Is This Your Homework Larry? Seedsman Skunk #1 In Soil

That's all I wanted them for too. I can get just about everything else with my other lenses. I think a better camera may be what I need though. I mean if 16 mp is only getting me so much in focus when I crop then I would think a better resolution will get me better closeups too, even if only cropping on the computer. Of course I haven't set up for a real shoot in a while.

I guess that'll be happening sooner than later!

Yeah not sure what was going on. Maybe the depth is very fine and limited when using multiple tubes, so that you gotta be very close and within centimetres of the sweet spot.

I noticed the tubes won’t focus on things beyond a certain distance, which made me think that.

16 mp should be plenty I would think but, who knows. I DO know you could buy a smaller quality point and shoot with a macro setting and get some killer shots (using a little gorilla grip tripod) and still be cheaper than most lenses. I have considered doing that.
I think I have enough of those little P&S cameras sitting around, I should see if I still have a charger for one.

It's a shame the iPhone doesn't have a better camera on it. Seriously, "oooh the new one has two lenses..." WGAF!?!?!?!?
I think I have enough of those little P&S cameras sitting around, I should see if I still have a charger for one.

It's a shame the iPhone doesn't have a better camera on it. Seriously, "oooh the new one has two lenses..." WGAF!?!?!?!?

The charger should be a mini USB, easy enough to find one of those laying around. Or pop into a local hotel and say your wife left a charger in a room a while back, ask to see their lost and found...I do that a lot with iPhone chargers lol.

My wife’s Samsung takes incredible photos. But ai remember this Canon digital elph that I had. Amazing macro shots and it was only 2 or 3 mp. Amazing for a long time ago. The key is having it on a tripod or the floor or something.

For me, my biggest weakness right now is a few things; weak stationary lighting, blurple or the challenging light conditions, combined with the lack of mobility or access to the plants. I can’t get to where I want, and if I can the light is terrible. Limiting me to a few angles of particular plants with mediocre light.
Just got the info back from a lab in British Columbia. About $70 for a full soil analysis and report. I am going to do that this week, send it off for analysis.

Oh on the dentist - gotta hash ramble going, my bad. lol :roorrip:

I think you will be happy with the soil test result.

Where I get my soil tested, they give me a recommendation for amendments along with all the numbers. It's worth it for sure.

Here in the US every state university has a soil lab and government funded so soil lab tests are pretty cheap to the public.

Government at work for the people. Who said socialism was dead?

The program that funded the soil labs is still in place since the 1930s. Right after the dust bowl disaster. AG-Bill go figure.
I picked up a pressurized watering can. Best decision I have made in weeks.

Gave the plants a light feeding of fish emulsion and magnifical. Took a long time to water the 3 gallons into the bins but that’s a good thing.

I was able to slowly water the entire soil evenly. Without disturbing the plants as much as my small watering can was.

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Scrog is filling up! How's that skunk #1 doin? I'm noticing the leaves.

The scrog is working out well. Better with the new watering can.

The Skunk 1 hasn’t really recovered from whatever poison I gave it. Well it recovered but hasn’t thrived. It seems to be sensitive now.

It was going as well as the Crown Royale, loving the branching. I had it topped a few times. Right after one of the topping and tucking sessions it got very unhappy. Took some time to fix but after that the middle didn’t grow back like the outer mains.

The old leaves on the bottom are working but look green with yellow or orange edges and burnt tips. Red streaked stalks. The recent leaves are more green with few burnt tips and green stems. It probably wants more calcium and magnesium. I dunno. It’s been acting up all grow, but the plant in the same bin, the CB Dream is loving life and praying to the lights the last 5 weeks.
lights on. And now we pray! Cool pictures
thanks, they must be happy since the other plants in the tent are starting to pray too! Very exciting. Looking better each week.

looking good in there urb nice pics to good luck bud!
thanks sticky, feeling good about this grow now.

Looks like church is on in there.
certainly does! Can’t believe the turn around these last few weeks.

Been giving them pretty consistent but diluted feeding and it seems they are responding. I should brew up another ACT to keep the momentum up. One or two more of those feeds and will will change to straight water the last week or two.

At this rate these are going to fill in beautifully.
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