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Kind of a side bar related question.... does anyone know why buds sparkle sometimes? I remember that being a rumor too about if you don't flush the magnesium out of your buds they spakle when you smoke them.
I have had some do that but also think it may have been something relating to premature seed formation? Idk just popped into my head and I've always wondered what it actually was
Well since you can't flush Mg out of the buds, that ain't it! But I bet there are all sorts of theories on the internet...
Glad to help Nick! I'm just passing along more great info from folks here...this tidbit came from @FelipeBlu in his posts here:
Thank you and @FelipeBlu !

Season has changed here from wet to dry since I was last in veg. The well I’m sure will be good for the next 6 months, we had record rains but wondering if it sitting under ground and not shifting so much - drawing from further away is responsible for the ph going up a bit or its root booster I didn’t use before. In coco as well. Taking off the root booster first and seeing if that corrects the higher input nutes. If it doesn’t I’ll adjust the final in out mix with a bit of acid down from 7.5 to 6.8 which gave me 5.8 runoff before.
Thank you and @FelipeBlu !

Season has changed here from wet to dry since I was last in veg. The well I’m sure will be good for the next 6 months, we had record rains but wondering if it sitting under ground and not shifting so much - drawing from further away is responsible for the ph going up a bit or its root booster I didn’t use before. In coco as well. Taking off the root booster first and seeing if that corrects the higher input nutes. If it doesn’t I’ll adjust the final in out mix with a bit of acid down from 7.5 to 6.8 which gave me 5.8 runoff before.
Glad to hear the well won't run dry! We've been getting soaked down here for a while as well.

In coco wouldn't you be setting the pH of your nutes to 5.8 before watering? From everything I've read runoff pH isn't a thing in coco (or soil, unless you're doing a pour through pH test which isn't part of this conversation I hope ;) ).
Nah its coco peat rather than coir. I was very happy with 6.5 in 5.8 out. Never a blemish really on the leaves. Yesterday was EC 2 (now 1.4) Ph 7.5

While they were gone I tested my seedling/veg grow manager’s (OK my wife’s 😂) nute mix I specified this morning (no root boost added, half the cal mag) and its spot on where I want again (she didn’t test runoff)

The droopy ones not fed yesterday are coming back. There are a couple of new droopy ones that were fed and so won't get fed until they come back too.

There’s a bit more on this involving my thoughts on Co2 in veg but will put in my own thread.

Tonight is repot the Desidos Rocketas in the SIP. My Grow Manager said “Babe we have working this style why you need extra work for us now?”

- Its just a single plant, honey! (Outdoors, nute requirements totally diff, medium totally diff)

Didn’t tell her those bits 🤣

Just to add - “cross pollination” - I read the SiP and other threads and learn something from all of them that can be transferrable to different styles. Its sooo helpful!

Thanks him! Flushing was a thing for a long time until the scientists stepped up to show that nutrient numbers in the flowers never changed with plain water at the end. Before that it was just something people "sensed."

I never understood the search for the holy grail of white ash anyway! Complete combustion? Dry buds do that, wet buds don't. Just like logs. 🪵

Here's a Leafly take on it:

And one from cannabis biz times:
You got a encyclopedia for a brain 🧠 Uncle Shed. Lmao 😜 CL🍀
Nah its coco peat rather than coir.
I have no idea what that is, but as long as you do! :)
I was very happy with 6.5 in 5.8 out. Never a blemish really on the leaves. Yesterday was EC 2 (now 1.4) Ph 7.5
Quite the change then.
There’s a bit more on this involving my thoughts on Co2 in veg but will put in my own thread.
Saw that, and it looks like you've got it well under control now!
Tonight is repot the Desidos Rocketas in the SIP. My Grow Manager said “Babe we have working this style why you need extra work for us now?”
- Its just a single plant, honey! (Outdoors, nute requirements totally diff, medium totally diff)
Didn’t tell her those bits
Sometimes it's best to dole things out slowly. :laugh:
You got a encyclopedia for a brain Uncle Shed. Lmao CL
Gotta do something useful with it!
Just wanted to update you on my basking plants. We finally had a day of sunshine, and since the sun is so low in the sky I wanted to make sure the backside got tan as well:

As my mother used to say, "waste not, want not."

Great minds think alike 🤔 I used to do that with a white towel. CL🍀
Tonight is repot the Desidos Rocketas in the SIP.
SIP? Did someone say SIP? Now  that got my attention. :laughtwo:

Sadly, it wasn't Shed, but on the bright side, it was in his thread, so we're getting closer. At least we're in the neighborhood now. ;)

Somehow this thread got dropped from my list of new notifications, but I'm all caught up now.

