InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

If your buckets have a taper to them (and most do) just hang it from the upper rim but don't attach it to the bucket walls. That way it'll hang down and shade the bucket and also provide a thin air space that will act as a bit of an insulator.
I did this using a tight-weave burlap and it worked better than the mylar bubble wrap for hot water tanks! Both tubs - 27 gal w/ 6 gal rez - were in the same locale and I was checking with my, now broken grrr, meat thermometer. Simple is so very, very often best.

Go with the mulch too, just not manures. Some frass and wormcast atop there are ok, great even, but with the big animal poo, aged, not aged, or even aged and mixed with straw and wood shavings as stable mucking usually are, you'll just cook up a nitrogen soup down below and lose NPK balance in the grow. This opinion is based on research alone, I didn't actually have this happen, but many others have, and I can read, so ixnay on the anure-ma.

I realize I'm being repetitive, but not everyone will have read prev. posts.

Because I grow with bennies and endo mycorrhizae, and because I want to keep my salt nute PPM's moderate, I do use a teeny amount of aged chicken manure or mushroom compost (which is just mixed manures that have been partially processed by fungi) in my Promix, mixed evenly. It's only 1/4 -1/2 cup per 10 gal Promix. I also add a full cup or more, worm castings, 3 cups chopped bamboo leaves (est.), 60 ml (4 tablespoons) dried soluble humates, and 60 ml powdered alfalfa powder if I have some. All in the matrix. Dehydrated seaweed too, if avail, but again, just 1/2 to 1 full, cup.

My latest castings are from worms I feed only horsetail ferns, stinging nettles, comfrey leaves, bamboo leaves, dandelions, flower heads, gypsum and ground-up eggshells/oyster shells - in a leaf/cardboard/coco bedding (all are locally sourced, 90% from the 'fertilizer forest' I planted in my front yard this spring. Thanks again @Azimuth). These 'super-accumulator' plants contain all of the elements required for an epic cannabis grow, and I plan to experiment with feeding plants only these special worm castings for the entire grow, in an inert soilless medium, when my castings stocks are sufficient, sometime next summerish.

Sooner than that, I'll also be adding spent mushroom-grow cakes to my worm diet from the medicinal and edible mushrooms I've been culturing. These cakes are unicorn turds. My research indicates that castings from worms fed this are a major cut above the rest. This is due to a phenomenon revealed by modern science. Briefly, it turns out that the more often an input has been previously, 'zymatically' processed' or, 'digested', be it via bacteria, fungus, animals, insects or, preferably, all of them in turn, the more potent and balanced it is. Specifically, secondary metabolites go through the roof.

I started the shroom project 6 mos ago and have been progressing slowly but have a decent infrastructure and experimental foundation under me now; if only I could afford a fan for my DIY laminar flow hood project, productivity would really pop. I should try some furnace repair businesses to see if they have any reconditioned stock I can hustle, cheap.
Saturday night update on the Trainwreck harvest process. It's been a week since the chop and I'll need the tent tomorrow for the Purple Urkle so it was time to cut it off the stems.

Here was the RH in the tent the last 24 hours, so I'm pretty sure that's where the buds are:

I cut each bud off each bit of stem, and the whole process took me over an hour. Here is the first bag I filled:

Here are all the stems:

I actually did put them in the salve bins.

Do I have bags of Trainwreck? Yes sir yes sir three bags full:

I put a hygrometer facing out at the bottom of each bag as well as a label with "TW" and the date on it, and sealed them up for the night:

I put them in a drawer to keep them in the dark, and tomorrow is burp day one!

I got the bivalent Covid vaccine yesterday and it kicked my ass last night. I'm a bit better today but not quite 100% yet. Maybe tomorrow for harvest day?

No veggin! Cmon shed get the garden booming and shed filled! Haha
There was a chance I was going to NY at the end of October so I didn't drop any new seeds for Fall, and the trip might still be a possibility. Either way I have the Candida clones hanging around as I always do, and if it turns out I'm not going I'll use them to make seeds. :thumb:
P.Urkle tomorrow? :love:
Yes, tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by Grandpa. :ciao:
Look forward to the take down pics. !
Me too! Those will be up on Monday.
Cheers for tomorrow!
Thanks Otter!
Then you can tell us about empty pot syndrome.
LOL! Do I still have EPS if there are five Candida plants at my left elbow?
Saturday night update on the Trainwreck harvest process. It's been a week since the chop and I'll need the tent tomorrow for the Purple Urkle so it was time to cut it off the stems.

