Is This Your Homework Larry? Seedsman Skunk #1 In Soil

Looking good Urb. Things have perked up quite a bit there.

You foilering the leaves too right??

Spray those puppies like there was just a thunderstorm.

Wait 15min and camera time. Try it.
Looking good Urb. Things have perked up quite a bit there.

You foilering the leaves too right??

Spray those puppies like there was just a thunderstorm.

Wait 15min and camera time. Try it.

I haven’t been foliaring actually. It’s one of those things I haven’t added back to my routine. Reason being is the light schedule and my work schedule. Not often do I have an opportunity to foliar before lights go on or as they turned off.
Its my understanding we should not foliar at lights out. Moisture sits on leaves all dark period for the most part. I try to foliar in the morning first thing. Just saying if you do it at lights out keep a close eye on things.
Its my understanding we should not foliar at lights out. Moisture sits on leaves all dark period for the most part. I try to foliar in the morning first thing. Just saying if you do it at lights out keep a close eye on things.
It is actually exactly the opposite. About 15 minutes after lights out, the pores in the leaves, the stomata, open up fully and are at their maximum ability to absorb nutrients. The second best time to foliar spray is at dawn, when transpiration hits its peak and just before the stomata close back up again to regulate water pressure in the trunk.
I have to go research later. I could have this mixed up. I apologize.
No worries JM, I think either time works, but I am midway into flower and I won’t introduce a new variable at this point just due to earlier issues in the grow.

Now that I have my ph figured out, next grow I will be using autopot system and will make a better effort to foliar in the nutrients. Will need to since the reservoir will be just water.
Well I think the plants are happy. Seem to be enjoying all the teas and feeding I have been giving them. I just put a tablespoon of kelp meal, 1/2 tbsp of bat guano, and 1/2 tbsp of insect frass into a gallon of water to bubble overnight.

I will mix that with a few more gallons of plain water tomorrow. Add some magnifical and ph down to 6.3. Slow water.

The Crown Royale is bred from Blueberry x Purple Kush. It’s starting to smell like it. Beautiful berry and funk coming off the buds.

Here are a few shots showing off the ladies efforts. The CR has more than 25 tops but here’s a shot of the main ones. At this rate I am expecting a solid yield off her. My labels are whack with two 9’s and I skipped a few tops hiding behind other buds or leaves.

A 9 week strain so we still have 5 weeks of growth to put on some weight. Can’t wait to watch this beauty fill in and change colours.

I think you missed a few. This is like where is Waldo.
I totally missed a few, and there are two number 9’s lol, I counted over 29 this morning lol. There are going to be a few monster colas and some not so big but, it’s encouraging yield wise.
I have rather big goals for 2019.

I am about to up my media content game. It’s going to happen in stages.

Stage 1- upgrade media capture, process, and delivery.

This has been ongoing. Upgraded camera this last fall. Picked up the extension tubes. Lighting.
I just spent some serious cash on upgrading my workstation by buying a MacBook Pro. I could have built two grow rooms for that price.

This is all to stream line the process. Make it results orientated.

Stage 2 - music and video editing. I am going to start creating and mixing my own music for the videos I make. This is a bit of a lofty goal. The plan is to take bits and pieces of tracks I love and put them to cool beats or riffs. Something that’s not copyright for my video efforts. All original content, except the samples I use. Never done it before but, should be fun. Need some software and a basic controller which I am in the process of buying.

Stage 3 - all about the plants and grow room. I have crappy light for what I want to do. Even with my light stands. Access to the plants is a pain. So stage 3 revolves around the ability to have access to the plants at any angle and with proper light. I have some other ideas but we will save those. My brain is all over the place and who knows where it will be when we get here.

Autopots and quantum boards may be part of the solution.

Today’s thoughts anyway. Here’s a photo of the CB Dream for your trouble.
We have a work order in for next week to install a dedicated 20 amp breaker and custom lines/boxes to the tent.
I found a unused 20 amp breaker in my breaker box. Score!! It's now dedicated to my grow room
Glad things are working out for you Urb! Plants are looking fantastic :high-five:. Excited to see your soil test results too! Actually need to think about doing that myself :hmmmm:

Yeah things are working out nicely. The increased calcium and magnesium seems to have done wonders. The switch to flower also helped.

I almost forgot about my soil test. I should bag some up Monday to send out! Need that info.
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