Those CBG plants are looking good, even if one is smaller than the other. The good news is it's further along in its development. ;)
ALK and LeCremas are looking good - even the auto. Its buds are frosting up nicely. :thumb:
Last for the day are the cuttings from the tops of the LeC and ALK, 9 days after cutting. So far so good but I still have the domes partially on:
How long do you typically keep the domes on fully, and how long do you take to gradually remove them? Is it time based or do you look for something in particular? Asking for a friend...
I've had two different batches tested so I know exactly what the numbers are, which makes consistent dosing possible.
That's my thought process as well. While I like to test my THC buds for curiosity sake, and learnings on what I could do better, I find it more important to test the CBD buds so that dosing is more accurate. Once I get a LeCrema plant grown, I will most likely get it tested since my growing techniques and capabilities are certainly different from the breeder's.
Great minds think alike I used to do that with a white towel. CL
:high-five: Simultaneous tanning of the backside is definitely worth a little extra work!
SIP? Did someone say SIP? Now  that got my attention. Sadly, it wasn't Shed, but on the bright side, it was in his thread, so we're getting closer. At least we're in the neighborhood now.
LOL! I'm definitely open to a SIP and pretty sure I mentioned that I might give it a go this year. @farside05 started what will be a synthetic nute res-fed grow that's still in the sprout stage, so I'm waiting to see how his goes before deciding.
Somehow this thread got dropped from my list of new notifications, but I'm all caught up now.
You and me and a lot of folks seem to have lost some thread notifications. Dunno why though. :hmmmm:
Those CBG plants are looking good, even if one is smaller than the other. The good news is it's further along in its development.
Yes, for some reason one is flowering early. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And I've got no complaints about the photo one... growing like a champ!
ALK and LeCremas are looking good - even the auto. Its buds are frosting up nicely
Thanks BL!
How long do you typically keep the domes on fully, and how long do you take to gradually remove them? Is it time based or do you look for something in particular? Asking for a friend...
Well, I treat tops differently from lowers when I clone. In both I tip the domes back to let more and more air in, but for tops I wait longer before I start, and move more slowly than with lowers.

Right now the tops are domeless, but I'm not 100% convinced they're clones until I see roots.
That's my thought process as well. While I like to test my THC buds for curiosity sake, and learnings on what I could do better, I find it more important to test the CBD buds so that dosing is more accurate. Once I get a LeCrema plant grown, I will most likely get it tested since my growing techniques and capabilities are certainly different from the breeder's.
I definitely see the value in getting accurate repeatable dosing on the med side of the equation over the recreational side. If I were using THC to treat a medical condition, I'd get that tested too.
Well, I treat tops differently from lowers when I clone. In both I tip the domes back to let more and more air in, but for tops I wait longer before I start and move more slowly than with lowers.
Is that because the tops seem to have more difficulty rooting?
If I were using THC to treat a medical condition, I'd get that tested too.
Very true. For my pain/salve oils I only use the buds/kief that have been tested. I just gotta know for my own OCD sake. :nerd-with-glasses:
Is that because the tops seem to have more difficulty rooting?
It is indeed. Here they are right now, 12 days after cutting and 24 hours after the domes came off completely:


LeC on the left, ALK on the right, no visible roots on either yet.
Very true. For my pain/salve oils I only use the buds/kief that have been tested. I just gotta know for my own OCD sake.
I do it because I want to be consistent in my dosing, so if something works it can be repeated!
LOL! I'm definitely open to a SIP and pretty sure I mentioned that I might give it a go this year. @farside05 started what will be a synthetic nute res-fed grow that's still in the sprout stage, so I'm waiting to see how his goes before deciding.
Yeah, I'm just busting your chops a bit. I know you said your winter grow needs to have plants kept smaller due to space reasons.

Between @farside05 and @Buds Buddy 's grows you should have a decent idea of the prospects.

And 2G buckets might be a good compromise for those needing to constantly schlep plants around, at least to get a feel for the whole process. You  do have door jams to consider after all. :p
Yeah, I'm just busting your chops a bit. I know you said your winter grow needs to have plants kept smaller due to space reasons.
Yeah definitely not when they need to squeeze in the tent!
Between @farside05 and @Buds Buddy 's grows you should have a decent idea of the prospects.
Buds was running so many plants and some water only and some with nutes, so I lost track of which plants were which! Farside will be running the closest to what I do with feeding, so it will be easier to gauge.
And 2G buckets might be a good compromise for those needing to constantly schlep plants around, at least to get a feel for the whole process. You  do have door jams to consider after all.
2 gallon might be a bit small for me, but I will probably need a much larger res than indoor growers (I can't be watering 2+ times a day). So whatever I end up doing I'll need to factor that in.

I also want to dump a 7 gallon @GeoPot of soil in a bucket to see what the equivalent would be. That will give me a starting point for size.
2 gallon might be a bit small for me, but I will probably need a much larger res than indoor growers (I can't be watering 2+ times a day). So whatever I end up doing I'll need to factor that in.
Because of nute reasons? Otherwise, once after they're brought outside and again after brought inside would get it done.
I definitely see the value in getting accurate repeatable dosing on the med side of the equation over the recreational side. If I were using THC to treat a medical condition, I'd get that tested too.
how do you get tested? how expensive is it?
how do you get tested? how expensive is it?
I use a lab up in San Francisco that does cannabis testing (there are a few), and I just mail stuff USPS Priority in smell-proof bags. Cannabinoid testing is $75 per test. I think terpene testing is more expensive.
Hey shed do you have any Magic shed stuff for gnats... been fighting them off for years
Ps american stuff hard to find here in europe
For killing gnats you want to find something that dissolves in water containing BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis). In the states it's sold as Mosquito Bits/Dunks because it kills their larvae too.

You dissolve them in a bucket of water, wait 24 hours, and then use that to water your plants. If you have space, mix up enough in a 5 gallon bucket and whatever is left over will repopulate with more BTI so you save money on bits.

Use that for every watering for a week or two and then once a week and your gnats should be gone.

Other methods include putting sand on top of the soil or diatomaceous earth, but that only works when it's dry, so rarely!
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