InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Caterpillars are the worst in my book because they're the only bug I get that will actually destroy your flowers (with bud rot). You would need to completely ignore an infestation of aphids or thrips to take down a plant, but 10 caterpillars can decimate a harvest.
U R so spot on! And very often, caterpillars can go undetected by the casual observer too... Until it's too late!
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Just a reminder update to all the outside growers who deal with the dreaded caterpillars (@BeezLuiz @StoneOtter and any others), that it's time to break out the BT spray to get ahead of the issue and kill 'em when they're small.

I found this on the CapJunky this morning:

That's in addition to two smaller ones I squished yesterday.

I filled up a regular spray bottle with 32oz of water and added 1tsp of BT (which I hope hasn't expired) and soaked both plants top and bottom. The reason to mix small batches is because it needs to be used within 24 hours after dilution.

It recommends every 3-5 days so I'll put that on the schedule as well as the neem for the aphids. Interestingly enough, even though the plants are side by side in the tent all night, the PGC has no bugs at all on it.

Forewarned is forearmed! 🚫 🐛
getem bro! they lil assholes. went to bed last year with beautiful tomato plant beautiful lush leaves woke up to just a stem and a single leaf left..
Monday update on the Purple Ghost Candy from @SeedsMan, on FLIP DAY 3!

That's right folks, it was time to flip the Summer grow to (hopefully) avoid any height issues further on down the line. It was day 73 for the PGC.

But first I did a bit more training on the three tallest outside branches.

These were not supercropped, though the resulting shape is similar. The branches are gently massaged over the curve of a finger until they lean over, and then held down with binder clips hung from the ends:

I kept them flat for a couple of days and then let them grow up with everything else. I'm done with training for a while, and no more plucking of growth until stretch is over (unless it's below the height of where I topped).

For @BeezLuiz, here is the height of the PGC just before flip:

I'm calling that 21", and I'm very curious if this will do what some of the others have done on the site. Luckily there's about 7' of height in the shed once you're through the door.

Here are the two plants tucked in the shed on Friday night for the 8pm lights out:

I pulled the insulation across the opening and closed the door:

That 6" exhaust fan draws air from the open window (covered in cardboard) and sends it out a vent on the far wall of the shed, and there are two top fans and one lower fan at the moment. Once they're fully in flower I'll add another floor fan so they each have one.

Here it is this morning on flip day 3:

I sprayed them both with neem this morning while I wait for pistils to show...stay tuned!

Thanks for following along with the Seedsman comparative half of the grow :) and the unsponsored half continues below. ⬇️
For the rest of the Monday update, the CapJunky also got flipped, on day 70 for that one. Here they both are on their last morning in the tent:

And for @BeezLuiz' spreadsheet:

I'm calling the CJ at 27.5" before flip.

Here they were this morning on flip day 3:

Solo shot of the CJ:

It's a bit more ragged across the top but I decided that that was better than getting it too wide with more strenuous training, given its lanky growth pattern. We'll see!

Finally, the Wizard auto is now 16 days above ground and hasn't changed one iota since you last saw it on day 9. No growth, no additional roots beyond the two small ones growing about ½" below the surface on the edge. Don't believe me? This morning:

Seven days ago:

The only difference is the malformed first fan fell off. Still, I water it when the top dries out to see if it ever does anything else!

That's it for me, and I hope you all had a great weekend. :thumb:

A belated happy 4th Shed and friends. I hope your nation finds a clear path in these turbulent times.
Thanks Carmen, and I'm not hopeful at all.
Sorry shed the SG didn't make it just to darn hot and i didn't catch it soon enough to go to shade .. And the BB ?? turned the light out heck with it ,got one more maybe another round . Let you know .
I would think it's getting a bit late in the season to start photoperiod plants, but if you have any autos you can keep cool that might be worth a shot. And on the plus side, you should have some more Sour G seeds laying around for next time!
U R so spot on! And very often, caterpillars can go undetected by the casual observer too... Until it's too late!
I've been inspecting the leaves every morning looking for culprits, and so far so good!
getem bro! they lil assholes. went to bed last year with beautiful tomato plant beautiful lush leaves woke up to just a stem and a single leaf left..
That's disappointing! :( Could be slugs or snails since they work 10x faster to decimate a plant than caterpillars. I use Corry's snail bait for those noshers.
Beautiful garden!!!
A very nice pair Shed, in and out! :Rasta:
For the rest of the Monday update, the CapJunky also got flipped, on day 70 for that one. Here they both are on their last morning in the tent:

And for @BeezLuiz' spreadsheet:

I'm calling the CJ at 27.5" before flip.

Here they were this morning on flip day 3:

Solo shot of the CJ:

It's a bit more ragged across the top but I decided that that was better than getting it too wide with more strenuous training, given its lanky growth pattern. We'll see!

