InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thank you. Though if I do add any essential oils, I'll probably just use a touch of tea tree oil. While that isn't going to help his pain , it's a great oil to add since his hands usually have a few cuts in them.
I'll use most of my trim this fall to make some infused pumpkin oil for him in the MBM.
I would say you should probably use 4x the trim than you would flowers. Nowhere near as many trichomes/g on trim as buds.

And the less oil the better in terms of g/ml of THC, so given the 16oz minimum in the MBM make sure you have enough trim to get it strong!
Thanks for the link Shed , i am not sure witch oil i used now , it is either olive or grapeseed thats what i have. I will give it a smell today LOL
Keep us posted! 👃
I would say you should probably use 4x the trim than you would flowers. Nowhere near as many trichomes/g on trim as buds.

And the less oil the better in terms of g/ml of THC, so given the 16oz minimum in the MBM make sure you have enough trim to get it strong!

Keep us posted! 👃
Wya? Did ya do any chopping yet? Thee suspense deepens. lol 😂
My internal oils are extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and that does have a shelf life, even in the fridge.

i make both evoo and coconut oil based infusions for pills. both will go bad if not stored correct. if you make capsules, the best thing to do is freeze them. will store that way forever. same for bulk amounts, i generally use jars. you can thaw slowly or use a double boiler to warm it back to a liquid for use.

coconut infusions will stay solid in the fridge without using the freezer. it will definitely extend the shelf life, but not near as long term as freezing. my coconut oils usually stay in just the fridge, as we go through them fast enough. olive oil i will freeze to be safer though.

interestingly i also do glycerin infusions. they don't seem to go bad ever. it could simply be they are delicious and folk use them up, but i've got some 2+ yrs old and it's great. i bulk refrigerate mine, but i never chill the droppers when i divide it, and it never seems to need it.
Cannabis Genetics & Droughting

In cannabis each seed, every clone, and every plant carry with it the DNA of its parents. This becomes very important when we consider a plant has no brains or central nervous system like us human folks. How a plant manages without these vital utilities we will explain.

In lieu of a simple no-brainer the plant comes equipped with a Genetic Regulatory Network (GRN) that will serve as the principal function director. The GRN will monitor the hormonal balance required to maintain DNA controlled functions. When the GRN likes everything (the hormonal bliss is known as homeostasis) all synthesis of hormones will create a balanced cocktail allowing the plant to develop normally.

Let us begin to deprive the plant of food and water (fertigation) over an extended (11 days) period. As moisture in the root zone becomes scarce, sensory cells will initiate “reports” telling the GRN about the moisture scarcity. As time goes on, and the more the root zone dries out, the more Low moisture “reports” will be sent to the GRN. As the amount of low moisture begins reaching critical levels (DNA controlled reaction times) the plant will begin synthesizing excess Abscisic Acid (ABA) corresponding to the severity of the drought. This ABA will then begin to “antagonize” the Jasmonate Pathways (JA Pathways) under direct control of the GRN. The antagonization of the JA pathways stimulates the production of essential oils. This chain of events leads the plant into what is known as a “species survival response” wherein she believes no water will come, and her only hope at protecting the species is to protect her flowers she thinks contains seeds. To accomplish this final act of desperation she directs all plant resources to the production of essential oils hoping that covering the seeds with oils may perpetuate the chance of survival.

This takes up to eleven days, quickest I ran was eight days. Dr. Caplan showed early and multiple droughts inferior to the 7th week formula I adhere to.

Love ya Brother :hookah:
Wya? Did ya do any chopping yet? Thee suspense deepens. lol
Trainwreck fan leaves came off yesterday and the plant comes down tomorrow when I can get my trimming crew together in the afternoon. Time to sharpen the trimmers. ✂️
i make both evoo and coconut oil based infusions for pills. both will go bad if not stored correct. if you make capsules, the best thing to do is freeze them. will store that way forever. same for bulk amounts, i generally use jars. you can thaw slowly or use a double boiler to warm it back to a liquid for use.

coconut infusions will stay solid in the fridge without using the freezer. it will definitely extend the shelf life, but not near as long term as freezing. my coconut oils usually stay in just the fridge, as we go through them fast enough. olive oil i will freeze to be safer though.

interestingly i also do glycerin infusions. they don't seem to go bad ever. it could simply be they are delicious and folk use them up, but i've got some 2+ yrs old and it's great. i bulk refrigerate mine, but i never chill the droppers when i divide it, and it never seems to need it.
Thanks bluter! I keep coconut caps in the fridge but my wife goes through the EVOO ones fast enough that I don't worry about them being in the cabinet.
Dr. Caplan showed early and multiple droughts inferior to the 7th week formula I adhere to.
Thanks for the droughting recap Maritimer! I didn't remember Caplan trying out different timings (been a while since I read the paper), but it does make sense that the plant needs to go through the process of realizing it's in trouble.
Trainwreck fan leaves came off yesterday and the plant comes down tomorrow when I can get my trimming crew together in the afternoon. Time to sharpen the trimmers. ✂️

Thanks bluter! I keep coconut caps in the fridge but my wife goes through the EVOO ones fast enough that I don't worry about them being in the cabinet.

Thanks for the droughting recap Maritimer! I didn't remember Caplan trying out different timings (been a while since I read the paper), but it does make sense that the plant needs to go through the process of realizing it's in trouble.
Have fun in trim
Trainwreck fan leaves came off yesterday and the plant comes down tomorrow when I can get my trimming crew together in the afternoon. Time to sharpen the trimmers. ✂️

Thanks bluter! I keep coconut caps in the fridge but my wife goes through the EVOO ones fast enough that I don't worry about them being in the cabinet.

Thanks for the droughting recap Maritimer! I didn't remember Caplan trying out different timings (been a while since I read the paper), but it does make sense that the plant needs to go through the process of realizing it's in trouble.
Wish I could help. Have fun
Happy harvesting, Shed!
Happy Harvesting!!
(The most pleasurable jail time...)

See ya' Trainwreck. :ciao:
Happy Sunday night/Monday morning, and here is the harvest update on Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express! I would also like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to grow this plant. Here's how they describe it on their website:

Trainwreck seeds let you grow a potent and exhilarating Sativa-dominant hybrid that’s well-known for its bold and mind-bending high. This is all due to her astonishing THC levels, which can peak above 20%.

Popular throughout Northern California, this great strain possesses a wonderful woody aroma with layers of sharp, sweet citrus. Unlike other Sativa hybrids, Trainwreck wears her Indica qualities well, producing long-lasting and soothing effects that will leave you relaxed and in total euphoria.

A new favorite among hobby growers, Trainwreck is a dream to work with. She grows lusciously green and grey thanks to the thick trichome coverage. It’s a sure-fire hit with Sativa fans looking for their next classic strain.

Why you should buy feminized Trainwreck seeds:

  • Big THC blast with stimulating effects
  • Aromatic sweet and citrus aroma
  • Well-loved for her medicinal use
  • Great yield potential
Specifications Trainwreck feminized seeds
THC level20%
CBD level0.4%
CBG Level0.06%
Variety40% Indica / 60% Sativa
GeneticsMexican x Thai x Afghani
Max yield indoor400 to 500 grams/m²
Max yield outdoor500 to 850 grams/plant
Height indoor125 to 150 cm
Height outdoor140 to 220 cm
Flowering time56 to 63 days
Fungal ResistanceHigh
CultivationIndoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
ClimateMediterranean, Arid, Tropical
FlavorsEarthy, Sweet, Citrus
EffectsCreative, Euphoric, Calming, Focused, Relaxed
SCROG suitableyes

Today was flip day 69 after 98 days of veg, for a total above ground of 167 days. It had stopped drinking so it was time for the chop even though I still wasn't sick of looking at (in spite of the damage from the heat wave we had around Labor Day)!

Enough chatter, on to some pics. Fans came off on Friday:

A few samplers that came off as well, shown here in a toaster canoe for fast drying:

Here it was this morning untied and full flop:

The deed is done:

Save the bones for Henry Jones:

Here are the few rotten ones I took off while I was chopping:

Getting ready to wash in 4 gallons of water with 3/4 cup of baking soda and 151g of citric acid (1% solution):

It bubbled right out of the bucket!

During the wash I rescued about 15 ladybug larvae and washed and killed countless aphids. Why do we wash?

I do a one bucket wash, hose off the stack on a wicker table, and one bucket rinse. Then I hang them on strings to dry in front of fans for an hour or so, and then start to trim.

My wife and daughter and I trimmed in the garage and listened to (since you can't watch and trim at the same time!) the Nick Kroll Netflix standup special, and then John Mulaney at Radio City (for the umteenth time). I had gotten a head start on the big colas while finishing the Michigan/Iowa game so I'd say the entire trim time was about 3 hours.

I went over all of them to check for rot and trimmed off some spots here and there but nothing major.

Here they all are ready for transport to the tent, which has been empty for a while now, so perfect for drying:

And the loose ones I saved from the wash water:

Here are the tops hanging on the bottom row where there is the most airflow:

And here is the whole harvest:

There are two clip fans along with the 4" exhaust fan at the top of the tent, and the bottom of the door is open along with the three vents. Tuesday morning I'll start to slow the drying down a bit and try to extend it to 7 days.

And that's it for the Trainwreck harvest! Purple Urkle has slowed down but still drinking some, so it will come down next weekend. Stay tuned... 📺
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