InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Just goes to show you that all the silica in the world won't hold up some flowers. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yeah, but if the stems don't bend under that much weight, he has to be doing something right!
That one!
Ahhh, ok. Thank you!! I wish you the best one also!
And this is WAYYYY OT, but... doesn't Shemote 12:2 put that at the end of winter, with the ripening of the barley?
(Sorry, you are talking to a literalist here... I realize most guys are traditionalists...)
Monday update, leading off with some trichome shots from Friday just for fun!

Both plants were on flip day 59 then, and here is the Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express:

And dig the purple trichome stems in the next two pics...never had that before!

Here is the Purple Urkle:

Zooming out a bit, there seem to be quite a few spotless ladybugs on the plants noshing on the aphids I haven't sprayed for, though mostly on the Purple Urkle (btw the brown and burned leaves on the plants are from the heat wave we had in the beginning of September - no cause for alarm):

One is on the Trainwreck though:

Speaking of the Trainwreck, remember I mentioned that it had supercropped itself from the weight of the tops? Here are pics of the bends (pardon the blur on the second one):

It's been a while since I pointed this out, but here's a good way to see if your browning leaves might be budrot. This isn't:

How do we know? The leaves are brown from the tips in and not the inside out:

Both plants have slowed down their water intake but still not ready to come down. I'd say one will get the chop this weekend though, though I'm not sure which yet. :hmmmm:

I hope you had a great first fall weekend and your preferred football team came away with an moral victory if not an actual one!

Stay safe out there, and a happy new year to those who celebrate. :peace:


Thanks mumps! I usually top above the 8th node, and both of these were. And if you're trying to count from the bottom up, the first two nodes have been removed and maybe even the third. The lower nodes make the plant too wide to fit through door every morning/night.

Free seeds are a great bonus. :high-five:
Go ladybugs kill all those little bastards. I hate pests! Pretty cool that purple, grow looks beautiful, happy harvesting. CL🍀
I have no idea! According to the calendar it's Rosh Hashanah. :cheesygrinsmiley:
OK! Lol!!!!

(But if you ever decide to read Tanakh, the way the mitzvot read are often very different from the Masoretic halacha....)
Highya ITS,

Love those purple trichome pics. Really cool. I have one Mobsta that all the buds are quite purple. Love that! by the looks of the trichome pics, there are a lot of amber trichomes. Is that what you use to determine ripeness? I can't keep the plants outdoors long enough, at least not yet. Happy Smokin'
Go ladybugs kill all those little bastards. I hate pests! Pretty cool that purple, grow looks beautiful, happy harvesting. CL
Thanks Captain! It's not an infestation yet so I may not spray for them. I've been using BT for the caterpillars and anything else I spray will rinse that off. I figure better dead caterpillars and live aphids than the other way around.
OK! Lol!!!!

(But if you ever decide to read Tanakh, the way the mitzvot read are often very different from the Masoretic halacha....)
I haven't even read the Cannabis bible. This site and the NY Times are the only things I read. :thumb:
Love those purple trichome pics. Really cool. I have one Mobsta that all the buds are quite purple. Love that! by the looks of the trichome pics, there are a lot of amber trichomes. Is that what you use to determine ripeness? I can't keep the plants outdoors long enough, at least not yet. Happy Smokin'
I've had purple flowers but never purple trichomes! And I harvest when the plant stops drinking rather than trich color. As I've mentioned before, @Amy Gardner always told me that outside amber isn't like tent amber because of the impact of the sun on trichomes, and @BeezLuiz discovered that harvesting based on the standard tent-based reading of amber left him with low THC numbers and zero CBN. Here are his tests results.

Folks in cooler climates like yours and Otter's and the Captain's (and everyone in Canada!) almost always end up harvesting by the weather. Only short-flowering indicas would probably be ready before they have to come down.
Thanks Captain! It's not an infestation yet so I may not spray for them. I've been using BT for the caterpillars and anything else I spray will rinse that off. I figure better dead caterpillars and live aphids than the other way around.

