InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I survived the move, haleluyah.
The light bulb is just now coming on that I should post my "adventures" in my own thread! lol.
Monday harvest update and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian visitors! I took the Purple Urkle down yesterday on flip day 76 (174 days above ground). From ApeOrigin, PU is listed as a mostly indica variety and a phenotype of the Mendocino Purps. Not a lot of further details on it though.

76 days was probably a week too late but I can't do two in a weekend anymore and Trainwreck was the more important of the two, so it got priority. PU's leaves were mostly dead and a lot of the sugars were as well, which you'll see in the pics. This was the plant with the root aphids (which may have come back...I'll do a rootopsy on both pots this week) as well as suffering through a week of temps in the mid-90s and up, which didn't help it stay green.

Here it was on Friday before I took off the fans:

And here are the fans that came off Friday and Saturday:

Untied and floppy and seriously ready for harvest:


I already posted the whole harvest process last week so I'll skip that part...

Not an easy trim this one, and my daughter bailed about halfway in to go to a movie! We tried to take off as much of the brown as possible but I didn't want to spend the whole night on it, so here are the finished buds ready for transfer into the tent for drying:

And here they all are hanging:

I obviously failed during the post-stretch trim on this one because of huge number of small branches and buds. :eek: I will try to do better next time I promise.

Trainwreck continues to get burped twice a day and I'll do an update on that this week.

Thanks for following along with the Summer grow! I'll keep posting updates on it until they go into jars for curing, but after that I'm just down to my Candida collection. Still not sure on the NY travel plans since my wife needs to go to London on a family matter in the next month, so my plant plans are up in the air. We'll see...

I survived the move, haleluyah. The light bulb is just now coming on that I should post my "adventures" in my own thread! lol.
Congrats on the move! I hope all the adventures end on a positive note. :)
Congrats on the PU takedown Shed! She SINGS!
Monday harvest update and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian visitors! I took the Purple Urkle down yesterday on flip day 76 (174 days above ground). From ApeOrigin, PU is listed as a mostly indica variety and a phenotype of the Mendocino Purps. Not a lot of further details on it though.

76 days was probably a week too late but I can't do two in a weekend anymore and Trainwreck was the more important of the two, so it got priority. PU's leaves were mostly dead and a lot of the sugars were as well, which you'll see in the pics. This was the plant with the root aphids (which may have come back...I'll do a rootopsy on both pots this week) as well as suffering through a week of temps in the mid-90s and up, which didn't help it stay green.

Here it was on Friday before I took off the fans:

And here are the fans that came off Friday and Saturday:

Untied and floppy and seriously ready for harvest:


I already posted the whole harvest process last week so I'll skip that part...

Not an easy trim this one, and my daughter bailed about halfway in to go to a movie! We tried to take off as much of the brown as possible but I didn't want to spend the whole night on it, so here are the finished buds ready for transfer into the tent for drying:

And here they all are hanging:

I obviously failed during the post-stretch trim on this one because of huge number of small branches and buds. :eek: I will try to do better next time I promise.

Trainwreck continues to get burped twice a day and I'll do an update on that this week.

Thanks for following along with the Summer grow! I'll keep posting updates on it until they go into jars for curing, but after that I'm just down to my Candida collection. Still not sure on the NY travel plans since my wife needs to go to London on a family matter in the next month, so my plant plans are up in the air. We'll see...


Congrats on the move! I hope all the adventures end on a positive note. :)
Small buds smoke as good as the big. Nice harvest + grow amigo 👍
Monday harvest update and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian visitors! I took the Purple Urkle down yesterday on flip day 76 (174 days above ground). From ApeOrigin, PU is listed as a mostly indica variety and a phenotype of the Mendocino Purps. Not a lot of further details on it though.

76 days was probably a week too late but I can't do two in a weekend anymore and Trainwreck was the more important of the two, so it got priority. PU's leaves were mostly dead and a lot of the sugars were as well, which you'll see in the pics. This was the plant with the root aphids (which may have come back...I'll do a rootopsy on both pots this week) as well as suffering through a week of temps in the mid-90s and up, which didn't help it stay green.

Here it was on Friday before I took off the fans:

And here are the fans that came off Friday and Saturday:

Untied and floppy and seriously ready for harvest:


I already posted the whole harvest process last week so I'll skip that part...

Not an easy trim this one, and my daughter bailed about halfway in to go to a movie! We tried to take off as much of the brown as possible but I didn't want to spend the whole night on it, so here are the finished buds ready for transfer into the tent for drying:

And here they all are hanging:

I obviously failed during the post-stretch trim on this one because of huge number of small branches and buds. :eek: I will try to do better next time I promise.

