InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

YouTube is brilliant for learning this kind of stuff. One of the tips I picked up was how to mix the concrete using a tarp, and my son and I mixed a 50lb bag in under 2 minutes!
That is awesome!
Can't wait to see the pics!
:thanks: for posting that HPS! I never would have seen it. I guess I'm famous now. :)

Here's the link to the video for anyone who is interested:
That is awesome! Can't wait to see the pics!
Can't wait to see !
I hope to have it done this weekend! I just need to return the bricks I bought (I didn't know there were different types) and get the ones that match what's already there. And a few split bricks because I want to make the top of the block wall prettier. :)
I enjoy a stone embellishment some but little experience. Mostly pointing brick foundation. Some cement work as in poured walkway and cast stairs.
Sounds like you're well ahead of me!
LOL! I never would have guessed Barney Fife was a concrete aficionado. o_O
More famous even!
Here's the link to the video for anyone who is interested:
:thanks: HG!
Hey and he's wearing a @DYNOMYCO hat too!
I noticed that! Looks like they get around. :thumb:
Ahoy my Brother,
Thought we had crossed paths.
Good wishes to you and the family. :love:
Hey Shed, thanks for sharing those results on Doug’s varin. Sorry to see it wasn’t what we hoped for, but I suppose it’s not too surprising since they discontinued it. Can we see a picture of your retaining wall work when it’s done? Maybe you’ll inspire me to do some landscaping work too.
I think we're not hearing from Shed for a reason. He says he doesn't get high, but I think he's "stoned" now. I'll bet his stone mason project has him laying around wondering, "What the hell happened to me?"

He'll be back once he can use his fingers again. :)
Late Monday update with this weekend's happenings in the garden, starting with a Sour G aphid update to make you feel at home.

This is after about a week of neem oil sprays about every 3 days:

Much better but still not done! It's a process.

Next up, I transplanted the Purple Urkle into a 7 gallon pot of FFHF with perlite blended in at around 85/15. This is day 54:

I had forgotten how much 7 gallons of wet soil weighs...oof! I lollipopped it because I already know what's going to come off later. I almost took off the 4th node completely (that's the lowest remaining) but I'll see how it does after a few weeks.

You may recall that I mentioned I would have to deal with the untrained 3rd node down once it tried to become dominant, and this morning that became necessary on one side. I supercropped it at an angle to fill in a gap, and I'm using a binder clip on a paper clip to keep it from bouncing back up:

Last for the day is the post-stretch thinning on the Candida. First is the measurement for @BeezLuiz' spreadsheet:

Let's call that 30".

Here is the plant before thinning:

And after:

I'm using a maypole to keep it supported since it's wider than the shed door. It's one of GDB's favorite training methods so I thought I would give it a go.

Here is a shot below the canopy before:

And after:

And here is what came off:

There will be still more coming off over the next few weeks as it grows, but this is all I had time/patience for last night.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and that this week brings good things to you and yours. :peace:


Thanks Carmen! It's a handful I'm looking forward to being done with. :rolleyes: But it's nothing compared to this! I have no idea how I managed that.

Thank you BudMan! I'm glad to be able to pass along what I've learned in the last five years. :high-five:

Thanks sb, and I'm happy to have you along! :slide:
Damn is that a tree? Haha
What size pot is that in?
Monday greetings all! I really haven't been here (or anywhere on the site) in what seems like forever, but I hope to be able to get back into the swing this week. In that spirit, let me start with a long and mixed-bag update from the weekend.

In positive news, I took down the two pollinated Sour G plants on Saturday (flip days 79 and 86):

Because it's such a time consuming process, I've only gone through about 3 branches so far. Here is what I've already found:

It's interesting that there were no green seeds like there were in the STS plant, maybe because it kept pollinating its own new pistils long after I stopped manually doing these two. Also, the pale ones were often right next to dark ones on the plant, so I have no idea what the difference is. Either way I'll test germ both when they're dry.

