InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks N! I was really surprised when I saw them with the scope and had to shoot about 10 pics to get one that really showed them off. If I tried I doubt I could find them again. :rolleyes:

Another good test!

Oh, well I hope everyone comes through alright. Jon mentioned they may be under mandatory evacuations in Bonita Springs.
They’re already under them in Pinellas Cty. That’s Clearwater + Mad. Bch. They don’t force you to leave but will lock you up if caught outside your crib.
Quickie Tuesday update (Monday's news is here if you missed all the trichome pics) where I show my mistakes.

I still had the rest of the Candida cuttings sitting in perlite, so I thought I'd see what was happening down under:

Looks like one dead, one with no roots, and one with a root.

It turns out that I was a bit too aggressive when I pulled the stems through the perlite, and the one without roots left this behind:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Next time I float out the perlite I will actually dump it into a strainer to check. Lesson learned. I did plant the one with the root because I felt bad for it.

In other news, another lemon had sprouted seeds in with green growth and the other with just a root. I planted them both in a solo cup:

We'll see!

Hope your week is off to a good start. :slide:
Quickie Tuesday update (Monday's news is here if you missed all the trichome pics) where I show my mistakes.

I still had the rest of the Candida cuttings sitting in perlite, so I thought I'd see what was happening down under:

Looks like one dead, one with no roots, and one with a root.

It turns out that I was a bit too aggressive when I pulled the stems through the perlite, and the one without roots left this behind:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Next time I float out the perlite I will actually dump it into a strainer to check. Lesson learned. I did plant the one with the root because I felt bad for it.

In other news, another lemon had sprouted seeds in with green growth and the other with just a root. I planted them both in a solo cup:

We'll see!

Hope your week is off to a good start. :slide:
Monday update, leading off with some trichome shots from Friday just for fun!

Both plants were on flip day 59 then, and here is the Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express:

And dig the purple trichome stems in the next two pics...never had that before!

Here is the Purple Urkle:

Zooming out a bit, there seem to be quite a few spotless ladybugs on the plants noshing on the aphids I haven't sprayed for, though mostly on the Purple Urkle (btw the brown and burned leaves on the plants are from the heat wave we had in the beginning of September - no cause for alarm):

One is on the Trainwreck though:

Speaking of the Trainwreck, remember I mentioned that it had supercropped itself from the weight of the tops? Here are pics of the bends (pardon the blur on the second one):

It's been a while since I pointed this out, but here's a good way to see if your browning leaves might be budrot. This isn't:

How do we know? The leaves are brown from the tips in and not the inside out:

Both plants have slowed down their water intake but still not ready to come down. I'd say one will get the chop this weekend, though I'm not sure which yet. :hmmmm:

I hope you had a great first fall weekend and your preferred football team came away with an moral victory if not an actual one!

Stay safe out there, and a happy new year to those who celebrate. :peace:


Thanks mumps! I usually top above the 8th node, and both of these were. And if you're trying to count from the bottom up, the first two nodes have been removed and maybe even the third. The lower nodes make the plant too wide to fit through door every morning/night.

Free seeds are a great bonus. :high-five:
Does your plant slow down its water intake as it approaches harvest time and is this true of all plants?
yum yum on the purple trichomes ,
Thanks sb!
Does anyone know how long oil will last in the refrigerator ? Its some i processed about 3 years ago and didn't use it , in a lock top jar .
Thanks in advance !!
A lot probably depends on what type of oil it is. I still have some THC topical oil that's 3 years old in the fridge (I need to give more massages obviously) and it's fine. That one is pumpkin seed and grapeseed. My internal oils are extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and that does have a shelf life, even in the fridge.

Apparently the way to tell if it's gone bad is by smell, though that might not work if all you can smell is weed. :hmmmm:

You can read all about it here:
Does your plant slow down its water intake as it approaches harvest time and is this true of all plants?
Good question! All cannabis plants will slow down water intake as they approach the end of their lives, but whether that's how long to wait for harvest depends on whether you grow inside or outside. As we've talked about here, amber in the sun has less importance than amber in tents, so folks growing indoors often will harvest based on the clear/cloudy/amber percentages and not wait for the plant to stop drinking.

Because I grow outside and the sun will create amber trichomes before the plant is ready to harvest, I wait for them to significantly slow down in drinking before harvest. Obviously if the weather has become inhospitable to growing, that's the time to harvest!

Speaking of slowing down, I think the Trainwreck is coming down first. It was still damp on the bottom this morning. We'll see...
First up, Trainwreck from @Weed Seeds Express:
20220922_082311 TW.jpg
I love that pic of Trainwreck with its top buds leaning over from the weight. That's kinda how I feel after a big meal. :morenutes:
And dig the purple trichome stems in the next two pics...never had that before!
Monday update, leading off with some trichome shots from Friday just for fun!
I always enjoy viewing good trichome pics. :bravo: It seems like the Trainwreck has more cloudy trics than PU.
Speaking of slowing down, I think the Trainwreck is coming down first. It was still damp on the bottom this morning. We'll see...
I think that's a fine choice!
I love that pic of Trainwreck with its top buds leaning over from the weight. That's kinda how I feel after a big meal.
We're going to need post-Thankgsiving pics... 📷
I always enjoy viewing good trichome pics. It seems like the Trainwreck has more cloudy trics than PU.
Thank you BL! I know you have a special talent for looking past the amber on these.
I think that's a fine choice!
Oh good! :) I'll take the fans off on Friday and make sure someone will be around to help trim this weekend.
Hi guys. Sorry, I am all spun around because I joined a half dozen threads trying to learn about SIP, SWICK, proper aeration, etc., and I kind of got lost (lol).
Was it this thread where THC goes up if the plant is droughted?
Or is that a different thread? (Lol!)
I've done it, but maybe you mean Krissi's thread here? Or the original here?
Not sure, really. I just know I read something short about how people droughted their plants, and it raised THC (or THCA?? Not sure) by 50% (!).

