Is This Your Homework Larry? Seedsman Skunk #1 In Soil

Do you think the sand changed anything like pH? Might look into it later when I have gnats. And I always have minor gnat issues, they just come with the soil that I buy...

I've read that having a nice top layer of Perlite can help with FG's. Allows the soil to be moist but the perlite helps create a dry barrier the gnats don't like and they have a tougher time getting to the soil.
Yeah, I had that. The damn thing was pain in the arse when it came to watering :) It just floats around and builds up in all the wrong places, gets yellow and gunky with time. Nah, don't think I'm doing it ever again. It did not seem to do anything about gnats as well :)
Yeah, I had that. The damn thing was pain in the arse when it came to watering :) It just floats around and builds up in all the wrong places, gets yellow and gunky with time. Nah, don't think I'm doing it ever again. It did not seem to do anything about gnats as well :)
that's the experience I had to so I went to gnat nix and the larger nix rocks on top it didn't work and its a pain to try and water I have two fans blowing rite over the tops of the pots that's one good thing you can do also in my gr there under everything in there so I pick that stuff up and spray them with captain jack that makes a huge difference plus ill let the pots dry out a little more than I would like but it pretty much keeps them out of your soil I have been battling with gnats since I started indoor growing your never going to get rid of them completely but you can make it very difficult for them!
Since we're talking about gnats... yeah I'm at that point too they've started showing up a bit. I think it's cause of the soil. Any how, I've started watering my plants outside of the tent as much as possible and purging that excess immediately. Also, after I dump out the run off, I clean the catch and spray a light mist of Alcohol and water. Also on the outside of my PLASTIC containers. Not soaking just a mist to keep the gnats away. For the record I've never tried the perlite idea only heard about it. Both your findings match what I'm seeing with my coco/ perlite grows. Hopefully some orange perlite will be the worst of it.

The worst is when those gnats fly up my nose or get stuck between my glasses and my eye lashes. Little phockers!
Thanks, good ideas, I noticed them under my humidifier and trays too. Bastards. I have some safers soap I will spray down those areas.

I also have the H2O2 drench, hanging sticky traps, Neem Meal, neem oil, and diatomaceous earth. So we shall be victorious.

That’s the tricky thing with organic living soil, you try to grow as much life as you can, just not these lives lol. But I can’t help to wonder if you couldn’t just introduce a predator to balance them out. Not entirely kill them, but enough to where both predator and prey live in symbiosis. The gnat larvae might feed on the fine roots a bit, but not enough to harm growth, and may in fact trigger new root growth. Just thinking out high.
There are predator mites that will ravage the gnat larvae. I have a few pots that I can see them patrolling the soil surface if I look carefully.
Do you think the sand changed anything like pH? Might look into it later when I have gnats. And I always have minor gnat issues, they just come with the soil that I buy...

I was wondering if the sand would alter the Ph. Also wondered if it increased the soils paramagnetism or if it brought its own pests.

Time will tell I guess. Checked on them this morning and no major signs of stress so that’s good. Will it stop the cal mag looking deficiencies, that’s another story. I upped the remo magnifical to about 30mls for the 5 gallons of water after skipping it last watering. Hope to see it work some magic.
I wonder what the PH of desert sand is. Where I live was under water at one point and there are parts of the mountains where I can see the ancient water lines.

I wonder if the sands in the local desert are extra salty. Sometimes when I go hiking in the local hills and mountains I find sea shells. Trip out on that sea shells in the desert... Something else for me to think about, great.
I wonder what the PH of desert sand is. Where I live was under water at one point and there are parts of the mountains where I can see the ancient water lines.

I wonder if the sands in the local desert are extra salty. Sometimes when I go hiking in the local hills and mountains I find sea shells. Trip out on that sea shells in the desert... Something else for me to think about, great.

I really need to get my soil tested, otherwise I am just firing off shots in the dark.

I doubt the ph of the desert sand is too crazy or salty. All that ancient seabed would be amazing soil though. I imagine it would be great as a component of a custom soil.
Urb, did you see the Super Bowl ad that suggested The Dude would abandon his signature white russian for a bottle of Stella Artois? I love that The Dude got dusted off for a cameo... but hate that it was for a dumb ad.

