InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm sure it's unrelated to the few seeds, and if it turns out to be the citric acid I'm sure it's related to the changeover to the yucca from the dish soap. I've never had a problem using it frequently before. Testing starts tomorrow.
Okay, more experiments :goodluck: In this case I hope you find that the cause was the changeover and you can put it to rest.
Monday greetings all! I really haven't been here (or anywhere on the site) in what seems like forever, but I hope to be able to get back into the swing this week. In that spirit, let me start with a long and mixed-bag update from the weekend.

In positive news, I took down the two pollinated Sour G plants on Saturday (flip days 79 and 86):

Because it's such a time consuming process, I've only gone through about 3 branches so far. Here is what I've already found:

It's interesting that there were no green seeds like there were in the STS plant, maybe because it kept pollinating its own new pistils long after I stopped manually doing these two. Also, the pale ones were often right next to dark ones on the plant, so I have no idea what the difference is. Either way I'll test germ both when they're dry.

Given how tiresome seed searching is I doubt I will go through both plants. I'm probably too thorough but it takes me a really long time to go through each flower. It might go faster if I wait for it to dry out first, but still...who has that kind of time? I'll have another go next weekend and see if drying speeds the process. Maybe I'll just give a good shake in a plastic bag!

Let's talk planting beds for a minute before we get to the not positive news. Here is where I was after I dug the trench and put the form in for the concrete:
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100lbs of concrete, three cinder blocks, 16 bricks, 10 split bricks, and 60lbs of mortar later:
View media item 1873052
I filled it with a mix of Kellogg's Garden Soil and all my old ProMix root balls.

That's not an angle anyone sees from the garden, but it's the best view of the whole thing. The mortar isn't dry yet but you get the idea. Now we just have to figure out what plants to put next to the non-fruiting olive tree. I also will probably do a ramp next to it to cover the dirt make it easier to get the plants out of the shed (which is right behind me in that pic).

And now, onto the Jack Herer 1.1 harvest, flip day 77:

Doesn't look familiar, does it? Here are some closeups:

You might be asking WTF happened between this and now (besides 18 days), and I wish I had a definitive answer. I haven't been paying close attention to it, but I do have some thoughts:
  1. ProMix pH that's way out of whack
  2. Rootbound
  3. Powdery mildew (PM)
  4. Fusarium wilt
  5. A bad batch of citric acid spray
To tackle that list in order, I know the ProMix pH was high but I had been lowering it, I don't think it's more rootbound than any other long-growing plant I've had, and it definitely had PM but I had been spraying it with the citric acid spray to deal with it as usual. I have no idea if the branches died like fusarium plants do (branch by branch from the tops down) but I feel like that I would have noticed (having gone through it four years ago).

Which leaves me with a bad batch of citric acid spray. There are two reasons I'm leaning that way: first is that the Candida (which also got sprayed daily at the same time I was doing the JH) has a lot of leaf damage, enough that I actually stopped spraying it about 10 days ago. And second that I'm now using yucca extract rather than dish soap as a surfactant. Maybe I used too much and it stayed on the leaves too long, causing acid burns.

To shed more light on this I will test my current batch of citric acid spray against a new batch with dish soap on my Candida solo cup clones, for science!

Anyway, here it is washed and drying:

And here are some trichome pics from before I took it down, and you can see the PM in a few of them:

2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (24).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (17).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (12).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (9).jpg

And what can we see in this pic?

2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (4) with seed.jpg

That's right, it's a seed! You may remember that I wanted to test the dirty and clean pollen batches from the Sour G STS, so I pollinated two low flowers on the Jack Herer. The dirty pollen didn't take, but here's what I found on the clean branch:

These are Sour Diesel x GG#4 x THC Bomb x Jack Herer, and I have no idea if I'll ever grow one out but at least I know I can dump the dirty pollen.

So, after all that, what will I do with the Jack Herer harvest? Well I plan on turning the entire plant into dry ice hash. Here is the first test batch I did last night before dinner (credit card for size reference):

Except for putting any of it in the freezer first (no room), I used P9's method from his post here.

That's it from me today. I hope you made it through all that successfully, and I really appreciate y'all stopping by.



Thanks Maritimer! I haven't been to Indiana since '88 but it's nice to see folks naming cars after me all these years later. :)


No doubt, though it's cheaper in Indiana than it is in California!

Boots first is how I'm heading out of my house too. I'm staying put. :thumb:

Wish I had my '76 Celica! It got stolen in NY in the mid 80s. :(

Thanks double H! And I hope to see pics of your project later this summer. :high-five:

LOL! Seriously, mixing 60lbs of mortar with a bucket and trowel does not leave your hand with much.

That is a cutting in a solo cup. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good afternoon Otter! I was actually a bit less sore after this weekend's work than last, so my muscles must have gotten used to it. Of course, in two weeks I'll be back to my original state of sloth.
thats really big solo cup then... haha

20220710_114636 JH 1.1 harvest.jpg
Nice work on the landscaping Shed :thumb: If I do any work, I’ll surely show and tell about it. :D

It might go faster if I wait for it to dry out first
I'll just give a good shake in a plastic bag!
And yes!