Given how tiresome seed searching is I doubt I will go through both plants. I'm probably too thorough but it takes me a really long time to go through each flower. It might go faster if I wait for it to dry out first, but still...who has that kind of time? I'll have another go next weekend and see if drying speeds the process. Maybe I'll just give a good shake in a plastic bag!

Let's talk planting beds for a minute before we get to the not positive news. Here is where I was after I dug the trench and put the form in for the concrete:
View media item 1873053
100lbs of concrete, three cinder blocks, 16 bricks, 10 split bricks, and 60lbs of mortar later:
View media item 1873052
I filled it with a mix of Kellogg's Garden Soil and all my old ProMix root balls.

That's not an angle anyone sees from the garden, but it's the best view of the whole thing. The mortar isn't dry yet but you get the idea. Now we just have to figure out what plants to put next to the non-fruiting olive tree. I also will probably do a ramp next to it to cover the dirt make it easier to get the plants out of the shed (which is right behind me in that pic).

And now, onto the Jack Herer 1.1 harvest, flip day 77:

Doesn't look familiar, does it? Here are some closeups:

You might be asking WTF happened between this and now (besides 18 days), and I wish I had a definitive answer. I haven't been paying close attention to it, but I do have some thoughts:
  1. ProMix pH that's way out of whack
  2. Rootbound
  3. Powdery mildew (PM)
  4. Fusarium wilt
  5. A bad batch of citric acid spray
To tackle that list in order, I know the ProMix pH was high but I had been lowering it, I don't think it's more rootbound than any other long-growing plant I've had, and it definitely had PM but I had been spraying it with the citric acid spray to deal with it as usual. I have no idea if the branches died like fusarium plants do (branch by branch from the tops down) but I feel like that I would have noticed (having gone through it four years ago).

Which leaves me with a bad batch of citric acid spray. There are two reasons I'm leaning that way: first is that the Candida (which also got sprayed daily at the same time I was doing the JH) has a lot of leaf damage, enough that I actually stopped spraying it about 10 days ago. And second that I'm now using yucca extract rather than dish soap as a surfactant. Maybe I used too much and it stayed on the leaves too long, causing acid burns.

To shed more light on this I will test my current batch of citric acid spray against a new batch with dish soap on my Candida solo cup clones, for science!

Anyway, here it is washed and drying:

And here are some trichome pics from before I took it down, and you can see the PM in a few of them:

2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (24).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (17).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (12).jpg
2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (9).jpg

And what can we see in this pic?

2022_07_09 JH 1.1 (4) with seed.jpg

That's right, it's a seed! You may remember that I wanted to test the dirty and clean pollen batches from the Sour G STS, so I pollinated two low flowers on the Jack Herer. The dirty pollen didn't take, but here's what I found on the clean branch:

These are Sour Diesel x GG#4 x THC Bomb x Jack Herer, and I have no idea if I'll ever grow one out but at least I know I can dump the dirty pollen.

So, after all that, what will I do with the Jack Herer harvest? Well I plan on turning the entire plant into dry ice hash. Here is the first test batch I did last night before dinner (credit card for size reference):

Except for putting any of it in the freezer first (no room), I used P9's method from his post here.

That's it from me today. I hope you made it through all that successfully, and I really appreciate y'all stopping by.