Yeah I heard about that, checked it out, somewhat sad as the dude would never give up his drinks. But cool the character is kicking around.
Depending on the time of day, the plant, or the light I’m looking in, I keep seeing the plants rebounding OR looking the same with discolouration.

The new growth on the Skunk1 looks good. The CB Dream is actually praying and looking much better but still some burnt tips or leaf edges. The skunk and CB Dream are in the same bin, and seem to have similar purple tips on the leaves. Not sure what that means.

The front bin with the Crown Royale is good but the calcium magnesium deficiency still looks like it’s hanging on, perhaps the size of the plant and the LED is making it very hungry for Ca and Mg.

I mixed up some of remos calmagnifent or whatever they call it, some humic acid, and aloe vera juice into 5 gallons of water and fed them all.

I am flipping on Valentine’s Day. I gotta move ahead. Pretty sure from here on out it will be autopot system and fabric pots. These bins are not suitable for my style. I like taking my plants out and photographing them. Manicuring. All that jazz. The bins and net make it difficult to operate.

Edit: if my tent wasn’t tucked into a bit of a basement crevice I would have better access. If these were in an open room there would be no issues. Watering is a pain, defoliating the back bin is a pain.
You know Urb, ive been looking at one of my tents and thinking the same thing too. But im mot ready to flower yet. The scrog idea is nice but i think for the reasons you mentioned I may make some changes. Just not sure which yet.
You know Urb, ive been looking at one of my tents and thinking the same thing too. But im mot ready to flower yet. The scrog idea is nice but i think for the reasons you mentioned I may make some changes. Just not sure which yet.

Yeah I have pretty much decided to go with the autopot system. It’s going to be the best option for when I have to leave town for weeks at a time. The wife can top up my reservoir. In fact I am considering getting two - two pot autopot systems so I have twice the reservoirs. 47 litres for two plants gives me enough time.

Which will make my life easier for some things but harder for others. Not sure how to approach my reg seeds. How do I grow out reg seeds for flowering with only 4 pots.
4 pots and reg seeds? Your garden your rules. Lotsa options... make a mother/ father. make some clones flower one and see whatchu got. Go from there.

Edit: Awesome scrog!

Edit edit: Was just checking out that auto pot system. Is there an auto drain on that too?
Yeah I have pretty much decided to go with the autopot system. It’s going to be the best option for when I have to leave town for weeks at a time. The wife can top up my reservoir. In fact I am considering getting two - two pot autopot systems so I have twice the reservoirs. 47 litres for two plants gives me enough time.

Which will make my life easier for some things but harder for others. Not sure how to approach my reg seeds. How do I grow out reg seeds for flowering with only 4 pots.
my son grows that way and he loves it get ready for a whole lot more yield he regularly gets 5-6 zips per plant or more you no your still going to worry about them when your gone lol:)
4 pots and reg seeds? Your garden your rules. Lotsa options... make a mother/ father. make some clones flower one and see whatchu got. Go from there.

Edit: Awesome scrog!

Edit edit: Was just checking out that auto pot system. Is there an auto drain on that too?

Thank you, I hope they produce some decent flowers, sometimes they look unhappy lol.

The autopot system Is pretty slick. You can change the main reservoir or drain the lines. There is a buffer to prevent the roots from sitting in water. The plant takes what it wants by capillary action, bottom up. Just get it established and off you go.

my son grows that way and he loves it get ready for a whole lot more yield he regularly gets 5-6 zips per plant or more you no your still going to worry about them when your gone lol:)

Awesome! I just want the plant to have the water they need. If that means larger buds than so be it lol.
Well some interesting news. I had an electrician come to fix an issue and install some new switches. Since he was already here I had him check out my power situation to the tent.

We have a work order in for next week to install a dedicated 20 amp breaker and custom lines/boxes to the tent. It was fine as it was but why not make it clean and have its own circuit.

Also watered the CR with some homemade calcium phosphate. Things are at least not getting worse.
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