The question is, the girls are in flower, and they are just baarely damp on bottom of their fabric pots.
I just got home and it is too dark to water now.
I have to be gone tomorrow, so I wondered if I should water them in the morning before I go (because they are in flower), or if I should drought them until tomorrow night (or maybe even the day after).
I don't want to damage them, but if I can raise their THC compounds by 50%, that would be great!
Not sure, really. I just know I read something short about how people droughted their plants, and it raised THC (or THCA?? Not sure) by 50% (!).

The question is, the girls are in flower, and they are just baarely damp on bottom of their fabric pots.
I just got home and it is too dark to water now.
I have to be gone tomorrow, so I wondered if I should water them in the morning before I go (because they are in flower), or if I should drought them until tomorrow night (or maybe even the day after).
I don't want to damage them, but if I can raise their THC compounds by 50%, that would be great!
Ahh you're talking about my post here! I thought you meant a thread on it.

Whether now is the time to drought depends on how close to harvest you are. Also what you're growing in (soil/coco/peat-based).

If you're within two weeks of harvest in soil you would be in the drought window. Does that sound like your plants?
Ahh you're talking about my post here! I thought you meant a thread on it.
Whether now is the time to drought depends on how close to harvest you are. Also what you're growing in (soil/coco/peat-based).
They are 1/3 Subcool supersoil, and 2/3 local canna mix that needs CalMag with each feeding.
If you're within two weeks of harvest in soil you would be in the drought window. Does that sound like your plants?

Hmmm.... not sure.
If we stay, I think yes, I want to cut and start over in SIPs. (That way no one in the policia can say we are "transporting" anything.
But if we go, I will want to run them out until we know where we are going...
Probably they will be fine until after our meeting tomorrow afternoon (which determines if we get to stay or not), and then I can decide.
They are 1/3 Subcool supersoil, and 2/3 local canna mix that needs CalMag with each feeding.
Is that canna mix actually coco? Sounds like droughting will present a challenge because coco retains water poorly and it's 2/3 of your medium.
But if we go, I will want to run them out until we know where we are going...
Good idea to figure out where you're going to be before you start making plans!

If you're going with SIPs I would imagine that drought takes longer because of the res at the bottom. Just something to consider if you go that route.
Is that canna mix actually coco? Sounds like droughting will present a challenge because coco retains water poorly and it's 2/3 of your medium.
Ahh, ok.
It is this:
Black Earth
Coconut fiber
Blonde Peat
Earthworm humus
Bat Guano
Dolomite lime
Mammoth (whatever that is).
It is not bad soil. I am learning lessons the hard way that it needs more aeration, but as a basic soil it doesn't seem bad.
Good idea to figure out where you're going to be before you start making plans!

If you're going with SIPs I would imagine that drought takes longer because of the res at the bottom. Just something to consider if you go that route.
Ok. Thanks!
I have one experimental SIP that is just now starting to take off (a month late???? Autos do some weird stuff!) It did nothing for weeks, and now it seems bigger each time I look at it. (I am not sure it will make it, but it is neat to watch it take off after an extended delay... max entertainment value!)

(I will probably let them run until after the meeting, and then I will know. I don't think they will get hurt in between now and tomorrow evening.)
Not sure, really. I just know I read something short about how people droughted their plants, and it raised THC (or THCA?? Not sure) by 50% (!).

The question is, the girls are in flower, and they are just baarely damp on bottom of their fabric pots.
I just got home and it is too dark to water now.
I have to be gone tomorrow, so I wondered if I should water them in the morning before I go (because they are in flower), or if I should drought them until tomorrow night (or maybe even the day after).
I don't want to damage them, but if I can raise their THC compounds by 50%, that would be great!
I thought it takes many days to get that THC gains. I am not questioning you I just think that's the whey I read it.
I'm looking for the best recipe for a topical salve, specifically to help with extremely severe Arthritis (for a family member).
Per our previous conversation about topicals and in special reference to adding essential oils for fragrance, I'd like to drop this link here that @Amy Gardner just reminded me I put in her thread a few years back:

Per our previous conversation about topicals and in special reference to adding essential oils for fragrance, I'd like to drop this link here that @Amy Gardner just reminded me I put in her thread a few years back:

Thank you. Though if I do add any essential oils, I'll probably just use a touch of tea tree oil. While that isn't going to help his pain , it's a great oil to add since his hands usually have a few cuts in them.
I'll use most of my trim this fall to make some infused pumpkin oil for him in the MBM.
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