yo whats goin on with the snow whites?
Here's an update on the Snow White's:
First of all, sorry about how long it's been since an update -- I've been out of town a bit and have had some camera issues (have to borrow one now). Both plants are looking great - perfectly healthy looking and budding up nicely.
I did have one issue a couple of weeks ago where the top of the front Snow White snapped off while changing the res. I was pretty bummed, but it didn't seem to have caused many issues. I took a sterilized razor blade knife and made a clean cut where the break was. Now there are several buds just below where the main cola was that are taking up the cause so to speak, so I'm hoping it doesn't affect yield too greatly. The plant never seemed to stress much over it (noticeably anyway).
They are both about 30" tall and seem to have stopped growing vertically.
They just started week 6 of 12/12 flowering
RH has been pretty steady at 45%
Temp is typically about 75f with lights on, about 68 during dark hours
PPM is about 1400 currently
PH has been maintained at about 5.5 -5.6
I've noticed that the PH stays more consistent now that I'm at a higher PPM, so it's nice to not have to adjust PH everyday anymore (for a long time I had to adjust it at least once a day due to it rising on me).
Buds are forming nicely and the surrounding leaves are nice and frosty looking.
It's starting to look like a jungle in there. Can't imagine how stuffed this thing would have been if the 2 PPP hadn't hermied. Maybe it was a bit of a blessing after all - I don't know how I could have managed it truthfully.
Here are a couple of pics -
It's a jungle... Can't really see, but there are 2 Snow White's in here...
Closeup of a bud forming on the front Snow White: