InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

When I trim I use only the very tips of the trimmers. Around 45 degree angle to the bud and try to go very fast. Without cutting my fingers. Hate it when you expect little resistance and suddenly CHOMP there goes a chunk of bud. Still takes forever and I dip my scissors in the wash bucket every once in a while to keep them from getting gummed up. Not much resin accumulation. I wipe scissors down with rubbing alcohol when done.

Once saw a guy use two pairs - one sits in a glass of alcohol while he trims. Once they get gummed up he swaps to the one from the glass.
When I trim I use only the very tips of the trimmers. Around 45 degree angle to the bud and try to go very fast. Without cutting my fingers. Hate it when you expect little resistance and suddenly CHOMP there goes a chunk of bud. Still takes forever and I dip my scissors in the wash bucket every once in a while to keep them from getting gummed up. Not much resin accumulation. I wipe scissors down with rubbing alcohol when done.

Once saw a guy use two pairs - one sits in a glass of alcohol while he trims. Once they get gummed up he swaps to the one from the glass.
I'm more worried about the CHOMP when it gets the finger holding the bud 🩸 since chunks of bud end up as early testers!

If anyone uses rubbing alcohol while trimming to keep the scissors clean, make sure to wipe it before you use it or it will melt the trichomes when it drips into the buds.
I'm more worried about the CHOMP when it gets the finger holding the bud 🩸 since chunks of bud end up as early testers!

If anyone uses rubbing alcohol while trimming to keep the scissors clean, make sure to wipe it before you use it or it will melt the trichomes when it drips into the buds.
A useful bit of info thanks 🙏 CL🍀
A useful bit of info thanks
Isn’t Pyrethins organic? Doesn’t it come from daisies or something?
Chrysanthemums, and yes organic. There's a difference between stuff that may be okay (after washing) to eat occasionally versus something you will be setting fire to and inhaling deep into your lungs. Compounds that are stable in water go through some serious changes when heat is added, and those compounds can become harmful when inhaled.

Here's some further reading on its use in the garden, though not in ours:

Chrysanthemums, and yes organic. There's a difference between stuff that maybe okay (after washing) to eat occasionally versus something you will be setting fire to and inhaling deep into your lungs. Compounds that are stable in water go through some serious changes when heat is added, and those compounds can become harmful when inhaled.

Here's some further reading on its use in the garden, though not in ours:
Very interesting 🤔 Hey Shed I was just wondering if you did anything with your fan leaves? CL🍀
Very interesting 🤔 Hey Shed I was just wondering if you did anything with your fan leaves? CL🍀
No, just tossed them in the green bin. In the old days all the green fans I removed went into the salve bin along with cleaned root balls and all stems and branches. Eventually I ended up with so many boxes that now I just toss it.

Also, since most of those were brown/browning, they would have been tossed anyway as all the good stuff had been sucked out of them.
As long as you don't bang the flowers against the bucket, only the crap comes out. Folks have scoped their wash water for trichomes and not found any.
Thanks, Shed!
I will have to check that out.
The Ascorbic Acid is an extract, rather than say, lemon juice (which I assume would putrify)?
No, just tossed them in the green bin. In the old days all the green fans I removed went into the salve bin along with cleaned root balls and all stems and branches. Eventually I ended up with so many boxes that now I just toss it.

Also, since most of those were brown/browning, they would have been tossed anyway as all the good stuff had been sucked out of them.
Mine were still green but I got very little kief from them. Sugar leaves were full of it.
Thanks, Shed!
I will have to check that out.
The Ascorbic Acid is an extract, rather than say, lemon juice (which I assume would putrify)?
Powdered citric acid (not ascorbic, which is vitamin C) is readily available in most supermarkets in the baking or canning aisle. I could use lemon juice since I have 6 producing trees, but I want to make sure I've got a 1% solution (which I've tested to kill powdery mildew). I have no idea how to calculate how much citric acid is in any specific squeezed lemon!

I don't think it would putrify though since it's being used immediately and then dumped.
Mine were still green but I got very little kief from them. Sugar leaves were full of it.
I thought you could make hash out of the stems + fan leaves +what not?
I'm saving trim from now on since I've discovered how easy it is to make dry ice hash (not bubble hash...feh!), but the fans I'm tossing. There's no THC in the stems but a very small amount in the fans. Folks who make oil infusions from fan leaves need to use pounds of them stored in the freezer and I have neither the space nor the inclination. :)
Highya ITS, guys,

I wanted to bring out the water temp in the washing solution, and rinse water. I used it lukewarm temp (similar to 98.6) so it wano't affect the trichomes. If too cold, the trichomes will become brittle and get knocked off. Warm water doesn't affect the trichomes. Happy Smokin'
I wanted to bring out the water temp in the washing solution, and rinse water. I used it lukewarm temp (similar to 98.6) so it wano't affect the trichomes. If too cold, the trichomes will become brittle and get knocked off. Warm water doesn't affect the trichomes.
Thanks Bode! I just use what comes out of the hose but even in winter that's in the 60s. And the original instructions of using really hot water is just plain wrong. As long as it's comfortable to keep your hands in it while you wash I'd say you're good. :thumb:
Thanks Bode! I just use what comes out of the hose but even in winter that's in the 60s. And the original instructions of using really hot water is just plain wrong. As long as it's comfortable to keep your hands in it while you wash I'd say you're good. :thumb:
More useful info 🤔🙏thanks Shed
Great Harvest, Shed!
Thanks for detailing your process-
Damn, you're good at that stuff!

I love this pic... that's a shitload of weed right there...:drool:
That's as detailed as one of my smoke reports...
Birds of a feather... 🦆
Congrats on the harvest Shed! Those are some great looking buds. I love that it's a family affair too, awesome!
Thanks Tim! I wanted to line the inside of the tent with shell wallpaper to make it more homey but we didn't have any handy. :)

How have you been?
Looking damn fine Mr Shed. Lucky the Rot didn't ruin your vibe too hard.
Thank you Lerugged! I was pleasantly surprised at the small amount of rot, certainly compared to what I went through a few years back having to cut away large chunks of my top colas. All's going well with the drying so far too. 🤞
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