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Do you think leaving straws in the dirt would be harmful, kinda like well casing?
Sorry, missed this! Do you mean coring with a dowel and then inserting a straw into the hole? I'm not sure how that would help. Without a straw, next time you water, the water will get absorbed by the roots all along the length of the hole. If you line that hole with a straw, only the roots at the bottom of the hole will get water. Also, the straw will prevent new root growth into the hole you make.

Maybe so, but I think it's a good enough mark for me not to try.
I'm thinking it would work better in soil and/or plastic pots and/or smaller plant-to-pot-size plants. The academic research seems to indicate it works, in academia :).
I've put in up to 18-20 coring holes in a 3 gallon pot. Different depths and angles to insure water and nutes to all areas in a root packed pot. I use a #10 or 12 nomex wire and just push it through the roots. Sometimes every week. Plants perk right up in coco so it must do something.

Tasty Tib-Bits!

Great job Shed, sorry about the bud rot.
THat SOB was some kinda wilting at the top , I know i had to add more potting soil to mine yesterday and they had dried up somewhat , But do look alot more happy now soil was low to begin with and had settled some ! Every two days , the shed gets hot as hell , happy to get a few days of cool now 82-85 F :snowboating: The coring sounds like good stuff to get things rolling again . :surf:
Well there is degrees of hell as well but is it suppose to dry that much? I tried this one ore two times as well but I only let them dry for like 24-48h if I remember correct. That looks like a week without watering?
Rootbound in ProMix HP dries out really fast!
Great job Shed, sorry about the bud rot.
Thanks John. I'll use those buds as part of an iso alcohol test, so they won't go to waste!
THat SOB was some kinda wilting at the top , I know i had to add more potting soil to mine yesterday and they had dried up somewhat , But do look alot more happy now soil was low to begin with and had settled some ! Every two days , the shed gets hot as hell , happy to get a few days of cool now 82-85 F The coring sounds like good stuff to get things rolling again .
I keep meaning to add more ProMix on top but never remember! I hate seeing those roots exposed when I water. Not enough to think about it when I have time to fix it though :oops: .
ITS, whats crackin this morning. Hey perhaps you can help me out my seeds arrived today and I was wondering best way to plant and have some type of pest control against mites and fungus gnats. My nephew said use gravel but didnt explain how to use them so IDK wtf to do with them. Can you help?
That's a few different questions BR! First it's helpful to know what medium you're growing in, and if it's outdoors or in. Plants from seed in a sealed tent shouldn't get mites or fungus gnats unless they come in from outside (usually on you...change clothes first!) or in the soil. I'm in ProMix HP and have never had fungus gnats with it, and I'm outside. I did have gnats when I was using soil though.

In terms of what to put on top for (potential) gnats, gravel is too loose and the gnats will just walk around it. Sand works on top, but if you go that route I would make sure you're in cloth pots. Sand can seal in moisture that normally would evaporate, and in a plastic pot can lead to root rot. The other option (one I used for gnats when I was using regular soil) is food-grade diatomaceous earth on top. That kills anything trying to get through it. The only downside is that it only works when it's dry, so you need to apply it after the top has dried a bit, and then do it again after every watering.
Friday is trichome update day here and I have pics of the Bedroom Cookies 2.2 and the Berry Bomb 1.3. This is day 54 even though the pics are tagged day 55. If you don't like tons of trichome pics, skip this update!

Bedroom Cookies:

Berry Bomb 1.3:

To chop or not to chop? I'm not offering any opinions until I hear from y'all. Chime in!

Both look very well and super frosty, but the BRC has some green/white pistils which may be an indicator to go a bit longer. I say take the Berry now/soon and wait a bit more for the BRC.
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