Finally, the Wizard auto is now 16 days above ground and hasn't changed one iota since you last saw it on day 9. No growth, no additional roots beyond the two small ones growing about ½" below the surface on the edge. Don't believe me? This morning:

Seven days ago:

The only difference is the malformed first fan fell off. Still, I water it when the top dries out to see if it ever does anything else!

That's it for me, and I hope you all had a great weekend. :thumb:


Thanks Carmen, and I'm not hopeful at all.

I would think it's getting a bit late in the season to start photoperiod plants, but if you have any autos you can keep cool that might be worth a shot. And on the plus side, you should have some more Sour G seeds laying around for next time!

I've been inspecting the leaves every morning looking for culprits, and so far so good!

That's disappointing! :( Could be slugs or snails since they work 10x faster to decimate a plant than caterpillars. I use Corry's snail bait for those noshers.
U R a Master Grower! I'm now officially jealous! In a very good way, of course... :laugh:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Beautiful garden!!!
Thanks budnoob, and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal! It's always nice to add some new folks to the usual suspects, so stick around if you're in the mood. :)
A very nice pair Shed, in and out!
Thank you GDB, and though my dog will often poop in the yard, she does keep the cats away!
CJ & PGC have very nice figures, I think the training will work out Great! Loaded with Budsites, all pretty much ontop!
In my grows on top is where they belong, and thinning after stretch is always a fun challenge. Thanks MedSci!
I am surprised at the Wizard auto! I really want to see what she decides to do. She may surprise us all!
I'm up for a surprise, and as long as it's green I'll schlep!
Man they are looking great!!!!
Thanks Ke0ncp, so far so good! Next watering I'll be at 5g equivalent on the nutes to help them out with stretch.
Looking great bud nice work
Thank you GV!
U R a Master Grower! I'm now officially jealous! In a very good way, of course...
Thanks BudMan! I'm definitely not a master grower but I do reasonably well in veg.
:) and the unsponsored half continues below.
You didn't hear? Seedsman's out of all sponsoring on all platforms including here since they got info robbed. Bummer city but we carry on!

This one needs Billy Chrystal or Whoopi Goldberg to voice Shed! It's almost alien alive and has quite personality! You might have a mini series start here!

Thanks budnoob, and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal! It's always nice to add some new folks to the usual suspects, so stick around if you're in the mood. :)

Thank you GDB, and though my dog will often poop in the yard, she does keep the cats away!

In my grows on top is where they belong, and thinning after stretch is always a fun challenge. Thanks MedSci!

I'm up for a surprise, and as long as it's green I'll schlep!

Thanks Ke0ncp, so far so good! Next watering I'll be at 5g equivalent on the nutes to help them out with stretch.

Thank you GV!

Thanks BudMan! I'm definitely not a master grower but I do reasonably well in veg.
You may not identify as a Master Grower but you still resemble one in veg or flower imho. lol 😂 CL🍀
For @BeezLuiz, here is the height of the PGC just before flip:
Got it, and charts for both plants are now set up. :thumb:
Finally, the Wizard auto is now 16 days above ground and hasn't changed one iota since you last saw it on day 9. No growth, no additional roots beyond the two small ones growing about ½" below the surface on the edge.
Ugh. I don't think all the magic in the world will help that poor little wizard.
You didn't hear? Seedsman's out of all sponsoring on all platforms including here since they got info robbed.
Thanks for the heads-up, Stone.
You didn't hear? Seedsman's out of all sponsoring on all platforms including here since they got info robbed. Bummer city but we carry on!
Damn! Thanks for the update Otter, I never saw that this weekend. I guess that means I don't need to do separate posts anymore?
This one needs Billy Chrystal or Whoopi Goldberg to voice Shed! It's almost alien alive and has quite personality! You might have a mini series start here!
Something like this?

Purple Candy Ghost.jpg

I'll have my people contact theirs!

You may not identify as a Master Grower but you still resemble one in veg or flower imho. lol CL🍀
Very nice of you to say Captain, thanks!
Got it, and charts for both plants are now set up.
Ugh. I don't think all the magic in the world will help that poor little wizard.
I'm surprised it's lasted this long but I figure at some point it will either die or grow. I'll only post it again if something actually changes!
I guess that means I don't need to do separate posts anymore?
Folks are seemingly free posting at the sponsor site minus some that want to go on their own. I'm so close to done I'll probably post to both but it matters not I'm thinking. Rob mentioned he'd try to hold them to contest parameters for us so protect that and good to go. Be nice if they prove themselves to be the awesome seed company I hoped they were becoming!
Damn! Thanks for the update Otter, I never saw that this weekend. I guess that means I don't need to do separate posts anymore?

Something like this?

Purple Candy Ghost.jpg

I'll have my people contact theirs!

Very nice of you to say Captain, thanks!


I'm surprised it's lasted this long but I figure at some point it will either die or grow. I'll only post it again if something actually changes!
AAAAAAH! Whooo! Scary! :thumb: Give it a cool walk and voice, maybe a way about it, and there's something! I'd burn one with!
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