Trainwreck continues to get burped twice a day and I'll do an update on that this week.

Thanks for following along with the Summer grow! I'll keep posting updates on it until they go into jars for curing, but after that I'm just down to my Candida collection. Still not sure on the NY travel plans since my wife needs to go to London on a family matter in the next month, so my plant plans are up in the air. We'll see...


Congrats on the move! I hope all the adventures end on a positive note. :)
Congrats on another great harvest my friend. :thumb:
Mid 90's nice, I didn't get that in July even.
Take care.

Start safe
Bill284 :cool:
Monday harvest update and Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian visitors! I took the Purple Urkle down yesterday on flip day 76 (174 days above ground). From ApeOrigin, PU is listed as a mostly indica variety and a phenotype of the Mendocino Purps. Not a lot of further details on it though.

76 days was probably a week too late but I can't do two in a weekend anymore and Trainwreck was the more important of the two, so it got priority. PU's leaves were mostly dead and a lot of the sugars were as well, which you'll see in the pics. This was the plant with the root aphids (which may have come back...I'll do a rootopsy on both pots this week) as well as suffering through a week of temps in the mid-90s and up, which didn't help it stay green.

Here it was on Friday before I took off the fans:

And here are the fans that came off Friday and Saturday:

Untied and floppy and seriously ready for harvest:


I already posted the whole harvest process last week so I'll skip that part...

Not an easy trim this one, and my daughter bailed about halfway in to go to a movie! We tried to take off as much of the brown as possible but I didn't want to spend the whole night on it, so here are the finished buds ready for transfer into the tent for drying:

And here they all are hanging:

I obviously failed during the post-stretch trim on this one because of huge number of small branches and buds. :eek: I will try to do better next time I promise.

Trainwreck continues to get burped twice a day and I'll do an update on that this week.

Thanks for following along with the Summer grow! I'll keep posting updates on it until they go into jars for curing, but after that I'm just down to my Candida collection. Still not sure on the NY travel plans since my wife needs to go to London on a family matter in the next month, so my plant plans are up in the air. We'll see...


Congrats on the move! I hope all the adventures end on a positive note. :)
Congratulations on the harvest!
Congrats on the PU takedown Shed! She SINGS!
Thanks GDB, if anyone's gonna sing so we know it's the end, no one does it like the Queen! :love:
Congrats on another take down! Cheers to some more full jars!
Thanks N!
Small buds smoke as good as the big. Nice harvest + grow amigo
Very true...all the same to the grinder. :) Gracias Captain!
Congrats on another great harvest my friend. Mid 90's nice, I didn't get that in July even. Take care.
Mid 90s was very hot, 102 was even hotter. 😓 Thanks Bill!
Congratulations on the harvest!
Thank you Mel, and back atcha!
Congratulations on the 2nd take down Shed. All the best to you and yours as your way becomes clear.
Thanks Carmen! Clarity would be welcomed. 🪟
Congrats on harvest #2, Shed!
That's a lotta weed!
Congrats on PU harvest Shed! Always appreciate your details. Helps the rest of us get better at growing quality stinky weed.
Thanks Grateful! I want folks to be able to learn from my mistakes and successes. :thumb:
Congratulations on another fine harvest Shed! She was ready!
Thank you NTH, she was definitely ready!
Congrats on harvest #2, Shed! That's a lotta weed!
It will be interesting to see which one comes in heavier, because there may be more of this but the TW was more solid. We'll see in a few weeks. Thanks Carcass!

With enough newer harvests in jars I'm thinking that when my son comes in for Thanksgiving in November I may do a massive dry ice hash run. All the old stuff processed and tossed. At least I should do a jar inventory this weekend to see what's around...
With enough newer harvests in jars I'm thinking that when my son comes in for Thanksgiving in November I may do a massive dry ice hash run. All the old stuff processed and tossed. At least I should do a jar inventory this weekend to see what's around...
Yeah, do it! Cause when you do the jar inventory I fear you find you're a "tad" bit over the limit. :)
Dry Ice! Dry Ice! Dry Ice!

Great documentation of by-the-books growing, Shed. OK, I know, but every grow has those quirks, you do really nice work. I really, really hope you aren't starting to get bored of this or this place because I'm just coming on, and would feel as though I'd lost a tremendous opportunity to make a cool new friend with some serious moves.

And thank you, by the way, for the turkey-day well wishes. Very classy.
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