I haven't even read the Cannabis bible. This site and the NY Times are the only things I read. :thumb:

I've had purple flowers but never purple trichomes! And I harvest when the plant stops drinking rather than trich color. As I've mentioned before, @Amy Gardner always told me that outside amber isn't like tent amber because of the impact of the sun on trichomes, and @BeezLuiz discovered that harvesting based on the standard tent-based reading of amber left him with low THC numbers and zero CBN. Here are his tests results.

Folks in cooler climates like yours and Otter's and the Captain's (and everyone in Canada!) almost always end up harvesting by the weather. Only short-flowering indicas would probably be ready before they have to come down.
When I harvested mine it was still warm, seems like year’s ago now. I despise cold weather. I’ll take upper 80s F. with high R.H. any day . I’d much rather sweat than shake 🥶.
When I harvested mine it was still warm, seems like year’s ago now. I despise cold weather. I’ll take upper 80s F. with high R.H. any day . I’d much rather sweat than shake .
I despise cold weather too, but I feel like I was more miserable in NYC's summers than the winters. Of course that was over 30 years ago and my blood is much thinner after all this time in Los Angeles.

Not sure what I'd do with either the 20º or 80º/80% days anymore. Probably move to Los Angeles. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Looks beautiful Shed, and those purple trichs are gorgeous. I definitely prefer aphids over caterpillars!
Great minds think alike! Thanks Boo. :)
I despise cold weather too, but I feel like I was more miserable in NYC's summers than the winters. Of course that was over 30 years ago and my blood is much thinner after all this time in Los Angeles.

Not sure what I'd do with either the 20º or 80º/80% days anymore. Probably move to Los Angeles. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Great minds think alike! Thanks Boo. :)
I lived in Florida for 12 years and loved it but I love the woman who gave me life more. Hopefully this Hurricane won’t destroy it and I’ll live there again.
Those Trainwreck colas! Self super-cropping, purple trich building wonders! Whew. :Rasta:

I boldly predict that the Trainwreck will weigh more than the PU! :)
I lived in Florida for 12 years and loved it but I love the woman who gave me life more. Hopefully this Hurricane won’t destroy it and I’ll live there again.
Only Tampa seems to be worried so maybe the rest does okay?
Those Trainwreck colas! Self super-cropping, purple trich building wonders! Whew.
Thanks GDB! I'm looking forward to wrapping this up with no more further issues. :nervous-guy:
I boldly predict that the Trainwreck will weigh more than the PU!
You are good.
Purple trichomes thats a first for me
Me too! I think I've seen them somewhere on the site before but certainly not on any of mine.
That was cool
Très cool. :cool:
Lookin good Shed! Those purple trichhomes are pretty sweet and nice going capturing them in a picture.

I liked the tip on spotting bud rot based on the sugar leaves browning from the base and not the tips!
I would usually give a sugar leaf a tug if I suspect bud rot and those sugars will just pull right out with no resistance if there is bud rot present.
Only Tampa seems to be worried so maybe the rest does okay?

Thanks GDB! I'm looking forward to wrapping this up with no more further issues. :nervous-guy:

You are good.

Me too! I think I've seen them somewhere on the site before but certainly not on any of mine.

Très cool. :cool:
No I lived in Madeira Beach which is just across Tampa Bay from Tampa.
Lookin good Shed! Those purple trichhomes are pretty sweet and nice going capturing them in a picture.
Thanks N! I was really surprised when I saw them with the scope and had to shoot about 10 pics to get one that really showed them off. If I tried I doubt I could find them again. :rolleyes:
I liked the tip on spotting bud rot based on the sugar leaves browning from the base and not the tips!
I would usually give a sugar leaf a tug if I suspect bud rot and those sugars will just pull right out with no resistance if there is bud rot present.
Another good test!
No I lived in Madeira Beach which is just across Tampa Bay from Tampa.
Oh, well I hope everyone comes through alright. Jon mentioned they may be under mandatory evacuations in Bonita Springs.
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