JayBuddz First Grow, PPP 2009

Ok to start out im growing in Expert 9mounth potting soil. No nutes add yet will be adding fox farm grow big and big bloom if i can get them in a timely manner. I started this PPP from a clone and shes been planted for 39 days. shes just over 6". I had some ph probs but hopefully have that under control now. she looks pretty sick right now but ive been told she should spring back now that i have the ph set. as for lights: ive been using a 150w flor. soon to be 14w tri-band LED. Its a small closet grow so that should be fine. right? the room is bout 3' wide 5' tall and 2.5' deep.( 1 plant). pot size is 10.6"tall and has a diameter of 13.9". ( not sure on the gallons). Any ?s bout my set up please reply.

A ? i have. when should i start flowering? i know im not even close yet but would like to know for planing.

I will post pics tonight.
Yea my last grow looked like that for a while... So I vegged it a long time to get it healthy... And it got too big... Maybe u could veg it a long time except try lst technique to keep control of the size since urs is a small closet grow

you probly wouldn't want to flower it no time soon bc it looks whimpy right now from being sick and it wouldn't come out to anything worth ur time... So like I said try lst maybe
ive seen this lst all over but what dose it stand for? i thought it had something to do with hidro. its prolly something real simple but it take me a wile to put 2 and 2 together some times lol.
Cool ill give that a shot. should i do that now or wait tell shes a bit healthier? And for an update i started using MG liquid houseplant food today. Using bout half strength at 8 drops for 1qt of water. i plan on going to full strength in bout two weeks as directed by some one in grow support. i want to start useing FF nutes but i don't have the money right now. (unemployed at the moment). ill get her goin yet though.
you really shouldnt use MG...its terrible for marijuana plants...the wayur plant looks up there^^^ is the way MG made my last plants look in the begginin...

what is the npk ratios on the MG? something like 20-15-20 or something like that... you want something like 6-4-4 for vegging

i saw u say you cant afford it right now but MG will just harm your plants even at half strength...
The MG is 8-7-6. (Whats this?) and it seems to be doin pretty good ive noticed new growth that's lookin pretty healthy so far.
In my noob opinion, the light w@s too f@r @w@y from the pl@nt. It's stretching @ lot. I'm keeping my cfl @bout 1/2" @w@y from mine @nd it's coming @long nicely. Good Luck!!
hmmm 8-7-6 doesnt sound too bad..just be carefull with the strength...but i still would consider other options..

the numbers represent the amounts (in percentages) of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium respectively
Ok its been a few days and i changed a few things. first i had to move rooms. now im in bout 4.5'x 2.5' and bout 5' tall. i got a 4' flouro. shop light. i'm using 2 40w cool t12 bulbs. they put out 3050 lumens. and i also have 2 42w cfls. (2700 lumens ea.) I was thinkin bout goin to 1 cool and 1 warm when its time to flower. i wouldnt mind some feed back on my setup. Idk if im even close to enoff light yet. still waiting on the LEDs but i think ima wait tell the next grow for that. from what ive read it wont be big enoff but i kinda want to play with it a little. (LEDs are the feutuer remember. lol we'll see.) Ill post some pics of the new setup tomarrow.

shes lookin better and new growth is comeing in slow but nice.:cheer:
i just stopped by and saw that poor little girl crying for help... i used miracle grow my first run and had horrible experience. since then ive learned a lot and it looks like your pH is way off and the plant is getting nutrient burn.

if you can test the pH of your water and the pH of the runoff i think i can help you fix the problem. you can get test strips for cheap or spend 10-20$ on a meter or kit. if you cant i suggest getting a jug of distilled water and using that for the next few weeks on that little lady.

my stab in the dark is your pH is really low and the ppm of nutes in soil is probably way too high
Yeah it was a ph prob. but i got that all worked out. she is lookin great now. nothin like the pros on here but hopefully she will soon. I think it was a ph/ over watering/ nute problem. Its crazy how a little reading gos along way. And this site is the best resorce ive found yet!
I was thinking about starting a new batch. What are some good easy to grow strains? I herd big bud and durban poisin are good starter plants. Whats some of ur opinions? I need somthing i can put in the same room as this ppp. Idk if it makes a differance.
the new setup is under a shelf in the closet and has a blanket as the outer wall. i will be replaceing this with a reflectve sheet soon as possible. ( i know its teribble for reflecting but the wife didnt like the light when we slept. lol) ill hang the plastic wall the same to prevent light leaks.

there is velcrow strips along the edges to keep light in. works great. I will also be getting a shelf thin insted of the chair its on. prolly bout 4' long so i can add the pots for the new batch.
im not a pro but i would say any strain is easy to grow if you know the basics... getting it to reach its potential is the hard part.

since i cant suggest a strain i will say you will be fine if you act like a noob grower... less is more (dont over fertilize), become familiar with common problems (do's and dont's), and know when to harvest (trichomes). you will do fine
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