Here was the RH in the tent the last 24 hours, so I'm pretty sure that's where the buds are:

I cut each bud off each bit of stem, and the whole process took me over an hour. Here is the first bag I filled:

Here are all the stems:

I actually did put them in the salve bins.

Do I have bags of Trainwreck? Yes sir yes sir three bags full:

I put a hygrometer facing out at the bottom of each bag as well as a label with "TW" and the date on it, and sealed them up for the night:

I put them in a drawer to keep them in the dark, and tomorrow is burp day one!

I got the bivalent Covid vaccine yesterday and it kicked my ass last night. I'm a bit better today but not quite 100% yet. Maybe tomorrow for harvest day?


There was a chance I was going to NY at the end of October so I didn't drop any new seeds for Fall, and the trip might still be a possibility. Either way I have the Candida clones hanging around as I always do, and if it turns out I'm not going I'll use them to make seeds. :thumb:

Yes, tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by Grandpa. :ciao:

Me too! Those will be up on Monday.

Thanks Otter!

LOL! Do I still have EPS if there are five Candida plants at my left elbow?
WOW!! Looks super great!! More than that and you will need to break out the combine!
Moving day.
Happy toking!
Nice bags! With the PU facing the same fate, the fat lady is warming up her chops! :Rasta:
Saturday night update on the Trainwreck harvest process. It's been a week since the chop and I'll need the tent tomorrow for the Purple Urkle so it was time to cut it off the stems.

Here was the RH in the tent the last 24 hours, so I'm pretty sure that's where the buds are:

I cut each bud off each bit of stem, and the whole process took me over an hour. Here is the first bag I filled:

Here are all the stems:

I actually did put them in the salve bins.

Do I have bags of Trainwreck? Yes sir yes sir three bags full:

I put a hygrometer facing out at the bottom of each bag as well as a label with "TW" and the date on it, and sealed them up for the night:

I put them in a drawer to keep them in the dark, and tomorrow is burp day one!

I got the bivalent Covid vaccine yesterday and it kicked my ass last night. I'm a bit better today but not quite 100% yet. Maybe tomorrow for harvest day?


There was a chance I was going to NY at the end of October so I didn't drop any new seeds for Fall, and the trip might still be a possibility. Either way I have the Candida clones hanging around as I always do, and if it turns out I'm not going I'll use them to make seeds. :thumb:

Yes, tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by Grandpa. :ciao:

Me too! Those will be up on Monday.

Thanks Otter!

LOL! Do I still have EPS if there are five Candida plants at my left elbow?
Nice looking harvest Shed, that should keep you in bud for while. Congratulations on number 53. Let me know if ya need help smoking any of CL🍀
Regarding the burping process, the RH in my neck of the woods is 70% right now, so I'm actually raising the moisture content of the buds when I burp. I do it anyway because I want the chlorophyll gone, but I may need to dig out the mini dehuey to get the RH down for them.
It's helpful to see how you do the bagging. Big job, nice result to get three bags full
Thank you Carmen!
WOW!! Looks super great!! More than that and you will need to break out the combine! Moving day. Happy toking!
I am the combine! :goodluck: with the move.
Thanks Keith!
Nice bags! With the PU facing the same fate, the fat lady is warming up her chops!
✂️✂️✂️, but later this afternoon...
Nice looking harvest Shed, that should keep you in bud for while. Congratulations on number 53. Let me know if ya need help smoking any of CL
Thanks Captain! I have many many many jars of buds since even at the rate my family goes through it my harvests keep me ahead of the game. Anytime you are in need just ring the doorbell!
Nice Big Bags of Buds ,
They are sb, they are!
I can smell them from here! Thanks for the detailed process - it's like watching a master chef prepare a gourmet meal.
Thank you Grateful but no master here, just well-practiced. :)
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