Ahoy my Brother,
Thought we had crossed paths.
Good wishes to you and the family.
Thanks Maritimer! I haven't been to Indiana since '88 but it's nice to see folks naming cars after me all these years later. :)
Almost Shed's Lead Sled
I bet it Eats Gas !
No doubt, though it's cheaper in Indiana than it is in California!
What up shed. How you doing bro. U too stone. And rest of ya. everyone been busy . Taken care best I can I know. Only way to got out. Boots first. Toe tagged lmao
Boots first is how I'm heading out of my house too. I'm staying put. :thumb:
Nice bro. Nice. Wish I had my old car. 67 tempest
Wish I had my '76 Celica! It got stolen in NY in the mid 80s. :(
Hey Shed, thanks for sharing those results on Doug’s varin. Sorry to see it wasn’t what we hoped for, but I suppose it’s not too surprising since they discontinued it. Can we see a picture of your retaining wall work when it’s done? Maybe you’ll inspire me to do some landscaping work too.
Thanks double H! And I hope to see pics of your project later this summer. :high-five:
I think we're not hearing from Shed for a reason. He says he doesn't get high, but I think he's "stoned" now. I'll bet his stone mason project has him laying around wondering, "What the hell happened to me?"
He'll be back once he can use his fingers again.
LOL! Seriously, mixing 60lbs of mortar with a bucket and trowel does not leave your hand with much.
Damn is that a tree? Haha What size pot is that in?
That is a cutting in a solo cup. :cheesygrinsmiley:
When I do that work I get reintroduced to every muscle in my body! Good afternoon sir! @InTheShed
Good afternoon Otter! I was actually a bit less sore after this weekend's work than last, so my muscles must have gotten used to it. Of course, in two weeks I'll be back to my original state of sloth.
Nice work on the planter, Shed! If you ever switch jobs, you could do that stuff full time :thumb:

You might be asking WTF happened between this and now (besides 18 days), and I wish I had a definitive answer.
I wonder if she's just dying of natural causes- her main objective is accomplished (making seeds), so not a lot left for her to do...
Nice work on the planter, Shed! If you ever switch jobs, you could do that stuff full time
Thanks Carcass! I don't think anyone would hire me after seeing that in person. I certainly wouldn't! :thumb:
I wonder if she's just dying of natural causes- her main objective is accomplished (making seeds), so not a lot left for her to do.
Seems a bit early to give up the ghost though. The mother plant looked a lot better and that came down only a day earlier. And tbh it's looked that bad for almost a week!
Welcome back :)
non-fruiting olive tree
One of my favorites. It looks beautiful in that brilliant planter Shed, well done... super impressed.
You may remember that I wanted to test the dirty and clean pollen batches from the Sour G STS, so I pollinated two low flowers on the Jack Herer. The dirty pollen didn't take, but here's what I found on the clean branch:
I do... what was the dirty and the clean about them that differentiated them? Sorry I forget things too easily. I love seeds when they're intentional :) Good result.
I wonder if she's just dying of natural causes- her main objective is accomplished (making seeds), so not a lot left for her to do...
What a shock and interesting... I'm not sure because revegging is bringing plants back to life. My first Transkei plant in my Lions Head grow revegged and produced mature seeds in the process. I wonder though, perhaps if left to the natural light the natural state is to die. My seeded plants last year just died. It was awful. I hope it's not the citric acid because that would mean having to be ultra careful with that application.
My super-informative masonry-filled Monday post is here!

One of my favorites. It looks beautiful in that brilliant planter Shed, well done... super impressed.
Thanks Carmen! We have another one on the opposite corner of the backyard (about 4 years older) so they'll be nice bookends on the garden when this one gets a bit bigger.
I do... what was the dirty and the clean about them that differentiated them? Sorry I forget things too easily. I love seeds when they're intentional :) Good result.
The dirty pollen had a lot more plant matter in it, which probably added enough moisture to make the it inactive.
What a shock and interesting... I'm not sure because revegging is bringing plants back to life. My first Transkei plant in my Lions Head grow revegged and produced mature seeds in the process. I wonder though, perhaps if left to the natural light the natural state is to die. My seeded plants last year just died. It was awful. I hope it's not the citric acid because that would mean having to be ultra careful with that application.
I'm sure it's unrelated to the few seeds, and if it turns out to be the citric acid I'm sure it's related to the changeover to the yucca from the dish soap. I've never had a problem using it frequently before. Testing starts tomorrow.
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