They will practically fall right out if you let them dry and then bang em around.
I had no idea which of the plants in that post you meant, so I went with the smallest. :) All my final pots are 7 gallon cloth GeoPots.
Damn that's pretty good size the one Camilla is in is an eight ain't no telling how she's going to turn out she's getting thick as hell right now
Tuesday update, and in case you missed Monday's because you forgot I was here, check it out too.

Starting with the Summer Grow, which I just realized is on day 84!

Trainwreck (from @Weed Seeds Express) SaugaView®:

Purple Urkle SaugaView®:

I've been keeping these wetter than my ProMix pots, giving them a gallon every other day and 1.5 gallons when it's been hot. They're never what I'd call "light" but they seem to be pretty happy. The yellowing lowers are the same as they were last time I posted a pic of these back on day 69: PU / TW.

I think I will strip them this weekend and flip them the following weekend in the tent.

Yesterday I mentioned that the Candida was starting to suffer leaf damage as well a few weeks back, so I figured I'd show you what it looks like now on flip day 51:

I thought it was the fact that the ProMix pH had risen from 5.6 to 6.8 (and I'm sure that didn't help), but even after I started to lower it it continued to look bad, which is why I started testing two different citric acid sprays this morning. Here are my subjects:

Two Candida clones that I don't need. They have been ready for transplant for two weeks:

...but I'll keep them in the solo cups for now.

They will get sprayed daily, one with citric acid/yucca extract and one with citric acid/dish soap. I'll report back in a week with results, and I will also retest the pH on the flowering Candida to see if it's back in the acceptable range.

Tonight I plan on dropping the first Sour G seeds (from the STS-sprayed plant) to see if they germinate and grow in the peat pucks. I'll drop 2 of each of the 4 color batches and plant them in 4 pucks. We'll see. :slide:

Even as the number of plants dwindles, the work never stops.

I hope all is well with you and yours, and that summer is treating you wonderfully!

Damn that's pretty good size the one Camilla is in is an eight ain't no telling how she's going to turn out she's getting thick as hell right now
Hard to know what's going on with the roots on that plant since it's been stripped clean so many times! Been a long veg.
Still matters!
I reckon it does! :)

Hey Shed!

I notice that both of the plants are leaning a bit, but I'm almost certain that at some point you had them straight. Is this something that sometimes occurs just due to the way some plants choose to grow?

This happens to me a lot (with much smaller plants) and I've been blaming myself and my sloppy un-potting habits. Now I wondering if I should not be beating myself up over it.

They look great, BTW!
Hey Shed!
I notice that both of the plants are leaning a bit, but I'm almost certain that at some point you had them straight. Is this something that sometimes occurs just due to the way some plants choose to grow?
This happens to be a lot (with much smaller plants) and I've been blaming myself and my sloppy un-potting habits. Now I wondering if I should not be beating myself up over it.
They look great, BTW!
Thanks GDB! The PU had a definite lean coming out of the 1 gallon pot, which I tried to correct by transplanting it at a pretty steep angle. The TW less so, but they both seem to have retained that angle in spite of my attempt to straighten them. I think being outside in the wind played some part but, like kids, they seem to have their own ideas coded into them!

No matter the reason, I don't think you should care about the trunk growing at an angle since even dead plumb you will still need to support the colas in flower.
Maybe they have a hint of Photo Dwarfism
(Photo Dwarfism© 2022 farside05)
Mini Wednesday update!

Last night I plucked two seeds from each of the four batches from the Sour G STS plant (seen here), scuffed them up in the sandpaper-lined mini-Altoid tin, and dropped them in a 50/50 mix of distilled water and 3% hydrogen peroxide:

I used bits of paper towel to hold them down so they're completely covered in disinfecting water.

15 minutes later I poured that out and filled the cups with distilled water:

...and put them in a box on the heat mat. This morning I tapped them and all but one sank. I hope to have some tails when I get home tonight!

Also, most of the ones that were green when I pulled them from plant had lost their color and looked pretty much like the pale ones.

Stay tuned...:slide:

The Candida reminds me of the used to be rare brindle pitbull coat.
I'll try to think of it in those terms! My last doggo was a chow/golden mutt with a beautiful long brindle coat. She got many compliments from passing strangers everywhere she went. :rip: :love:
Good luck with the brand spankin new Sour G's!
Thanks Otter, we'll see!
seeds should not be hard to get out as HH said when ripe enough. Brick work looks good from my house ! Hope you get the citric acid thing figured with out a lot off trouble . Plants look good !
Thanks sb! All the stems from those plants are now drying in the sun during the day, so by the weekend I'm going to go for the bag-shake technique. Of course, I will also dig around to see what doesn't fall out. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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