing compared to when i first started. ill put up a before and after pic. i think u guys will be suprized. thanx for the help dro, and every body. couldnt have got this far with out yall.
ok its pic time. if i can figuer it out this time. the pics with 4 plants was taken before the male infestation. 3 seeds 3 males. aint that just something for lack of a beter word. the PPP by itself is 3 weeks into flower and shes doin great.



Male nice lookin plant though


also Male


PPP, i beleave this was bout 2 days into flower


from here out its 3 weeks into flower just the PPP







sorry for all the pics im alittle behind
Anybody remember what this girl looked like before i lerned bout PH? Shes proof that u can bring them back from basic death. she had like two leaves and they where barly green. It just shows a little TLC and a lot of help from yall can do amazing things. Thanx alot guys this ones for u :bong:. I wish i still had the pic. wife erased them all :(
JayBuddz Coming along very nicely. Your LST turn out wonderful. Think she would be happier with more light, Gave it some thought? Rep+ :grinjoint:
thanx sparqz, good luck on urs. puttin up pics?

And its week 7 of flower! gettin real close. i was thinkin id prolly keep her in for 9-10 weeks leanin tord 9 but well see. what do yall think?








I read some where about turnin off my lights for like 30 hours just before i harvest, is this right? and i should stop nutes bout a week before chop right?
Hi Jaybuddz, Some peple believe that darkness for 24-72 hours before harvest improves potency. Maybe it does. A final flush a week to 10 days before harvest is a must to rid the plants of stored nutrients. It gives you a cleaner smoking cannabis. :peace:
gettin close to harvest time? mines almost 2 weeks in flowering BBxTHS in fox farms ocean forest 5 gallon bucket
yeah i deffinately wanted to flush her but i gess im not quite sure how to do it for soil. is it just watering with nute free water or do i add a bunch of water and let that dry up?

i think ima let her go 1 more week from tuesday, that will be 9 weeks. i would go by tricomes but they have been kinda dark for like 3 weeks now so idk. i was told to flower for 8 to 10 weeks so i figured smack in the middle shouldnt hurt. but this was my dry run and im happy with how it turned out. I found a lot of little things i can do better and that is the best part of growing. the skys the limit, so keep an eye out for my next one. I was thinking 250w MH veg, 250HPS flower, 2 Blackjack 2 Bubblicious in 10 gal Deep Water Culture tub. Its a totaly different setup but i figured why not two first grows back to back and go with the one that works better for me. Different lifestyles have different needs what better way to find mine right?

Pics should be up tuesday or wednesday, and then ill have a bunch from harvest the week after. Also attempting bubble hash from my trimmings so ill try to touch on that too. thanks to everybody for the help and if i can help anybody ill do my best. Thanx for checking me out and stay tuned for the feature presentation! :popcorn:
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